Uh yu ka t'ann
Sometime ago, on a discussion on the Mother Board, a poster stated that even if you don't accept the the miracles and other extraordinary claims, if you don't believe a Jesus existed, you are stupid. It's always nice to be insulted.
That's a comment that I have heard before, though, as if the existence of some religious leader named Y'shua would validate anything that's said of Jesus in the Bible.
I don't doubt (I think it's more than likely, actually) that there were religious leaders (plural) around that time who made wild claims about god (or gods) and who spoke against the Roman occupation of Palestine, and who probably met their deaths on a crucifix for speaking against the Roman empire; heck, it could very well be that one of them was named Y'shua... who knows.
But, in the great scheme of things, a run-of-the-mill religious leader is irrelevant, because the Christian claim is not of some mundane religious leader speaking against the Roman empire, but of a very specific persona, with a very specific background, who's given very specific ordinary and extraordinary attributes, and without the background and extrardinary attributes, there is no Christianity.
The Jesus persona very much seems to be an amalgamation of many other deities before him, such as (going by memory here, hopefully I get them all right):
Krishna (who himself seems and amalgamation of other deities - virgin mother
Ishtar - crucified
Prometheus - sacrificed himself for mankind
Horus - resurrected
Dionysius - wine miracles
Asclepius - curing the sick
Orion - walking on water
Seems that, whoever created the Jesus character, went around picking attributes from Roman, Greek, Hindu, Zoroaastrian, and Egyptian deities.
You can point this out to the people who call you stupid for not believing that the Jesus of the Bible existed, and they'll still call you stupid for not believing.
That's a comment that I have heard before, though, as if the existence of some religious leader named Y'shua would validate anything that's said of Jesus in the Bible.
I don't doubt (I think it's more than likely, actually) that there were religious leaders (plural) around that time who made wild claims about god (or gods) and who spoke against the Roman occupation of Palestine, and who probably met their deaths on a crucifix for speaking against the Roman empire; heck, it could very well be that one of them was named Y'shua... who knows.
But, in the great scheme of things, a run-of-the-mill religious leader is irrelevant, because the Christian claim is not of some mundane religious leader speaking against the Roman empire, but of a very specific persona, with a very specific background, who's given very specific ordinary and extraordinary attributes, and without the background and extrardinary attributes, there is no Christianity.
The Jesus persona very much seems to be an amalgamation of many other deities before him, such as (going by memory here, hopefully I get them all right):
Krishna (who himself seems and amalgamation of other deities - virgin mother
Ishtar - crucified
Prometheus - sacrificed himself for mankind
Horus - resurrected
Dionysius - wine miracles
Asclepius - curing the sick
Orion - walking on water
Seems that, whoever created the Jesus character, went around picking attributes from Roman, Greek, Hindu, Zoroaastrian, and Egyptian deities.
You can point this out to the people who call you stupid for not believing that the Jesus of the Bible existed, and they'll still call you stupid for not believing.