Harris VP watch (1 Viewer)

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    My other concern with Buttgieg is being part of Bidens administration. They will harp on his record. In spite of the US prospering, there is a feeling that Biden did a horrible job. Cooper, Shapiro and other governors do bring outside ideas.
    Sharp guy (Buttigieg), but I think he probably hurts more than helps. Definitely better choices.
    I would be completely on board and thrilled with Mayor Pete if he is Kamala's choice, but is John Q. America ready for a female president and a gay married VP? The vocal "anti-woke" crowd makes me think that he wouldn't be well accepted and would likely turn off some of the independents and republicans that are looking for a Trump alternative.
    My other concern with Buttgieg is being part of Bidens administration. They will harp on his record. In spite of the US prospering, there is a feeling that Biden did a horrible job. Cooper, Shapiro and other governors do bring outside ideas.
    The nightmare air travel has become started under Trump, but ran throughout Biden's term. Pete and the DOT did everything they could to improve things, but there's little anything the government can do about it under current laws.

    Even though it's not Pete's fault, and it would be worse if not for his efforts, the Republicans would hammer how terrible air travel is because of Pete. Unfortunately, I think that would resonate with a significant number of people angry about their air travel experiences.
    I would be completely on board and thrilled with Mayor Pete if he is Kamala's choice, but is John Q. America ready for a female president and a gay married VP? The vocal "anti-woke" crowd makes me think that he wouldn't be well accepted and would likely turn off some of the independents and republicans that are looking for a Trump alternative.
    Have to agree. And Whitmer (and Wes Moore for that matter) would present similar obstacles. It sucks, but it is what it is. They all have bright futures in the party though, and may be Cabinet possibilities.

    I think personal chemistry between Harris and her VP will be really important.
    I’d prefer to have Tim Walz at the top of the ticket, he is quietly top tier. But under the current circumstances he’d be a tremendous asset as VP.
    I don't know Cooper at all, but on paper he makes sense.

    I really like Pete, but I understand the concerns. However, I'd really love to see/hear him debate JD Vance. It would be a clean, concise take down. He'd be less likely to over politics it.

    I think in the Trump style headlines type quotes. Pete would do well to deflate a lot of it.

    Obviously he can do that outside of debates like he does on news shows.

    Have to agree. And Whitmer (and Wes Moore for that matter) would present similar obstacles. It sucks, but it is what it is. They all have bright futures in the party though, and may be Cabinet possibilities.

    I think personal chemistry between Harris and her VP will be really important.
    I doubt the governors would want to give up their jobs for Cabinet positions.
    I doubt the governors would want to give up their jobs for Cabinet positions.
    Likewise, if I was a governor that had presidential aspirations I would decline being the running mate. Only four VP's have ever gone on to be elected President -- it's more of a dead end job than a launching pad to the next office.
    Just saw a new name online: apparently NBC is reporting that William McRaven, retired Admiral, is on the list. Not sure how accurate that is, but thought I would share.

    Edit NM, just saw this. He is 68 and retired.

    “I am honored to have been considered as a possible running mate for Vice President Harris. However, there are far better candidates and I have removed my name from consideration.” Admiral William H. McRaven USN (Ret)
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    Walz was the least familiar to me of the VP candidates. I do appreciate how direct he is in calling out Trump’s Republican Party, in the interviews and clips I’ve seen of him.

    I have him in my top 3 options. He checks many boxes: 2-term Gov., straight/white/male, swing state, Rust Belt, unapologetic about views, doesn't sugarcoat criticism. He just looks like a VP. He is 60 so limited future options.
    I have him in my top 3 options. He checks many boxes: 2-term Gov., straight/white/male, swing state, Rust Belt, unapologetic about views, doesn't sugarcoat criticism. He just looks like a VP. He is 60 so limited future options.
    I was moving Minnesota to swing state before Biden dropped out. I think it's safely blue again now.
    I was moving Minnesota to swing state before Biden dropped out. I think it's safely blue again now.

    The most recent poll has Harris +3 at 44%, Trump 41%, and Kennedy 6%. Lean blue feels right. Walz getting more air time during the selection process helps. Michigan and Penn are worrisome.
    Michigan and Penn are worrisome.
    I was worried too, in fact thinking Michigan was all but lost. I think there were 100k protest votes there alone, which could be all that is needed for T to win there. Biden won MI in 2020 by roughly 150k votes. But I think now that KH has spoken out about about certain matters... I'm still worried about them losing MI, but it is less of a worry now

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