Everything George Santos (1 Viewer)

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    Mar 13, 2019
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    I think we need a new thread just about this guy. It seems like every day brings new awfulness.

    Good article on the guy who lost to santos

    PORT WASHINGTON, N.Y. — The man who lost to George Santos looks like a winner. Chin up. Good humor. Clean-shaven, sparkly-eyed. Navy suit, flag pin, walnut-hued wingtips. Robert P. Zimmerman has dreamed for 40 years of being a congressman, and so Robert P. Zimmerman is still acting like a candidate, even as his would-be constituents greet him with a sympathetic tilt of the head, as if to say: I’m sorry for our loss.

    “How are you?” two members of the local school board asked him, with near-simultaneous bereavement.
    “Holding my head high!” Zimmerman replied, undefeated by defeat, as they walked into a luncheon Friday hosted by the League of Women Voters of Port Washington-Manhasset.

    “As you should!” the women said.

    In a banquet hall of fake flowers and real Rolexes, Zimmerman worked the luncheon as if his congressional race never ended, as if he didn’t lose by more than seven percentage points to a man who appears to be a bamboozling cipher and who has become — even by the putrid standards of Trump-era politics — a national embarrassment. Zimmerman, lifelong dream shunted to a near-term crusade, hustled around the clubhouse of the Harbor Links Golf Course.

    “We’re going to get him out of office,” he told retired women wearing chunky necklaces, taking their crinkled hands in solemn fortitude.
    He greeted library officials and town supervisors with the same pledge: “We’ll get him out of office.”

    Isma Chaudhry, co-chair of the Islamic Center of Long Island’s board of trustees, breezed toward Zimmerman with words of affection and thanks.
    “But I’m losing hope,” she said. “I’m getting exhausted.”

    “We’re gonna get him out,” Zimmerman said, repeating his oath of officelessness.

    One campaign is over, and another has begun: an urgent mutiny against a sitting congressman, led partly by his vanquished opponent. The residents of New York’s 3rd Congressional District, a 30-minute train ride from Manhattan, are pissed. They’re affluent and educated, by and large, and they got took. They feel empowered by a unifying rage; they feel powerless from the lack of speedy redress. Santos has refused to surrender, despite a cascade of alleged lies and deceptions and legal and ethics investigations.

    “Trust me: No one’s more frustrated than me,” Zimmerman says. “There are a few times I shouted into my pillow: ‘Why didn’t this come out earlier?’”.............

    If Santos leaves Congress, either by choice or force, Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) would call a special election. Party bosses in Queens and Nassau County would handpick their candidates. The Democrats would probably seek input from the governor and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), and would have to decide: Do we go with the guy who lost?..........

    There are many reasons Zimmerman lost. He relied on voluminous but ultimately incomplete opposition research from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. And the swell of downstate enthusiasm for Republican gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin lifted down-ticket candidates such as Santos. Many fingers have been pointed this way and that, including at Zimmerman, to account for this absurd outcome.

    “It’s his fault, but it’s not his fault,” says Suffolk’s deputy county executive, Jon Kaiman, who came in second to Zimmerman in the primary. “It’s all of our faults. We’re collectively responsible. And that’s where the humiliation is. We’re trying to figure out who’s responsible, when we know it’s kind of all of us, because that’s how elections work. A community elects somebody. I blame Georgia for Marjorie Taylor Greene, so why shouldn’t they blame us for George Santos?”.............

    A bizzare new saga has opened up in the seemingly unending spiral that has become George Santos’s arrival on Capitol Hill after a reporter published leaked audio from the congressman’s office on Thurdsay evening.

    The audio, obtained and published by Talking Points Memo, was reportedly recorded in the congressional office of Mr Santos without the congressman or his staff’s permission.

    In the clip, the reporter (Derek Myers) is informed that his potential position with the Santos office will not be moving forward following a review of his background, and in particular a legal case that arose from the course of his reporting.

    In it, Mr Santos makes some of the most self-aware comments about the scope of his deceptions that he has made in any setting so far.

    “I’ve obviously f***ed up and lied to him, like I lied to everyone else,” Mr Santos says in the clip, while referring to his chief of staff Charley Lovett.

    Of Mr Lovett, he added: “I trust his judgment more than my own judgment.”……..

    Did you all see the statement that Santos made? He was upset that the staffer had violated his trust, and irony died.
    Did you all see the statement that Santos made? He was upset that the staffer had violated his trust, and irony died.
    I hope this continues until he is shamed out of office. Probably near impossible for George Santos.
    ............White lies are the social fibs we all use to smooth the rough edges of life. “Your baby is adorable.” “You look great in that dress.” Not only do we forgive these lies, but people believe they are being kind by withholding the truth. (The 1997 comedy “Liar Liar” starring Jim Carrey explored the awkwardness of unvarnished honesty.) The average person tells one or two lies a day, according to research.

    There are the deceits people use to get ahead: The college dropout who claims a degree on a résumé; the actor who gets the job by pretending to possess a skill they don’t. The operating principles: Fake it until you make it; ask for forgiveness, not permission. These are the funny stories movie stars and CEO share long after they are immune from consequences.

    But George Santos (a.k.a. Anthony Santos, Anthony Devolder, Anthony Zabrovsky, Kitara Ravache and more) falls at the far end of the spectrum that deception experts use to identify a pathological liar: Someone who lies even when there’s no apparent reason not to tell the truth, with the intent to manipulate others. They are creative storytellers and great performers who make themselves the hero or the victim of their tall tales, rarely nervous or hesitant while telling them. In short, they can be very charming and persuasive. (Santos’s office did not respond to a request for comment.)

    Dissembling is just a part of it, says Christian Hart, a professor at Texas Woman’s University and the co-author of the upcoming book “Big Liars: What Psychological Science Tells Us About Lying and How You Can Avoid Being Duped.” “He’s not just lying, but he seems to have a long history of somewhat maliciously manipulating other people to live his life. This person isn’t just a liar, he’s a rule breaker, norm violator, risk taker, someone who seems to lack empathy and remorse on a more global scale.”

    In Hart’s studies of people who lie excessively, he sees mixed motivations. “In one study, we found that low self-esteem was one of the strongest personality predictors of someone’s tendency to lie — and so this pervasive sense of being inadequate and worrying that you’re not going to measure up. … On the other hand, we conducted other research that suggested that having kind of a dark, manipulative personality also is associated with high levels of lying. These people see everyone is a pawn in their game, and they are happy to manipulate people to get exactly what they want.”.........

    Just as it seemed the well of bizarre stories about George Santos might have begun to run dry, it was reported on Friday that the New York Republican congressman told potential donors he was a producer on the notoriously ill-fated Spider-Man musical.

    Bloomberg News said: “The lead producer, Michael Cohl, denied Santos’s involvement, saying through an assistant that [Santos] wasn’t a producer on the musical. Santos’s name also never appeared in the playbills for the show.”……

    The embattled New York Republican congressman George Santos has been accused of sexual harassment by a former aide.

    Santos already faces local, state, federal and international investigations over professional and personal behaviour, campaign finance filings and a campaign résumé shown to be largely made-up.

    He has admitted embellishing his résumé but denied wrongdoing and said he will not resign, as members of his own party and Democrats have repeatedly urged him to do…….

    “The congressman earlier in the day had asked me if I had a Grindr profile,” Myers wrote, “which is widely known as an LGBTQ+ social networking app, more commonly used for sexual intercourse”.

    Santos told him he had a profile, he said.

    In the personal office, Myers alleged, Santos “called me ‘buddy’ and insisted I sit next to him on a small sofa”.

    The congressman, Myers said, put a hand on his knee and asked if he wanted to go out to karaoke. Myers said he declined, whereupon Santos moved his hand to Myers’ inner thigh and groin.

    Myers alleged Santos said: “My husband is out of town tonight if you want to come over.” Myers said he pushed Santos away and left the office.

    Five days later, he wrote, he was asked, as he had been during his hiring process, about his background as a journalist in Ohio, where he faced wiretapping charges after publishing recorded court testimony. The next day, Myers says, he was “informed that my job offer was being rescinded”………

    New York Congressman George Santos woke up to another piece of bad news last week.

    Police said on Friday that his local district office in New York’s 3rd Congressional District, which includes parts of Long Island and Queens, was vandalised with graffiti which used expletives in multiple languages to describe the scandal-ridden Republican.

    “George Santos is [s***]”, the scrawling reportedly read in three languages — Mandarin, Greek, and Spanish……

    New York Congressman George Santos woke up to another piece of bad news last week.

    Police said on Friday that his local district office in New York’s 3rd Congressional District, which includes parts of Long Island and Queens, was vandalised with graffiti which used expletives in multiple languages to describe the scandal-ridden Republican.

    “George Santos is [s***]”, the scrawling reportedly read in three languages — Mandarin, Greek, and Spanish……

    Responded Santos: "If only they had also said it in German, Japanese, Wakandan, Icelandic, and Russian- wait, not Russian- then they would have covered every language I invented."
    Let's see if the Ethics Committee is actually worth something...

    New York Rep. George Santos is now facing an investigation from the House Ethics Committee, a probe that could derail his already imperiled political career depending on the secretive panel’s findings.

    House Speaker Kevin McCarthy confirmed to CNN on Tuesday that the embattled freshman is under investigation by the committee, something that even Republicans acknowledge could lead to his expulsion from Congress if the panel turns up serious evidence of wrongdoing.

    McCarthy has so far not called on Santos to resign, saying previously his fate should be decided by voters. But he has increasingly suggested that the House ethics probe could change his posture to the freshman, who hails from a swing district that President Joe Biden carried by eight points in 2020.

    I think there’s a good chance his term will be up before they do anything.
    So are we going to add Anna Paulina Luna here, or does she deserve her own thread? :hihi:
    Haven’t heard about her that I recall. If you think she deserves a thread, go for it.
    why do I get the feeling the money being raised isn't going to his campaign?

    "You must either disavow these activities by notifying the Commission in writing that you are not a candidate, or redesignate your principal campaign committee," an FEC analyst writes in the letter.

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