Everything George Santos (2 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Mar 13, 2019
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    I think we need a new thread just about this guy. It seems like every day brings new awfulness.

    Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.), who has admitted to fabricating key details of his biography, received payments as recently as April 2021 from a financial services company accused by the Securities and Exchange Commission of a “classic Ponzi scheme,” according to a court-appointed lawyer reviewing the firm’s assets.

    Santos did not divulge any income from the company, Florida-based Harbor City Capital, on a financial disclosure form required of all federal candidates.

    The payments the lawyer described to The Washington Post, which have not been previously reported, indicate that Santos received money at least a month after he has said he left the firm — and mere weeks before registering a business called the Devolder Organization that he has claimed as the basis for his wealth.

    The lawyer, Katherine C. Donlon, declined to tell The Post the amount Santos was paid……

    John Kasich was on CNN a few weeks ago, before we knew a lot of what we now do and basically said that he's worried about Santos' mental health

    Said politicians lie, some tell bald face whoppers but what Santos is doing isn't teh 'usual political spin, exaggerations or 'embellishments', what Santos is doing isn't normal
    Evidently McCarthy’s official stance - other than everybody lies on their resume - is that the voters elected him and he is accountable to them. Well, Kevin, the voters don’t have a way to remove him for two entire years. Doing nothing here is not acceptable.

    What a shock that McCarthy lacks the ability to do his job.

    It's about power and the numbers, that's all. McCarthy doesn't have a moral compass or ethics, so his stance is predictable.
    It should be a piece of cake to get 142 people in his district to sign on to that. Probably take a day at most.
    It should be a piece of cake to get 142 people in his district to sign on to that. Probably take a day at most.
    More than likely that liar was talking about 142 Republican members of congress because he knows they won't.
    Wow! This dude. It's almost like @Farb ran for congress in NY and won.
    I am flattered you cannot stop thinking about me, but unless you just want to man up and ask me out, please keep my name out of your mouth. Otherwise, you are just kind of creeping everyone out with the infatuation.
    It should be a piece of cake to get 142 people in his district to sign on to that. Probably take a day at most.
    These are voters in NY so, that has to be taken into account. Not the brightest bunch up there.
    Well, they do vote progressive time and time again, so yeah, I will flex
    This district voted R though. They definitely should have elected the Democrat in that race. You have to admit that.
    Last edited:
    Well, they do vote progressive time and time again, so yeah, I will flex
    This idea you seem to have that states are either/or got me to thinking so I checked. Would you believe there are more registered Republicans in New York State than in Alabama? It’s true.

    NY - 2.7 million registered Rs
    AL - I couldn’t find data as easily so I looked up % registered R - 52%
    and population over 18 - 3.3 million
    Which equates to 1.7 million registered Rs.

    Just thought that was interesting and shows how there are no “red” or “blue” states unless you’re willing to disenfranchise millions of people. 🤷‍♀️
    This idea you seem to have that states are either/or got me to thinking so I checked. Would you believe there are more registered Republicans in New York State than in Alabama? It’s true.

    NY - 2.7 million registered Rs
    AL - I couldn’t find data as easily so I looked up % registered R - 52%
    and population over 18 - 3.3 million
    Which equates to 1.7 million registered Rs.

    Just thought that was interesting and shows how there are no “red” or “blue” states unless you’re willing to disenfranchise millions of people. 🤷‍♀️

    Which is what the electoral college does. My vote means nothing here in Alabama.

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