DOJ reviewing classified documents found at former Biden office and residence, Special Counsel appointed (1 Viewer)

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    Oct 5, 2019
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    Attorney General Merrick Garland has assigned the U.S. attorney in Chicago to review documents marked classified that were found at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington, two sources with knowledge of the inquiry told CBS News. The roughly 10 documents are from President Biden's vice-presidential office at the center, the sources said. CBS News has learned the FBI is also involved in the U.S. attorney's inquiry.

    The material was identified by personal attorneys for Mr. Biden on Nov. 2, just before the midterm elections, Richard Sauber, special counsel to the president confirmed. The documents were discovered when Mr. Biden's personal attorneys "were packing files housed in a locked closet to prepare to vacate office space at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C.," Sauber said in a statement to CBS News. The documents were contained in a folder that was in a box with other unclassified papers, the sources said. The sources revealed neither what the documents contain nor their level of classification. A source familiar with the matter told CBS News the documents did not contain nuclear secrets.

    ...The White House statement said that it “is cooperating” with the department but did not explain why Mr. Biden’s team waited more than two months to announce the discovery of the documents, which came a week before the midterm congressional elections when the news would have been an explosive last-minute development.

    It also came shortly before Mr. Garland’s Nov. 18 appointment of Jack Smith as a special counsel to take over the criminal investigation into Mr. Trump’s failure to return a large number of classified documents that were sent to his Florida residence and club, Mar-a-Lago, when he left office — even after being subpoenaed.

    A government watchdog is demanding the US attorney probing Hunter Biden in Delaware investigate tens of millions in anonymous donations from China to the University of Pennsylvania, where an academic center is named for his father, President Biden.

    The Ivy League college raked in a total of $54.6 million from 2014 through June 2019 in donations from China, including $23.1 million in anonymous gifts starting in 2016, according to public records.

    Most of the anonymous donations came after the university announced in February 2017 that it would create the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement. Joe Biden, whose term as vice president had just ended, was to lead the center and was also named a professor at the university.

    The center, which is located in Washington, DC, opened its doors in February 2018. Antony Blinken, whom Biden named as secretary of state, briefly served as its managing director.

    The Ivy League university received $15.8 million in anonymous Chinese gifts that year, including one eye-popping $14.5 million donation in May 2018, records show.

    So, Trump's lawyer is claiming that the reason he had a folder marked Classified Evening Briefing at Mar-a-Lago is because next to his bed there is landline phone with a bright blue light that keeps Trump from sleeping. So, he took the folder, and laid it over the phone to block out the light. It's crazy to think that a man as rich as Trump couldn't afford something to cover up the light on his phone.

    Also, of note, in January, Trump turned over a classified document that was found at his residence at Mar-A-Lago, and a laptop that the file had been copied onto. The laptop belonged to an aide who worked for one of Trumps scams grifts thefts Political Action Committees. The aide claimed that she did not know the document was classified when she copied it. Can I assume that means that we won't hear Trump supporters claiming that Trump having classified documents at Mar-A-Lago was not an issue because they were locked up and secured and protected by the Secret Service?
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    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">When they announced that Biden had classified documents, millions of people thought, “Now the media are going to tell us that this is totally different from what Trump did.” Same with the weather/climate. Their propaganda is so relentless, and so one-sided, that it’s predictable.</p>&mdash; Michael Shellenberger (@ShellenbergerMD) <a href="">January 14, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

    The corporate, Biden media is also lying to you about CLIMATE CHANGE!!!
    Grrr! I hate when people I have blocked on Twitter, so that I never have to see their garbage, get quoted on here. Lol

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