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DOJ reviewing classified documents found at former Biden office and residence, Special Counsel appointed (1 Viewer)

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    Oct 5, 2019
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    Attorney General Merrick Garland has assigned the U.S. attorney in Chicago to review documents marked classified that were found at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington, two sources with knowledge of the inquiry told CBS News. The roughly 10 documents are from President Biden's vice-presidential office at the center, the sources said. CBS News has learned the FBI is also involved in the U.S. attorney's inquiry.

    The material was identified by personal attorneys for Mr. Biden on Nov. 2, just before the midterm elections, Richard Sauber, special counsel to the president confirmed. The documents were discovered when Mr. Biden's personal attorneys "were packing files housed in a locked closet to prepare to vacate office space at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C.," Sauber said in a statement to CBS News. The documents were contained in a folder that was in a box with other unclassified papers, the sources said. The sources revealed neither what the documents contain nor their level of classification. A source familiar with the matter told CBS News the documents did not contain nuclear secrets.

    ...The White House statement said that it “is cooperating” with the department but did not explain why Mr. Biden’s team waited more than two months to announce the discovery of the documents, which came a week before the midterm congressional elections when the news would have been an explosive last-minute development.

    It also came shortly before Mr. Garland’s Nov. 18 appointment of Jack Smith as a special counsel to take over the criminal investigation into Mr. Trump’s failure to return a large number of classified documents that were sent to his Florida residence and club, Mar-a-Lago, when he left office — even after being subpoenaed.

    A government watchdog is demanding the US attorney probing Hunter Biden in Delaware investigate tens of millions in anonymous donations from China to the University of Pennsylvania, where an academic center is named for his father, President Biden.

    The Ivy League college raked in a total of $54.6 million from 2014 through June 2019 in donations from China, including $23.1 million in anonymous gifts starting in 2016, according to public records.

    Most of the anonymous donations came after the university announced in February 2017 that it would create the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement. Joe Biden, whose term as vice president had just ended, was to lead the center and was also named a professor at the university.

    The center, which is located in Washington, DC, opened its doors in February 2018. Antony Blinken, whom Biden named as secretary of state, briefly served as its managing director.

    The Ivy League university received $15.8 million in anonymous Chinese gifts that year, including one eye-popping $14.5 million donation in May 2018, records show.

    It's illegal to have classified documents at a home, office etc. For some reason you guys think that turning them over after 13 years in one case or right when they found them somehow makes it not illegal.

    Ok...let's start here, with a simple question:

    Do you think that Biden finding classified documents at his home, turning them in immediately, and fully cooperating with investigators should be treated, from a legal viewpoint, exactly the same as Trump being told he has documents at his home, refusing to return them for over a year, ignoring subpoenas to return the documents, having the documents moved and hidden in an area that members of NARA were strictly prohibited from entering, having his lawyer lie in a sworn statement that he did not have any more documents, hiring investigators who found more documents at another location, and then refused to make those investigators available to investigators (even after a court order)?

    That's a simple yes/no question.
    SFL: I said it was a blog, and I said I didn’t know if it was accurate, but the story about the doctor’s office was said to come from Hunter’s lawyer. I didn’t bookmark it, so I can’t find it now. I also posted a link with an explanation of a technical nature why the repair shop story doesn’t make any sense. Did you take a look at that?

    Also, I don’t know why you insist on acting like the collection of files that people call the laptop weren’t corrupted by Roger Stone, Rudy and Steve Bannon as well as unknown other people.

    Durham may have really stepped in it huh? He and Barr might find themselves in some hot water. The whole Durham probe seems to have been a scam.
    No, that’s not what I said.

    What I said was if someone did something illegal, prosecute them. Biden or Trump, I don’t care.

    You still haven’t said that.

    It's laughable the excuses that people will come up with for Biden mishandling classified documents, when the same people acted like world was ending when Trump was found to have done the same thing.

    You guys don't know how long Biden had those classified documents. It could have been longer than Trump. It might have been for less time. It doesn't change the fact that Clinton, Trump and Biden all mishandled classified documents.

    Everyone should be treated the same if they mishandled classified documents. If any normal people mishandled classified documents like Clinton, Trump & Biden they would all be in jail. Whatever the punishment should be it should be applied to everyone the same no matter what their position is.
    It's illegal to have classified documents at a home, office etc.

    Please repost you saying so when the Mar A Lago story broke

    And if trump had done what Biden and Pence had done and returned all the materials there's a very good chance the story doesn't break at all

    And the Trump circus with these documents is probably the only reason we know about Biden and Pence
    Please repost you saying so when the Mar A Lago story broke

    And if trump had done what Biden and Pence had done and returned all the materials there's a very good chance the story doesn't break at all

    And the Trump circus with these documents is probably the only reason we know about Biden and Pence
    Read the post right above yours to see what I said previously.
    Read the post right above yours to see what I said previously.
    But you didn’t say that initially, IIRC. Also, as others have repeated endlessly, had Trump returned the documents when requested, this whole think is a non-story. His real, actual crimes here are in the obstruction. Refusing to return government property, lying about having returned it all, ignoring a subpoena, refusing to cooperate with the investigation.

    That is materially different than both Pence and Biden, and I don’t think you acknowledge that.
    That is materially different than both Pence and Biden, and I don’t think you acknowledge that.
    You don’t think he acknowledged that? I asked that simple question of him last night, and he completely ignored it. He won’t acknowledge it, because it destroys his whole narrative.
    You don’t think he acknowledged that? I asked that simple question of him last night, and he completely ignored it. He won’t acknowledge it, because it destroys his whole narrative.
    Says the guy who viewed the Press versus the President thread, but didn't say a word because it would destroy you and the rest of you Russiagate thruthers narrative. I totally understand why you guys are ignoring that thread. It's from a reputable source that you all can't discredit and it totally eviscerates the Russia Trump collusion narrative.

    Considering all the BS narratives(which The Press versus the President shows) about Trump that ended up not being true once we learned more details I'll reserve judgement until all the facts are know or the investment is complete. If it shows that Trump broke the law and/or did anything different than Biden or Clinton I'll eat crow.
    Considering all the BS narratives(which The Press versus the President shows) about Trump that ended up not being true once we learned more details I'll reserve judgement until all the facts are know or the investment is complete. If it shows that Trump broke the law and/or did anything different than Biden or Clinton I'll eat crow.
    No you won't. You won't eat crow. You'll either ignore it altogether or you'll deflect like you always do.
    Says the guy who viewed the Press versus the President thread, but didn't say a word because it would destroy you and the rest of you Russiagate thruthers narrative. I totally understand why you guys are ignoring that thread. It's from a reputable source that you all can't discredit and it totally eviscerates the Russia Trump collusion narrative.

    Considering all the BS narratives(which The Press versus the President shows) about Trump that ended up not being true once we learned more details I'll reserve judgement until all the facts are know or the investment is complete. If it shows that Trump broke the law and/or did anything different than Biden or Clinton I'll eat crow.
    We know all the facts about the Trump case that we need to know. There’s no doubt that Trump refused to return the documents, that he had his lawyer sign a false document saying that all classified documents had been returned when they had not, that he moved classified documents into his office after the subpoena, which he ignored. That the DOJ had to get a search warrant to recover classified documents from Trump. That Trump refuses to name the staff members who searched his areas so that the FBI can interview them.

    All of the above are from court documents or were said in court.

    What else do you need to know? How can you seriously maintain that Trump didn’t break the law?
    Says the guy who viewed the Press versus the President thread, but didn't say a word because it would destroy you and the rest of you Russiagate thruthers narrative. I totally understand why you guys are ignoring that thread. It's from a reputable source that you all can't discredit and it totally eviscerates the Russia Trump collusion narrative.

    Considering all the BS narratives(which The Press versus the President shows) about Trump that ended up not being true once we learned more details I'll reserve judgement until all the facts are know or the investment is complete. If it shows that Trump broke the law and/or did anything different than Biden or Clinton I'll eat crow.
    I can tell you the reason I haven’t responded to your other thread. It’s because there’s a whole lot of material there, I don’t want to spend the time with it. And I don’t believe it says what you say it does because we’ve seen you totally misrepresent what your sources say more times than I can count.
    You don’t think he acknowledged that? I asked that simple question of him last night, and he completely ignored it. He won’t acknowledge it, because it destroys his whole narrative.

    idk why yall even waste time.

    He peddles misinformation from a play book. When he does post, its feverish, with multiple different links, tweets...designed to overwhelm. While you are busy vetting that info, he post additional, tangential info now to distract from the original premise and move the conversation in a direction he wants.

    Straight out of Russian cyber ops playbook. Bombard you with so much disinfo, that you either get disenchanted and give up, or get so frustrated and reply with frustration that he pounces back with ' ahhh you frustrated cuz true "

    I stopped playing his game long ago. He is a one man echo chamber.
    Considering all the BS narratives(which The Press versus the President shows) about Trump that ended up not being true once we learned more details I'll reserve judgement until all the facts are know or the investment is complete. If it shows that Trump broke the law and/or did anything different than Biden or Clinton I'll eat crow.
    Ok..I really need to pin you down here.

    Are you saying that there is the possibility that the following claims are untrue:
    —NARA contacted Trump shortly after the Biden inauguration to request the return of material.
    —Trump did not return the material for over a year.
    —Trumps lawyer provided a sworn statement that they had turned over all materials.

    Again…that is a simple yes/no question
    Ok..I really need to pin you down here.

    Are you saying that there is the possibility that the following claims are untrue:
    —NARA contacted Trump shortly after the Biden inauguration to request the return of material.
    —Trump did not return the material for over a year.
    —Trumps lawyer provided a sworn statement that they had turned over all materials.

    Again…that is a simple yes/no question
    Better chance of pinning down Jello. SFL cannot answer any of those questions truthfully because it will blow his whole narrative into tiny trump hand size pieces.
    Better chance of pinning down Jello. SFL cannot answer any of those questions truthfully because it will blow his whole narrative into tiny trump hand size pieces.
    oh, I know. But it's so much fun doing this, and then watching him try to come up with reasons for not answering.

    His last one was especially entertaining. "I didn't answer your question about my position because you viewed a thread and didn't comment on it." (I'm not even sure what thread he's talking about..but, ok.)
    BTW - how many freaking threads are going to be contaminated with the Hunter laptop crap? It’s making the board practically unreadable.
    Donald Trump’s retention of classified-marked documents at his Mar-a-Lago resort is distinguished in the eyes of the justice department from that of Joe Biden or Mike Pence as a result of one particularly crucial difference: suspected obstruction of justice.

    Legal experts believe the situation for the former US president is more perilous than others swept up in the scandal because of his reluctance to cooperate at key moments in the investigation and his unwillingness to proactively search his properties for marked documents after becoming aware that he possessed such papers.

    The justice department has added in court filings that it suspected Trump of concealing classified-marked documents at Mar-a-Lago - and while that might be the most aggressive characterization, the trouble for Trump is that he has handled his case far differently from Biden and Pence.

    The recent discoveries of marked documents, first at Biden’s office in Washington and home in Delaware, and then at Pence’s home in Indiana, reflect how presidential transitions are chaotic and senior government officials are clearly unaware of the contents of boxes packed by aides.

    But what matters to the justice department - and what distinguishes an inadvertent error from a potential crime - is what happens once classified-marked documents are found and whether officials take steps to ensure they have returned any such papers to the government.

    “If they found Trump took them away, purposely, but then as soon as the archives said he had, he said: ‘Oops, sorry, here have them back,’ I don’t think they would be considering charges,” former US attorney Harry Litman said of the criminal investigation into Trump………

    BTW - how many freaking threads are going to be contaminated with the Hunter laptop crap? It’s making the board practically unreadable.

    as many as you continue to respond to.

    If you ignore, he will eventually go away. He only needs one reply to pour on the disinfo.

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