Congress has finally come through to save the USPS (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known member
    Nov 20, 2019
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    After all the years of crying for help, followed by the current Postmaster General trying to make its deathbed, Congress has finally come through to save the Postal Service from becoming insolvent. Key to the reform finally signed into law today is removal that archaic requirement forcing the USPS to fund health insurance for workers so far in advance.

    It also requires six-day delivery; DeJoy can now forget that pipe dream of his to cut that. Good day and a good bill with bipartisan support.

    This is how bad Biden’s Administration is at messaging.

    The deficit is on track to cut a TRILLION for the first time ever, the post office is saved and finally can operate without having draconian requirements that forced it into failure, Internationally we are again in lockstep and leading with Europe. Stock market soaring, unemployment is basically non-existent.

    But what is all you hear about? Inflation and forking gas prices. Two things the President has almost nothing to do with.
    This is how bad Biden’s Administration is at messaging.

    The deficit is on track to cut a TRILLION for the first time ever, the post office is saved and finally can operate without having draconian requirements that forced it into failure, Internationally we are again in lockstep and leading with Europe. Stock market soaring, unemployment is basically non-existent.

    But what is all you hear about? Inflation and forking gas prices. Two things the President has almost nothing to do with.
    Can't sell shirt to flies.
    This is how bad Biden’s Administration is at messaging.

    I don't think this is just a Biden Admin problem

    I think democrats have this issue

    In general, it seems like they don't like to toot their own horn, while GOP turns into Trombone Shorty

    I think it comes down to what each sides priority and what "winning" is

    For dems - winning is the accomplishment and whatever benefits the people get from it - then they move on to the next thing

    For GOP - it's all about the people knowing about the accomplishment - and will hammer that message home - either celebrate what they did or demonize what the other side did or didn't do - and they are better at it

    Campaign/Election time is when those roosters come home to roost
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    This is how bad Biden’s Administration is at messaging.

    The deficit is on track to cut a TRILLION for the first time ever, the post office is saved and finally can operate without having draconian requirements that forced it into failure, Internationally we are again in lockstep and leading with Europe. Stock market soaring, unemployment is basically non-existent.

    But what is all you hear about? Inflation and forking gas prices. Two things the President has almost nothing to do with.
    article on this

    The administration has muddied some of its policy messages, but at least it has pounded home how many jobs were created in President Biden’s first year, right? Not quite.

    At the White House’s news briefing on Tuesday, a reporter pointed out that a recent poll “showed more people think jobs were lost in the last year than think jobs were gained.”

    Not unreasonably, he asked: “Why is that? And is there anything that you can do to change that perception?”

    You could almost see White House press secretary Jen Psaki’s thought bubble: Welcome to my world.

    “The fact is that the president created more jobs last year than any year in American history,” she said. “That is a very simple fact that I probably cannot say enough from here, and our allies and partners cannot say enough out there in the country.”

    So why do voters seem determined to believe things that aren’t true? One can attribute some dissatisfaction to the relentless “sky is falling” media coverage.

    But let’s face it: Voters are grumpy, frustrated and tired after covid and annoyed about gas prices. They might know Biden spent months trying to pass his agenda but didn’t get what he wanted.

    And so confirmation bias is likely setting in for a lot of Americans, telling them everything must be bad.

    Psaki put it more deftly: “People across the country ... are still feeling the impact of covid. Their lives are not entirely back to normal.” She conceded that high prices are further cause for worry.

    “I can’t assess what is in the brain of every American. But I can tell you what the facts are and tell you that we also recognize that there are areas, including bringing down costs, we’ll continue to work at.”

    It was a sobering peek into the psyche of voters. If they don’t know jobs have been created, how can Democrats expect them to know that Republicans voted against covid funding, food assistance, and funding for states and cities to keep cops on the beat (all in the American Rescue Plan)?

    Or that most Republicans voted against infrastructure spending? What can the president and his team do about such an information void?

    This White House crew knows there’s no easy way to convince voters that things are better than they think. But it can simplify the message: “We created 6.6 million jobs in our first year and are going to build roads, bridges and high-speed Internet capacity.”

    The president might think he’s saying that, but if he’s talking in the middle of the afternoon from the White House, a whole lot of voters aren’t hearing it.

    Instead, he should go out into communities. He can show up at new manufacturing hubs and construction firms that are hiring workers. “Show, don’t explain,” is sound advice.

    Likewise, on gas prices, Biden’s pledge to release oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is a foreign language to voters, if they hear it at all.

    Biden could use a chart and a message: “Here’s how much Vladimir Putin’s war is costing us at the pump. Here’s how much I’m bringing down gas prices by flooding the market with oil.”

    That’s enough.

    The long list of programs that Congress did not pass is noise that drowns out major achievements.

    Likewise, by trying too many things at once (e.g., helping veterans with burn pit injuries, pursuing a cancer moonshot, expanding child care, increasing mental health care, promoting green energy, lowering drug costs), Biden is not seriously focusing on anything as far as voters are concerned................

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    Meanwhile Trump takes a shirt, gold plates it and his sycophants claim he’s a genius.

    @Optimus Prime - you are 100% correct.

    They lost their shirt when Biden went and got ice cream. Called it patriotic when the deranged orangutan tear gassed people so he could hold the Bible upside down at a church
    I don't think this is just a Biden Admin problem

    I think democrats have this issue

    In general, it seems like they don't like to toot their own horn, while GOP turns into Trombone Shorty

    I think it comes down to what each sides priority and what "winning" is

    For dems - winning is the accomplishment and whatever benefits the people get from it - then they move on to the next thing

    For GOP - it's all about the people knowing about the accomplishment - and will hammer that message home - either celebrate what they did or demonize what the other side did or didn't do

    Election time is where those roosters come home to roost

    From the same article -emphasis mine - again about the point we've made here before that Dems tend to be 'fair" and don’t want to get down in the mud

    .........And speaking of Republicans, Biden needs to bury his senatorial cordiality. Unless and until Biden stops touting how reasonable and constructive Republicans can be, voters will think there is no harm putting them back in power.

    Surely, Biden knows only three Republicans are willing to vote for arguably the most qualified Supreme Court nominee in decades while many others smeared her with ludicrous claims that she is soft on child porn. Could he show just a little disgust about that? He need only explain what they have been doing: They obstruct. They create chaos. They try to steal elections. They aren’t for anything.

    Democrats believe in the efficacy of their programs and the ability of government to improve people’s lives. That might impress think tankers and people who watch C-SPAN. But in the real world, it loses voters. It’s not too late for Democrats to focus their objectives and clarify their message. If they fail to, voters will remain convinced everything is much worse than it is — and that the White House is at fault...........

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    Yeah they're horribly bad at every part of messaging and it's progressively (hehe) getting worse I guess because how the hell is this the first I've heard of this? I'm not that forking disconnected from what's going on right now, I don't think.
    Tbf the WH could be putting out press releases about all of these accomplishments, but if the news doesn’t cover it, then it’s of no use. The news covers what will drive clicks, not what is important for people to know. And that’s why Chris Wallace criticized the way news has become a profit center rather than a public service on TV.
    I don't think this is just a Biden Admin problem

    I think democrats have this issue

    In general, it seems like they don't like to toot their own horn, while GOP turns into Trombone Shorty

    I think it comes down to what each sides priority and what "winning" is

    For dems - winning is the accomplishment and whatever benefits the people get from it - then they move on to the next thing

    For GOP - it's all about the people knowing about the accomplishment - and will hammer that message home - either celebrate what they did or demonize what the other side did or didn't do - and they are better at it

    Campaign/Election time is when those roosters come home to roost

    Another article on this

    ….The task over the coming seven months in Virginia mirrors the one facing Democrats nationally.

    Former president Barack Obama recently summed it up in just 11 words: “We’ve got a story to tell, just got to tell it.”

    How can it be so simple yet so difficult?
It’s a skill Democrats seem hesitant to learn, preferring instead to play defense against an energized, resurgent GOP.

    Democrats need look no farther than the past two years for pointed lessons on the consequences of failing to tell their story and letting the Republicans dominate the narrative.

    It happened in Virginia last year as former governor Terry McAuliffe, the Democratic gubernatorial nominee, paced the statewide ticket by unsuccessfully trying to portray Republican Glenn Youngkin as Donald Trump’s doppelganger.

    Voters heard much less about two years of popular, significant Democratic legislative achievements in Richmond. Democrats had rolled back barriers Republicans had erected to the ballot box and abortion services and imposed limits on Virginia’s free-for-all firearms trade.

    Democrats successfully expanded Medicaid to more than 400,000 Virginia families that previously lacked health insurance coverage.

    Yet, in November, the GOP won all three statewide races and regained the House majority it lost two years earlier.

    With Democrats lacking a positive narrative of their own, Youngkin fashioned one for them. He incorporated a tactic that helped the GOP gain U.S. House seats in 2020 by making Democrats own the “defund the police” rhetoric that most Democrats soundly rejected.

    He also broke new ground, exploiting localized conflicts over school board actions regarding race, gender and sexuality and repackaging them as an issue of denying parents a voice in public education.

    It supercharged the GOP turnout and tempered Democratic support in their suburban strongholds……..

    The democrats are still rolling with the same failed leadership at most levels. That is the crux of their problem.
    The "Biden and Democrats are horrible at messaging" has become an indestructible media narrative that is its own self fulfilling prophecy. People keep hearing that over and over and just tune out the administration. With the way the media and everybody piled on during the Afghanistan withdrawal, it's no surprise people have tuned out after that.

    The messaging coming from Biden and the administration is not as bad as presented here or in the news. Jen Paski, if you've actually watched any of her press conferences, is one of the best White House Communications Director's I can remember in my life time. Her press conferences are great. Biden, for all the complaints, has been strong on NATO and gave a good state of the union address. He gives decent speeches with actual substances. They can certainly up their social media game and learn of few things to communicate more effectively in that medium, but I can forgive an old guy for not having the best grasp of that.

    For all of the praise of "Republican Messaging", it's more often than not horrible and it's tuned out just as much, if not more so than Democratic messaging by most. The difference is they have base that thrives on, is motived by and responds very boisterously to red meat divisive issues. So all of the right wing media is constantly feeding them read meat divisive messaging and Republican politicians do the same. And they just repeat, repeat, repeat. So while it looks like "Republican Messaging" connects more, it does so but only with a percentage of our population that is radicalized and for all of the wrong reasons.

    If you want to fix the messaging of the Democrats, first you have to get the American public to care about substantive issues and not just how well a president Tik Tok's. And then you have to fix the media to stop pushing the indestructible media narrative.

    Good luck with both of those.
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    The "Biden and Democrats are horrible at messaging" has become an indestructible media narrative that is its own self fulfilling prophecy. People keep hearing that over and over and just tune out the administration. With the way the media and everybody piled on during the Afghanistan withdrawal, it's no surprise people have tuned out after that.

    The messaging coming from Biden and the administration is not as bad as presented here or in the news. Jen Paski, if you've actually watched any of her press conferences, is one of the best White House Communications Director's I can remember in my life time. Her press conferences are great. Biden, for all the complaints, has been strong on NATO and gave a good state of the union address. He gives decent speeches with actual substances. They can certainly up their social media game and learn of few things to communicate more effectively in that medium, but I can forgive an old guy for not having the best grasp of that.

    For all of the praise of "Republican Messaging", it's more often than not horrible and it's tuned out just as much, if not more so than Democratic messaging by most. The difference is they have base that thrives on, is motived by and responds very boisterously to red meat divisive issues. So all of the right wing media is constantly feeding them read meat divisive messaging and Republican politicians do the same. And they just repeat, repeat, repeat. So while it looks like "Republican Messaging" connects more, it does so but only with a percentage of our population that is radicalized and for all of the wrong reasons.

    If you want to fix the messaging of the Democrats, first you have to get the American public to care about substantive issues and not just how well a president Tik Tok's. And then you have to fix the media to stop pushing the indestructible media narrative.

    Good luck with both of those.

    The Democrat base needs a little protein, too.

    If the game is to establish a core bloc that will walk through fire to vote for you, then the Dems need to up their game in that regard. The stakes are too high to lose the "good fight".
    No other USPS topic, so posting this here.

    People may or may not recall that DeJoy donated almost a million to Trump's campaign, and got awarded with with the postmaster general position. The USPS will soon be replacing their older vehicles with new models. There has been a push to have the new fleet more environmentally friendly and fuel efficient (googling tells me the old USPS gasoline trucks get a whopping 8.2Mpg). DeJoy boldly committed to purchase an impressive 10% of the new fleet as Evs. This is where the link below comes in:

    ^ an update to the above. Originally DeJoy was only committed to replacing the fleet with roughly 10% EVs, the rest being inefficient gas-guzzlers. After 16 states filed lawsuits, the response was USPS has now supposedly increased EV purchases to around 40% of the new replacement vehicles

    In April, 16 states, four environmental groups and the United Auto Workers filed lawsuits seeking to block USPS's plan to buy mostly gas-powered next-generation delivery vehicles, arguing that the agency failed to comply with environmental regulations when it issued its EIS.

    The White House and Environmental Protection Agency also asked USPS to reconsider, as did many lawmakers.

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