All things Racist...USA edition (1 Viewer)

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    Mostly Peaceful Poster
    Oct 1, 2019
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    I was looking for a place to put this so we could discuss but didn't really find a place that worked so I created this thread so we can all place articles, experiences, videos and examples of racism in the USA.

    This is one that happened this week. The lady even called and filed a complaint on the officer. This officer also chose to wear the body cam (apparently, LA doesn't require this yet). This exchange wasn't necessarily racist IMO until she started with the "mexican will never be white, like you want" garbage. That is when it turned racist IMO

    All the murderer and other insults, I think are just a by product of CRT and ACAB rhetoric that is very common on the radical left and sadly is being brought to mainstream in this country.

    Another point that I think is worth mentioning is she is a teacher and the sense of entitlement she feels is mind blowing.
    Now we're getting somewhere.

    So since I am a white conservative male, is it fair to say that CRT targets me? Are you saying that it targets me, and only me, or does it target white conservative males in general?
    It doesn’t target anyone, specifically, it targets laws mostly.
    Your best bet would be to read about it in its original form, but I have tried to do that. It’s a dense subject, which makes sense because it started out as a law school treatise. I haven’t read but a little bit about it in its original format.

    In my limited understanding, what it does is trace the evolution of our laws from slave days forward. And it says that the system of laws in this country were set up to treat black people as property, and vestiges of that still remain today as holdovers. It isn’t done intentionally, I don’t think, it’s just that when the starting point is so completely biased, it’s hard to overcome that bias. We’ve been trying, but being opposed by folks who actually have racial biases, ever since the Civil War.

    We do have an historian or two on here who could probably explain it much better than I can. They don’t post often enough.

    The most commonly cited example is the cocaine/crack duality in the law. They are the same drug, just one is powdered and snorted and one is smoked. But exactly the same chemical compound as I understand it. Lengthy prison sentences were codified for crack, while cocaine use was seldom treated the same way. Mostly poorer black people used crack, while mostly more affluent white people used cocaine. Even today - a black kid caught with weed in those places where it’s still illegal is far more likely to be sent to prison than a white kid with the same amount. Even if you allow for other variables. The sentencing is far more harsh for the black kid.

    CRT is an attempt to explore these differences and explain them, as well as figure out how to get rid of them. I think that often calling attention to them would probably go a long way toward eliminating these injustices.

    What happened is that a R political operative, one Christopher Rufo previously mentioned, recognized in that law school theory something he could twist around and use to discredit democrats. And so he did, admittedly, rebrand CRT to mean anything that insults white people.
    See, this would be perfect for law enforcement training and hopefully some form of it is already being used.
    I'm not getting defensive. I'm asking a simple question.

    Yes, because "I suggest you shut your mouth" is a commonly used expression amongst people who are most certainly not getting defensive...

    Who are the racists? Does CRT answer that question?

    CRT attempts to understand how the law is influenced today by the racist laws of the past. It's a study of the intersection between race and law.

    CRT is much more complex than this, of course, which is why you will never see actual CRT being taught in grade/middle/high school. Some of the concepts may be simplified and used, but not the actual course-level material.
    I think people be hung up on the word Critical.

    I think people are under the impression that it is being used in the context of being negative, a criticism.

    So I think they are reading it as a theory of criticizing racists

    Whereas it actually mean critical, as in “critical thinking.” Or a deep thought exercise on institutional racicm.
    Yes, because "I suggest you shut your mouth" is a commonly used expression amongst people who are most certainly not getting defensive...
    It was good advice. You were trying to guide my argument and I had to correct your incorrect behavior.
    CRT attempts to understand how the law is influenced today by the racist laws of the past. It's a study of the intersection between race and law.
    Again, excellent material for law makers and law enforcement to explore.
    CRT is much more complex than this, of course, which is why you will never see actual CRT being taught in grade/middle/high school. Some of the concepts may be simplified and used, but not the actual course-level material.
    None of the concepts should be simplified and used for grade schools. It should be for law makers, law enforcement, lawyers, law students and CRT enthusiasts. If there is, in fact, racism (white racism in CRT's case) running systemically through our society then it should be up to the above to root it out and eliminate it.

    Though it wouldn't hurt to explore racism across ALL channels to make sure whites aren't the only ones being singled out.
    It was good advice. You were trying to guide my argument and I had to correct your incorrect behavior.

    Again, excellent material for law makers and law enforcement to explore.

    None of the concepts should be simplified and used for grade schools. It should be for law makers, law enforcement, lawyers, law students and CRT enthusiasts. If there is, in fact, racism (white racism, specifically) running systemically through our society then it should be up to the above to root it out and eliminate it.
    It’s most definitely not being taught in grade schools. Maybe some high schools in advanced courses, maybe. I don’t know of any, but I think you could make the case for it in advanced placement social studies or history classes in high school.
    It’s most definitely not being taught in grade schools. Maybe some high schools in advanced courses, maybe. I don’t know of any, but I think you could make the case for it in advanced placement social studies or history classes in high school.
    Do you believe offshoots of CRT have been introduced to some grade school classrooms?
    Do you believe offshoots of CRT have been introduced to some grade school classrooms?
    Nope. I think what is being targeted and labeled as CRT is something else - called diversity and inclusion. It’s been a pretty uneven attempt to help educate the majority to be more inclusive of and empathetic toward minorities of all kinds. I say it’s been uneven because there have been some cringy moments. Some teachers (teachers being human after all) have made things worse by being ham handed about it.

    Having said that - I do think that this is a valid subject for grade school. It’s important to teach kids to think of how others may feel, or react, to things so that they can coexist peacefully in our melting pot of a nation.
    Nope. I think what is being targeted and labeled as CRT is something else - called diversity and inclusion. It’s been a pretty uneven attempt to help educate the majority to be more inclusive of and empathetic toward minorities of all kinds. I say it’s been uneven because there have been some cringy moments. Some teachers (teachers being human after all) have made things worse by being ham handed about it.
    CRT is the examination of white racism. Diversity and Inclusion favors non-whites and mostly excludes whites altogether (especially white conservatives). They both share a common focus and that's white people. I would say they are quite related.
    Having said that - I do think that this is a valid subject for grade school. It’s important to teach kids to think of how others may feel, or react, to things so that they can coexist peacefully in our melting pot of a nation.
    You can teach kids "how others may feel, or react, to things so that they can coexist peacefully in our melting pot of a nation." without singling out white kids. That's where something like the Golden Rule would be more effective.
    No. Africans capturing others and selling them to buyers happened and is a critical part of the story of slavery in America because it was the first rung on the ladder to humans treating other humans as nothing more than animals. The rest of the rung was demonstrated in story of the slave in America. It tells the story of how one set of humans could treat another set of humans as something less than an animal, how one set of humans could kill another human with zero remorse simply because their skin was a different color.

    I agree, it should tell the story of the abolishment movement and all the millions of people who fought against the abolishment movement; the group that wanted to continue to treat humans as nothing more than livestock.

    Yes. The fact that half the country was willing to go to war with the other half, to have brothers fighting against brothers, all because one half wanted to keep the practice of treating humans as livestock because it was the driving force of their economy.

    Agreed. That should be taught along with how ferocious the resistance to giving equal rights has been and continues to be fought. It should include specific laws that were passed and upheld that were specifically targeted at one group.
    So, from your own words, your main point in teaching 'history' is to make sure it is known that one part of the country is really really bad, as you have said that being a racist the worst thing a person/human can be. You have just described how CRT is being taught in school. You think it is noble, I think it is stupid and counter productive. I see why it is happening, you don't. You think it is a noble cause but all it is just serving to divide and establish a political power base.
    That is fine and well, as most would do the same but you also have to understand that is why normal americans of all colors are finding out about it and pushing back. This will also be one of the reason you all will continue to lose elections.
    CRT is college-level stuff. That doesn't mean there are some aspects that can't be applied to high school courses, but the teaching of actual CRT is done in college classrooms.
    Well, parents are not to excited about it.
    It was good advice. You were trying to guide my argument and I had to correct your incorrect behavior.

    Nope, and you can F all the way off with that condescending bullshirt.

    Again, excellent material for law makers and law enforcement to explore.

    I agree.

    None of the concepts should be simplified and used for grade schools. It should be for law makers, law enforcement, lawyers, law students and CRT enthusiasts. If there is, in fact, racism (white racism in CRT's case) running systemically through our society then it should be up to the above to root it out and eliminate it.

    I'm not saying whether or not this should happen because I don't know how feasible it is, but the thought of some of the basic concepts being distilled down for use in a high school AP classroom isn't out of the realm of possibility.

    Though it wouldn't hurt to explore racism across ALL channels to make sure whites aren't the only ones being singled out.

    There is zero systemic racism that causes white people to be disproportionately singled out for punishment or unfair treatment/discrimination. None. Period.
    Nope, and you can F all the way off with that condescending bullshirt.
    Sure I can; I've already done it, as you're the one who foolishly tried to lead my argument.

    See, the key is to respect boundaries. You do that and everything will be juuust fine. ;)
    At least we agree on something.
    I'm not saying whether or not this should happen because I don't know how feasible it is, but the thought of some of the basic concepts being distilled down for use in a high school AP classroom isn't out of the realm of possibility.
    It belongs with law makers and law enforcement. Let them root out the problems and stamp them out.
    There is zero systemic racism that causes white people to be disproportionately singled out for punishment or unfair treatment/discrimination. None. Period.
    Systemic non-white racism? Interesting. I haven't thought about it, but perhaps it may exist at some level.
    Last edited:
    CRT is the examination of white racism. Diversity and Inclusion favors non-whites and mostly excludes whites altogether (especially white conservatives). They both share a common focus and that's white people. I would say they are quite related.

    You can teach kids "how others may feel, or react, to things so that they can coexist peacefully in our melting pot of a nation." without singling out white kids. That's where something like the Golden Rule would be more effective.
    CRT is the examination of the way laws still affect non-whites unfairly in practice. It’s not really about white people at all.

    Diversity and Inclusion isn’t solely about race. It’s about religion, gender, nationality, etc. And there are classrooms where the minority would be the white people. It’s isn’t against white people at all, it’s trying to promote empathy and good will among different types of people.

    The cases which have been plastered all over social media by right wing outlets do sometimes illustrate problems with the way diversity and inclusion topics have been presented. And sometimes they misrepresent what happened to fuel outrage. They need the outrage to drive people to click on their stories - it’s how they make money. From what I have seen they have zero problem with misrepresenting the facts if they cannot find anything they think will generate sufficient outrage.

    When people are dishonest with you - by misrepresenting what is being taught in grade schools as CRT, and by telling you that CRT, and diversity topics are “against white people” - maybe you should survey some other sources before believing what you read from these people. Or better yet, go talk to a teacher or school administrator.
    CRT is the examination of the way laws still affect non-whites unfairly in practice. It’s not really about white people at all.
    What are some laws that favor whites over non-whites?
    Diversity and Inclusion isn’t solely about race. It’s about religion, gender, nationality, etc. And there are classrooms where the minority would be the white people. It’s isn’t against white people at all, it’s trying to promote empathy and good will among different types of people.
    Are you saying that whites have equal representation under Diversity and Inclusion?

    I know that the NHL wants to get more inclusive; do you think the NBA should do the same?
    The cases which have been plastered all over social media by right wing outlets do sometimes illustrate problems with the way diversity and inclusion topics have been presented. And sometimes they misrepresent what happened to fuel outrage. They need the outrage to drive people to click on their stories - it’s how they make money. From what I have seen they have zero problem with misrepresenting the facts if they cannot find anything they think will generate sufficient outrage.
    I'm more interested in consistency. Do you think Diversity and Inclusion is giving white conservative Christians equal treatment?
    When people are dishonest with you - by misrepresenting what is being taught in grade schools as CRT, and by telling you that CRT, and diversity topics are “against white people” - maybe you should survey some other sources before believing what you read from these people. Or better yet, go talk to a teacher or school administrator.
    Would it be best to say that CRT and diversity are "to educate white people"?
    Sad that this a conversation people are having
    On the holiest night of the Jewish year earlier this month, my rabbi looked up from his Kol Nidre sermon — a homily about protecting America’s liberal democracy — and posed a question that wasn’t in his prepared text:

    “How many people in the last few years have been at a dining room conversation where the conversation has turned to where might we move? How many of us?”

    He was talking about the unthinkable: that Jews might need to flee the United States. In the congregation, many hands — most? — went up.

    The sermon included a quotation from the Jewish scholar Michael Holzman: “For American Jews, the disappearance of liberal democracy would be a disaster. … We have flourished under the shelter of the principles behind the First Amendment, and we have been protected by the absolute belief in the rule of law. Without these, Jews, start packing suitcases.”

    The fear of exile has become common as Jews see the unraveling rule of law, ascendant Christian nationalists and anti-Israel sentiments turning antisemitic on the far left. Wondering where Jews might move “is among the most frequently asked questions that I get,” Jonathan Greenblatt, head of the Anti-Defamation League, told me.

    Incidents of antisemitic harassment, vandalism and assault nearly tripled between 2015 and 2021, the ADL reports, and it says 2022 attacks are on pace with last year’s record level.

    This week was the fourth anniversary of the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre, which was followed by other synagogue attacks in 2019 and earlier this year.

    One in 4 U.S. Jews has experienced antisemitism in the past year.

    Now we have Kanye West, who now goes by Ye, unleashing a torrent of filth on social media (“death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE”), white supremacists applauding him (and giving Nazi salutes to Los Angeles motorists), Elon Musk’s Twitter preparing to welcome white supremacists, and the Pennsylvania Republican gubernatorial nominee deploying antisemitism against his Jewish opponent.

    The leader of the Republican Party, who remains the top presidential contender for 2024, reacted to Ye’s attacks on Jews by saying, “He was really nice to me.” Donald Trump compared Jews unfavorably to “our wonderful Evangelicals” and warned Jews to “get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel — Before it is too late.”

    The threat was the latest of many Trump claims that Jews have a dual loyalty and are not fully American. As usual, Republicans were mostly silent…….


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