All things Racist...USA edition (8 Viewers)

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    Mostly Peaceful Poster
    Oct 1, 2019
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    I was looking for a place to put this so we could discuss but didn't really find a place that worked so I created this thread so we can all place articles, experiences, videos and examples of racism in the USA.

    This is one that happened this week. The lady even called and filed a complaint on the officer. This officer also chose to wear the body cam (apparently, LA doesn't require this yet). This exchange wasn't necessarily racist IMO until she started with the "mexican will never be white, like you want" garbage. That is when it turned racist IMO

    All the murderer and other insults, I think are just a by product of CRT and ACAB rhetoric that is very common on the radical left and sadly is being brought to mainstream in this country.

    Another point that I think is worth mentioning is she is a teacher and the sense of entitlement she feels is mind blowing.
    Dude, you just said you have nothing celebrate on the 4th. You literally helped proved my point. I know this did not go like you hoped, but you have to be used to that by now.

    You literally believe cops are hunting black people, men are women if they put on make up and change clothes. You stick to believing that and I will stick to believing that the alt-left is not a huge fan of the 4th of July or Christmas. See, we can coexist, despite your childish overly emotional outbursts.
    You tried to defend a racist piece of shirt news anchor by lying about negative news coverage of the 4th of July and Christmas and when I challenged you to produce just one video supporting your bullshirt claim, you failed because nothing of what you claimed was true. That happened and everyone can see it. Your actions are that of a certified grade A bullshirt artist. If you can't backup your claims, simply don't make them.
    It's hard to tell from this distance, but I do believe I see that Farb has erected a massive strawman on top of those goalposts.
    That guy will either say the first thing that pops into his head or he'll make up something and when he can't defend it, he'll pretend he never said it and then make up some more BS and accuse someone of saying or believing something that they never said. He is truly the sultan of strawmen and a broker of bullshirt.
    @Farb you would do yourself a favor to remember this:

    If you make an assertion on the MCB and present it as fact, you then must be prepared to back it up. No more entire threads filled with avoiding, dancing around answering, deflecting and telling members to do their own homework when that burden of proof is on the person making the assertion. When you practice such avoidance you lose credibility, leaving us with the perception that you are spreading misinformation. Good Faith means being "honest".
    You made an assertion and you are dancing around it or ignoring what you said. On top of that, you are directly accusing me of saying or believing something I have never said on this board or any other board. We don't agree on anything and that's fine but I draw the line on being lied on or about. If you want to act like a troll on here to get a rise out of people, that's fine. You do you. Don't accuse me of saying something I've never said or believed unless you have proof that you can quote me on. We can disagree but act like a man and stop acting like a spoiled kid. It's not necessary for you to come here and be a liar.
    Guess this can go here

    Not buying it

    The white woman who accused black teenager Emmett Till of making improper advances, spurring his lynching in Mississippi in 1955, has denied identifying him to his killers or wanting him murdered.

    In her unpublished memoir, Carolyn Bryant Donham wrote that she was unaware of what would happen to Till, who was 14 at the time he was brutally kidnapped, killed and thrown into a river.

    Donham was 21-years-old at the time of Till’s killing. The now 87-year-old’s upcoming memoir, ‘I am More Than a Wolf Whistle,’ which was obtained by the Associated Press, offers the most extensive account of the incident to date.

    The 99-page manuscript was only made public following the recent discovery of an arrest warrant on kidnapping charges issued for Donham in 1955 that was never served.

    In the memoir, Donham wrote that she tried to help Till once he was located by her husband and brother-in-law, who had brought him to her for identification in the middle of the night.

    Donham reportedly denied that the boy was Till because she didn’t want the men to hurt him.

    ‘I did not wish Emmett any harm and could not stop harm from coming to him, since I didn’t know what was planned for him,’ Donham said in the manuscript, which was compiled by her daughter-in-law. ‘I tried to protect him by telling Roy that “He’s not the one. That’s not him. Please take him home.”‘.

    Till, who was kidnapped from his family’s home at gunpoint, identified himself to the men.

    Donham said that she ‘always felt like a victim as well as Emmett’ and ‘paid dearly with an altered life’ for what had happened to him.

    ‘I have always prayed that God would bless Emmett’s family. I am truly sorry for the pain his family was caused,’ she says at the end of the manuscript...........

    Dude, you just said you have nothing celebrate on the 4th. You literally helped proved my point. I know this did not go like you hoped, but you have to be used to that by now.

    You literally believe cops are hunting black people, men are women if they put on make up and change clothes. You stick to believing that and I will stick to believing that the alt-left is not a huge fan of the 4th of July or Christmas. See, we can coexist, despite your childish overly emotional outbursts.
    I'm pretty sure it's the Trump right that is not a huge fan of the 4th of July.

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    Mack Charles Parker was pulled from his jail cell in Poplarville, Miss., by a gang of White men on April 25, 1959. The 23-year-old Black army veteran had been awaiting trial for the alleged kidnapping and rape of a White woman. The men beat him bloody, forced him into a car and drove to the Louisiana border, where they shot him to death. Then they dumped his body, weighted down with chains, in a nearby river.

    A year later, at the other end of the state, Parker’s name appeared in the University of Mississippi yearbook, listed as a senior majoring in education. Next to his name was a strange photo of what appears to be a stone or papier-mâché head.

    Parker was never a student there; Black students were not permitted. His name and the image appear to have been a prank or joke mocking a victim of racist terror.......

    Dude, you just said you have nothing celebrate on the 4th. You literally helped proved my point. I know this did not go like you hoped, but you have to be used to that by now.

    You literally believe cops are hunting black people, men are women if they put on make up and change clothes. You stick to believing that and I will stick to believing that the alt-left is not a huge fan of the 4th of July or Christmas. See, we can coexist, despite your childish overly emotional outbursts.
    Your assertion is a lie. Also there is no such thing as the alt-left. There is however an alt-right.

    As for childish outbursts? Pot meet kettle. Read your first sentence. Heck, I should have just said “read your whole post.”
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    Maybe not the isolated incident the statement implies it is

    Philadelphia Sesame Place received backlash after a Black mother shared a video of one of the show’s characters, Rosita, ignoring her daughters, Revolt reports. Now, Sesame Place is under fire once again as more videos of Rosita ignoring Black children have surfaced.

    The first viral video, posted by a woman who appears to go by Jodi on Instagram, showed two young Black girls at a Sesame Place parade. They’re thrilled to see Rosita, who’s walking and exchanging hellos and high-fives with parade attendees. Rosita gets closer and closer to the two girls, and when she eventually gets to them, she makes a “no” hand gesture and rebuffs them.

    Sesame Place issued a statement regarding the issue, saying that the actor portraying Rosita did not intentionally ignore the two girls. They argued that the costumes the characters wear obstruct their view.

    “The costumes our performers wear sometimes make it difficult to see at lower levels and sometimes our performers miss hug requests from guests,” the statement read.

    The statement also noted that the actor portraying Rosita is “devastated about the misunderstanding.”

    However, more videos have come to light that show Rosita repeatedly ignoring Black children. One video shows a little Black boy with what appears to be his parents. Rosita makes her way threw the crowd, greeting everyone, but when she reaches the Black boy and the woman he’s with, she ignores them. They had their arms extended towards her, and a man’s voice in the background says the all the little boy wanted was a dap.

    “He wanted a high-five.” He said in the background.

    Another shows a young Black girl extend her hand to Rosita. Similar to the other videos, the character says hi to every child around her, and appears to go out of their way not to high-five the Black girl.

    Many viewers noted that this can’t be a coincidence............

    That guy will either say the first thing that pops into his head or he'll make up something and when he can't defend it, he'll pretend he never said it and then make up some more BS and accuse someone of saying or believing something that they never said. He is truly the sultan of strawmen and a broker of bullshirt.
    LOL. What the saying, 'if you cant dazzle with brilliance, baffle them with bullshirt!"

    If I ever become a wrastler, I will use the sultan of strawmen and the broker of bullshirt as my ring intro. Thanks for the help on this and proving my point that you are valiantly railing against.
    @Farb you would do yourself a favor to remember this:

    You made an assertion and you are dancing around it or ignoring what you said. On top of that, you are directly accusing me of saying or believing something I have never said on this board or any other board. We don't agree on anything and that's fine but I draw the line on being lied on or about. If you want to act like a troll on here to get a rise out of people, that's fine. You do you. Don't accuse me of saying something I've never said or believed unless you have proof that you can quote me on. We can disagree but act like a man and stop acting like a spoiled kid. It's not necessary for you to come here and be a liar.
    Ok, do you celebrate the 4th of July? You said you had covid this year. Did you plan to celebrate it if you didn't come down with the imported virus?

    Also, when you have to post the TOS during an debate, it is not a good look for you.
    Your assertion is a lie. Also there is no such thing as the alt-left. There is however an alt-right.

    As for childish outbursts? Pot meet kettle. Read your first sentence. Heck, I should have just said “read your whole post.”
    What assertion is a lie? Specifically
    I'm curious -- has anyone here argued only white people can be racist?
    Yes, we have had that debate on here in the beginning, when the MCB was a void wasteland of landless wanderers.
    If I remember correctly, the country is racist and white have the power so it is impossible for a minority to be racist against whites because of the power or some such nonsense.
    What assertion is a lie? Specifically
    Happy to oblige, even though you'll ignore it, so it's mostly for everyone else's benefit to again see how disingenuous you are. This is the exchange in full context.

    First, @superchuck500 posted this video of Greg Kelly claiming Juneteenth is "just an excuse for people in urban areas to drink, get high, smoke weed, and riot":

    @samiam5211 made the astute observation that this was similar to the 4th of July in rural areas:
    Sounds like the 4th of July in Rural areas.

    To which you agreed, and used that as justification that what he was saying was not racially motivated:
    Exactly. That news guys even said as much. Compared it to the 4th, Christmas ect...

    I don't see the racism in his statements but I am also not surprised you guys do.

    @coldseat asked if you had seen a comparable editorial from Kelly discussing the same issues with the 4th of July or Christmas, and pointed out the fact that if both holidays are about drinking, getting high, etc, then it seems racially motivated to point out those issues on Juneteenth (a holiday celebrating ending slavery and focused on African American heritage) and not those other holidays with similar celebratory activities:

    Did he have a comparable editorial about July 4th or Christmas on those day arguing we should do away with those holidays because people celebrate and drink? No? Why not if it's such a problem? Why Juneteenth?

    Doesn't surprise me you don't see the racism even though it's all over his editorial.

    To which you replied suggesting that "they" (the media) already "say that about the 4th every year, and...also give us a history lesson on the evils of them":

    Do they not already say that about the 4th every year? They do and also give us a history lesson on the evils of them.

    Which brings us to your assertion that is false that you requested. Specifically, where you asserted that around the 4th of July, we would see plenty of negative coverage:

    Is it the 4th or Christmas yet? Pay attention around those holidays, there are plenty of negative coverage of what those holidays really mean and how they are celebrated.

    @Saintamaniac called you out in real time on this, saying that we would need to revisit this post after the 4th of July, saying you would need to provide evidence of the above assertion with a news video supporting your claim.
    In two weeks, let's revisit this post right here after the 4th of July and you come back and find a news video from CNN, MSNBC or Fox News with one of their anchors complaining about the 4th being nothing more than an excuse for excessive drinking, toting around guns, getting high on meth or cocaine and flying confederate flags. Post the video showing exclusively white people doing those things. We'll be back to see it so we can say that you were right. That's exactly what you are claiming happens on other holidays.

    I've been watching news for a long time and I've NEVER seen ANYONE in the news media complain about July 4th, Labor Day, Memorial Day or even St Patrick's day not being needed or saying it should be ended because its nothing more than an excuse for ever negative stereotype that you can muster about white people and that's EXACTLY what you are claiming. This should be interesting.

    You did not. You made a claim you were unable to support. Retract it or provide a video.
    Happy to oblige, even though you'll ignore it, so it's mostly for everyone else's benefit to again see how disingenuous you are. This is the exchange in full context.

    First, @superchuck500 posted this video of Greg Kelly claiming Juneteenth is "just an excuse for people in urban areas to drink, get high, smoke weed, and riot":

    @samiam5211 made the astute observation that this was similar to the 4th of July in rural areas:

    To which you agreed, and used that as justification that what he was saying was not racially motivated:

    @coldseat asked if you had seen a comparable editorial from Kelly discussing the same issues with the 4th of July or Christmas, and pointed out the fact that if both holidays are about drinking, getting high, etc, then it seems racially motivated to point out those issues on Juneteenth (a holiday celebrating ending slavery and focused on African American heritage) and not those other holidays with similar celebratory activities:

    To which you replied suggesting that "they" (the media) already "say that about the 4th every year, and...also give us a history lesson on the evils of them":

    Which brings us to your assertion that is false that you requested. Specifically, where you asserted that around the 4th of July, we would see plenty of negative coverage:

    @Saintamaniac called you out in real time on this, saying that we would need to revisit this post after the 4th of July, saying you would need to provide evidence of the above assertion with a news video supporting your claim.

    You did not. You made a claim you were unable to support. Retract it or provide a video.
    Good luck. He'll never admit he was mistaken or just simply lied.

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