All things political. Coronavirus Edition. (16 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    May 17, 2019
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    I fear we are really going to be in a bad place due to the obvious cuts to the federal agencies that deal with infectious disease, but also the negative effect the Affordable Care act has had on non urban hospitals. Our front line defenses are ineffectual and our ability to treat the populous is probably at an all time low. Factor in the cost of healthcare and I can see our system crashing. What do you think about the politics of this virus?
    Well it appears that the CDC is ordering "urgent" logistical action to accommodate vaccine distribution by November 1.

    From what I’m reading, they give these out in advanced of release in case it is ready early. If it does get released it will likely be a small amount and symbolic at best. Just so he can say I made a vaccine.
    If you want to get bent about an old lady not wearing a mask for less than ten minutes in a salon go on. If she didn't have one on later we certainly would have got the picture with her hair all done and no mask. I am certain that one would have paid the asshat that sold it more.

    I would rather focus on the starving public that has to resort to selling a photo of an old arse lady with wet hair to make a buck in this nation now.
    I'm not bent about it. I was just posting what I think.. but I'm good.
    But what about Trump? You didn't denounce Trump in your perfectly logical statement. You have to say something negative about Trump! Nothing bad happens in this world without Trump doing it personally! Surely you can see that!!!!

    I am only kidding of course, but I don't doubt there will be those replies very shortly........

    Can you stop being such a martyr for Trump? You're laying it on way to thick.
    Poor ole Trump, he gets so much criticism. 😭

    The majority of rich people are hypocrites on some level. Hell, the majority of people are. None more so than your boy. Did Pelosi take advantage of her contacts and money to get her hair done? Yes. As have most rich people that have connections.

    It's small potatoes and not really relevant to this election. Skewer her as you wish, but that's a something for her constituents to take into consideration when her next election is up. Not something that bares on this election, except for the radical right which would never vote for Biden regardless.
    Setting the record straight on this stupid political stunt by the shop owner, the stylist has issued a statement.

    The owner can be stupid and Pelosi can still be called out as a hypocrite. Those salons aren't supposed to have any inside business. They just recently got approved for outdoor business only. But yeah let's make Pelosi the victim(general statement & not directed at you)
    I think there is new thinking, that masks do offer a reasonable amount of protection to the wearer as well as the people around the wearer. Not like the N-95s though. I was careful to point out that I was talking about the general patient population and the general public, I’m aware of the proper PPE for a Covid patient.

    Nurses at our hospital have specifically asked the head Infectious Disease doc if they need to be wearing N-95s to protect themselves from the general patient population and his response was that it wasn’t necessary, the surgical masks are enough. I was on the call and heard him say it. I also remember reading a few months back that the thinking about masks had evolved, in that it is now thought that masks protect both the wearer and the people around them, if worn and handled properly.
    Unfortunately it seems like a lot of infection control policies at hospitals and even the CDC are based on lack on PPE and not medical studies.

    I understand that there has been learning on the fly with a new virus. Hospitals can barely get enough N95 masks which are the only masks that are effective at preventing Covid exposure. A surgical mask is better than a cloth mask which doesn't help much at all. If supply wasn't an issue the CDC would recommend N95 masks for every American.

    The CDC admitted that they told the public initially that masks weren't necessary because the didn't want hospitals to run out. That's a reasonable position during a pandemic, but that creates distrust with the public especially those who were skeptical to begin with.

    Michael Osterholm on the efficacy of cloth and surgical masks:

    The University of Minnesota's Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy Dr. Michael Osterholm says that despite guidelines to the contrary, masks for the general public just don't help all that much.

    "We know that the virus can be transmitted by what we call air assaults, its the tiniest of particles. If anything comes in along the side of the mask or escapes that way, then it really minimizes both to protection for the individual who used the mask or the protection for others so that if I'm infected, I don't transmit to them. That's when you get into the surgical masks and to the cloth masks. And quite honestly, the data for both is lacking that they are major impediments, and he's getting infected or infecting others."

    .. For most consumers, and even some frontline healthcare workers, N95 masks aren't available and they are only left with surgical masks. Dr. Osterholm says that those are better than nothing.

    "People want to wear a mask. That's great. But I think we're going to show in the end that many more health care workers were infected by working with only surgical masks and not N95 [masks]. I realize and understand the shortage of N95. I get that [surgical masks] are better than nothing, but I don't think that it offers anywhere near the protection that we need for this virus.

    "The next time you see the sunlight, peer through your room in your home and you see all that dust floating there, that's an air assault. When you and I just talk, we create those."

    ..."Cloth masks, I think are at the very bottom of the list. They have little impact if any. But they've become basically something that people feel like they have to do or want to do it. If they want to do it, go ahead."

    ...Dr. Osterholm ended his discussion about masks on The Morning News with Dave Lee by saying they just aren't that helpful in normal public places.

    "I can tell you right now I don't believe that they play any major role in either preventing me from getting infected if I use it or if I am infected and don't know it. I don't have any symptoms. They don't protect those around me from using it."

    I'm sure it will help that Trump took advantage of the strong economic times to eliminate the deficit like he said he was going to do balloon the deficit by $1 Trillion/year.
    Neither party cares about the deficit or our overall debt. The Republicans only act like they are for less spending until they are in power. It's like letting Micheal Scott from The Office manage your finances
    Neither party cares about the deficit or our overall debt. The Republicans only act like they are for less spending until they are in power. It's like letting Micheal Scott from The Office manage your finances

    As a lifelong Republican, I can totally agree with this. Throughout my life, I have listened to my party's lip service to fiscal responsibility, but when they have been in office (congressional majorities as well as presidency), they have spent just as unwisely as the Democrats. I was enlightened during Nixon's first term when he embraced economic policies that were absolutely not conservative and not even traditionally Republican. Each presidency and congress that followed has proven that none of them cared about spending less or taxing less unless it benefitted them politically.
    SFL, our hospital system does not have a shortage of N-95s. They suspended their recycling program. It was specifically said that a shortage was not the reason for their recommendation for surgical masks only for meeting the general public and general patient population. Maybe they are taking into account our generally low prevalence in this state? In any event, the shortage of PPE is not a problem here.

    And Dr. Osterholm’s comments are from May 4. I think there has been some learning on the fly since then. I’d be curious how he would address the same issue today.
    I've got enough posts denouncing him and assuredly there will be more... But yeah I don't feel compelled to have to trash Trump when y'all point to a Democrat doing something stupid or hypocritical.
    I'm with you on this one. I've called out Dems plenty of times when they mess up. This was absolutely a failure on her part. Her claims that she fell for a "setup" are even worse. The restrictions in San Fran are that you can't even go to salon, so for her to say it was a setup to catch her without a mask is irrelevant because she shouldn't have been there to begin with.
    I'm with you on this one. I've called out Dems plenty of times when they mess up. This was absolutely a failure on her part. Her claims that she fell for a "setup" are even worse. The restrictions in San Fran are that you can't even go to salon, so for her to say it was a setup to catch her without a mask is irrelevant because she shouldn't have been there to begin with.
    Yeah thinking about it afterwards, that's her district right? She didn't know what the rules were herself? Nancy Pelosi didn't know?

    Well then I've got a bridge in San Fra, uh... well, you get it.. you've got to love it when a politician treats us like we're all dumb as shirt though.
    Back on topic. Despite whatever you guys hear to the contrary, achieving herd immunity by letting young people get Covid is a freaking horrible idea.

    You may be correct but citing a flawed study where the youngest patient is 45 is not a good argument for the dangers of young people getting Covid.

    Here is what Dr. Venk Murthy, professor of Preventitive Cardiology at the University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center said of the study, " Bad statistics and lots of moderate to severe effusions, LGE, etc in their controls means to me it is a paper that we should put little stock in this paper, regardless."

    The Professor of Cardiology at the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College in London agrees with Murthy: " Yes, I do think we should disregard it for now. The lead author did message me after my thread. I recommended they temporarily retract it pending changes, because otherwise it would keep misleading people.”
    Thanks for pointing out the criticisms for that study.

    It still does concern me that what we are seeing in the lab from our Covid patients suggests very strongly that this isn’t really simply a respiratory virus. We are seeing a pattern of lab test abnormalities that suggest cardiac, coagulation, liver, and blood vessel effects. Many patients are having strokes, even young patients. This isn’t something to try to pass off as not terribly concerning, even in younger patients. We just don’t know yet how long these effects will last or what the long term consequences will be for these patients.

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