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100 Marines to Baghdad (Iran conflict discussion)(Reopened & Merged) (2 Viewers)

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    We’re gonna try to stay on point in this one -🤞 .

    After the Iranian admission of shooting down the Ukrainian 737, which was carrying 82 Iranian passengers, protests against the Supreme Leader have broken out.

    The UK ambassador to Iran has been arrested for talking photos of the protests. President Trump has tweeted support for the protesters in English and Farsi.

    This phrase doesn't mean what you think it means. The context is that you stated very clearly that you wasn't defending anything....and then you proceeded to offer a defense ("at lease trump isn't sitting around"). I then showed you how you were defending trump's decision. Finally, you admitted you were defending trump's decision. The context is your own damn words.

    "i can not defend a thing he does." Followed by "but yet (I'll) defend him for doing something." Did you even read what you wrote?
    You're pretty much confirming for me that you don't have any original thoughts of your own. You simply listen to Faux News and then come here and regurgitate it.

    Let me rephrase my good man...

    I don't have to defend his specific action, but yet I can defend him for taking action, even if I disagree the action that he took.

    I don't know what it is with some of you that get hung up on some of weirdest shirt. Like trying to prove someone wrong, or criticize someone for making grammar errors...

    grammer nazi.jpg
    The cable news channels sure want us to go to war. This display should clear up any doubt on how bad for our country all these networks are.

    Oh they absolutely want more, they will NEVER admit it, but all of them from Fox to CNN to even NPR know it would be a huge ratings boost.
    Naw.. It would be more like Trump going Hey Iran... Nancy P lives on 165 W Palm Avenue.

    I don't know this website.. and I just found it tonight with a search.. But my point is that I am not the only one with the same thought...

    lol come on now, you don’t actually give a shirt about giving aide and comfort to adversaries as a matter of principle. Don’t pretend like you do. It’s just more of the same tribalism.
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    Honestly, I don;t understand...
    Ships attacked... We did nothing...
    Drones attacked.. We did nothing.
    US Civilian Killed... We retaliated..

    So yea.. I am gonna defend Trump.. He is doing what I voted him in for.. Not taking crap on the foreign policy scene.
    Like i said the other night, this is one of those moments where it is a great benefit that Trump’s followers and network of allies, by all accounts, largely do not have independently overriding principles when faced with dear leader’s decisions.

    Had Obama set a red line of Iran not striking US assets and Iran blatantly crossed it, then announced, as they did, that they are abandoning the nuclear restrictions they had unilaterally continued to hold themselves to, and Obama’s response was to announce vague sanctions and he’s ready to negotiate.

    It would be decried as Syria 2.0 and proof Obama doesn’t have the chest to carry out American foreign policy. A sign of weakness and abject failure.

    But like I said, in this case, I’m glad there is little intellectual or moral principle guiding the right-wing support network’s decision-making, just Trump loyalty. It’s still a net problem driving a culture of fascistic loyalty to a deeply immoral movement, but if it gets his allies to back Trump after realizing he wandered dangerously off course, I’ll take it.
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    So, you are actually going to say he was "lying?" If you think there is a discrepancy in his posts there are other ways to demonstrate that.
    There was a discrepancy in what he wrote versus what he said he wrote. That's commonly known as a lie. He has a history of making these kind of "discrepancies". I'm not the media and I have no time being PC when someone's own words show them to be dishonest.

    ETA: After some reflection on your post, I think you might actually be right in that Joe may not have meant to lie. He simply didn't understand what he was saying severely contradicted what he stated earlier. I don't always recognize when someone lacks the ability to determine that their words contradict their previous statements. So in fairness to Joe, he may not have intended to be dishonest about what he wrote. He simply lacked the ability to determine that what he wrote amounted to a lie. His follow-up response concerning grammar nazis pretty much confirms this for me.
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    Let me rephrase my good man...

    I don't have to defend his specific action, but yet I can defend him for taking action, even if I disagree the action that he took.

    I don't know what it is with some of you that get hung up on some of weirdest shirt. Like trying to prove someone wrong, or criticize someone for making grammar errors...

    grammer nazi.jpg
    I never once mentioned anything about the myriad of grammatical errors in your posts. There is a difference between grammar errors and using a phrase that of which you obviously don't understand the meaning.
    Maybe so and true... but there may be some there may be Trump hater out there building a bomb that had not thought of it either, and he just needs a place to explode it...

    So are you saying her comments were ok.?

    Look, her comments specifically insinuated that: 1) he is leaving himself politically vulnerable by maintaining ownership of expensive properties all over the world, and 2) he is a greedy lousy leader who might use any type of violence towards his personal worldwide property to justify US military action in retaliation, thus putting US soldiers at a horrible unnecessary risk. and creating a political nightmare just because of his greed.

    If there is any truth to her statement, and honestly I think there is, you should be WAY more concerned with that angle, rather than the silly notion that she is putting ideas into peoples heads.

    What if Trump had mentioned what if people target Nancy Pelosis' proprty? Would it still be ok in your eyes?

    What?? As far as i know she does not have expensive properties all over the planet, nor is she in a position to send troops to retaliate even if she did. What kind of analogy is this???
    No, I don't. However, I believe that the color of her skin -- while being *a* factor -- is not the biggest factor in their decision/words. I think there is a much bigger bias against Islam in general. To me, it is the much bigger "otherness" in the equation that causes irrational fear and trepidation. I also believe that in general people can and do say or think racist things without actually being racist themselves (just as many people say bigoted things without being the "-ist" version -- sexist comments without being a sexist, racist comments without being a racist, anti-religion comments without being anti-religion, etc.). Labeling a person as the "-ist" is generally too easy and lazy -- it's not taking the time to separate the bad behavior from the overall person.

    There are a hell of a lot of bigoted people and people who say bigoted things who aren't full-blown "-ist" IMO. But I do understand where you are coming from, because unfortunately there are also a lot of people who are the full-blown "-ist" as well.

    I guess we can agree to disagree.

    When it is repeatedly done I will point it out.
    Naw.. It would be more like Trump going Hey Iran... Nancy P lives on 165 W Palm Avenue.

    I don't know this website.. and I just found it tonight with a search.. But my point is that I am not the only one with the same thought...

    Naw.. It would be more like Trump going Hey Iran... Nancy P lives on 165 W Palm Avenue.

    I don't know this website.. and I just found it tonight with a search.. But my point is that I am not the only one with the same thought...

    Hey that is a good one Pajamas Media!

    A bunch of bloggers!

    Oh a side note do you remember the Richard Pryor movie busting loose? You know the one with the kids and school bus. Pryor talks the KKK to help get the bus unstuck from the mud.

    That is the greatest work of the founder of pj media he got a screenwriting credit for it.

    All these bloggers passing themselves off as news is a real problem with why people think we have a news problem.
    Well, this thread has certainly devolved into vapid banality.

    How on gods green earth could it be original?

    We are just a collection or right wing racist and liberal snowflakes that can't figure out how many letters go behind l and g. That is a joke by the way.

    The party over country is huge on both sides.

    The only way we differ is some are kinda in the middle.

    I would think the threat of war with another nation so we don't talk about impeachment is a bit much.

    I would like to think that we as a nation could reel in this power that has not been justified since 911 and it might not have been then if you want to be honest.
    Naw.. It would be more like Trump going Hey Iran... Nancy P lives on 165 W Palm Avenue.

    I don't know this website.. and I just found it tonight with a search.. But my point is that I am not the only one with the same thought...

    You have personally criticized Pelosi as corrupt over her wealth and I certainly don't believe that she's a saint, but your argument here is pretty silly.

    Trump should have divested himself of all holdings which could be seen to potentially influence his actions as President.

    He did not.

    The apt analogy is more like Pelosi using the Navy's technology to force Tuna into an area that here company can harvest them or even using the Navy to protect her tuna fishing interests during times of war so that she can prosper.

    Were Pelosi using the US Military to protect here own personal interests you and I would be screaming for her head. Hell, even the appearance that high ranking officials are acting in their own interest rather than in the interest of the nation is unbelievable, but here we have a sitting president with his name on buildings all over the world. We have that same POTUS clearly guilty of questionable dealings and his own children involved in the government, political campaigns and running those interests.

    There's just no way to avoid an appearance of potential impropriety here and no way for you to deny it.

    How do you not see the error here?
    How do you not see the error here?
    It is not possible for one to see when their eyes are forcefully shut and hands placed over them. It is not possible for one to hear when both ears are stuffed with fingers while they loudly proclaim that they cannot hear anything.
    So did i hear Trump right? Did he say the missiles fired were paid for by the Obama administration???
    So I obviously don't know the long-term ramifications of all this or if there was actually an imminent threat, however I tend to believe this was a calculated strategic move and the situation actually played out about how the administration hoped and thought it would.

    I doubt Iran would have been (as) willing to publicly stand down (or call off the militias they support if Pence is to be believed) if this had been a more run of the mill bombing as opposed to an assassination of a high-level figure. I don't imagine that Iran anticipated the assassination and as it caught them off guard It also boxed them in to a large degree into a no win situation: either strongly retaliate and be blown off the face of the Earth or don't and look extremely weak. So they chose to try and thread that needle by responding with their intentional without a casualty bombings that could be spun back home.

    If nothing else it certainly had to put the thought in the heads of other Iranian leaders that Trump is more than willing to take them out too if things don't change, and hopefully they'll conclude that a change in their actions is necessary to prevent their own deaths.
    It is not possible for one to see when their eyes are forcefully shut and hands placed over them. It is not possible for one to hear when both ears are stuffed with fingers while they loudly proclaim that they cannot hear anything.

    Yep it is amazing how much some on that side just step in line to things that would never ever be accepted by the other side.

    I was shocked how the GOP let him run all over them. They should have made it crystal clear this is what you do or you do not get the nomination.

    The Emolument clause is real. Should have been followed. Our allies the serbs paid with their lives because it was not followed and put his business in Turkey above the American allies.
    Good Morning!! What did I miss? Did N Korea Nuke us yet? Are we at war with Iran? Did the stock market crash? Did we start executing minorities and the LGBT community? It’s been three years ... this is the worst Armageddon apocalypse ever
    The Emolument clause is real. Should have been followed.
    It sure seems pointless though. He hasn't even pretended not to be making money off of his position with all of his properties and nothing has happened to him. I remember hearing that there were emoluments clause cases in DC and somewhere else about the Trump Hotel and some other property but that was in like 2017. Haven't heard a peep since. This whole "You can't be charged with a crime while you're president because you're president no matter how much of a crook you are" rule is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.
    Good Morning!! What did I miss? Did N Korea Nuke us yet? Are we at war with Iran? Did the stock market crash? Did we start executing minorities and the LGBT community? It’s been three years ... this is the worst Armageddon apocalypse ever
    Keep owning those libs, Joe! It's a great look!

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