“I held my nose and pulled the lever for Trump.” (2 Viewers)

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    No. I didn't. You think too much.
    But at least I think

    And yes you did
    The hippie/narrator uses the commie accusation to avoid a beating at the bar (for the crime of having long hair)
    There were no commies involved in the story
    Ironically your arguments are burdened with the same lack of actual commies
    Touche. Just figured I'd have something better to work with was all.
    But at least I think

    And yes you did
    The hippie/narrator uses the commie accusation to avoid a beating at the bar (for the crime of having long hair)
    There were no commies involved in the story
    Ironically your arguments are burdened with the same lack of actual commies


    My attempts to lend perspective from my point of view seem to have fallen on deaf ears.

    If I choose to engage someone half my age on the topic of Communism and Socialism, it won't be in the Mud Pit, and I won't engage if they're not at least on par with my education and experience level. Otherwise, we would spend an inordinate amount of time simply sorting out background information, trading meaningless barbs and pleasantries.

    GMR, Uneasy Rider came out my sophomore year in high school. I am fully aware of its content and political commentary and I shared it in the hope that a new generation would actually listen to it and appreciate it and the times which spawned it.

    Now, if y'all will excuse me, I'll go visit Breitbart, Drudge Report and Rush Limbaugh's sites to get their take on today's events. After that, I may just pretend to stand in line at the grocery store so I can read the gossip rags about Queen Elizabeth accidently getting locked out of her own palace.

    Last edited:
    I figured this would be a better place to throw down this gauntlet.

    So after the election, I heard this statement a LOT from Republicans who acted like the Democrats gave them no choice because Hillary was such a bad candidate. Even some on that “other” forum repeated this claim. It was bullshirt then, and it’s bullshirt now. HRC was an objectively better candidate than Trump, but R’s didn’t want to admit that they only cared about abortion, guns, or the letter after the name, arse-grabbing be damned, and so they “held their noses and pulled the lever for Trump.”

    If Biden is the nominee, you can’t really use that excuse now. Trump is still just as awful as he was in 2016, if not more so. If you vote for him now, it’s because you are choosing him and all the garbage that comes with him. Biden isn’t Hillary. He’s a viable alternative. If you still vote for Trump, this time you have to own it. No more acting like the Dems stuck you with an impossible choice. Own it.

    And perhaps even more importantly: any Republican will get you abortion laws and guns. You could have had Pence if the impeachment had gone through. So now you’re gonna have to admit the rest of it: the reason you like Trump is specifically because of how terrible he is. You enjoy it. You like his Twitter bullshittery (even though you’ll say you wish he would tone it down). You like his kids in cages policies. You like the sexism, the racism, and the corruption. You like his science denial. You like the things that make him an awful human being.

    That makes you an awful human being.
    I’ve been thinking about this more and more. My honest reply to this thread wasn’t enough. YOU calling Trump supporters awful humans is somewhat of a joke. Your party’s leaders are for late term abortion. Now if you think that’s cool then please explain to all of us awful why in 29 states if you murder a pregnant woman you get charged with feticide at any stage of development? Trump’s twitter bullshittery as you put it is brilliant because there’s no way he could or would get fair coverage by the media. So he bypassed them and talks directly to the people. You don’t like it so that makes us awful people. Trump hasn’t done anything racist yet that’s the left’s favorite tag line when you have nothing else you just call him racist and move on. Saying that we could’ve had Pence if “the impeachment had gone through” like that was a win-win is a insult. That was the weakest impeachment process in the history of our country and if you were the holier than thou person you seem to be you’d admit that. But you can’t because you have to hang on to your blind hatred of the man.

    I’ll depart this thread with this little nugget. Trump is going to be your president for the next 4 years and 9 months. You and your party needs to understand that and start working on who will be your candidate in 2024. You might have to face another Trump then. So go to sleep tonight and think about running against Don Jr. in 2024 and Ivanka in 2032 maybe with Candace Owens as vp. Oh and don’t forget that your party of diversity has kicked out a gay guy, several women and people of color, for 2 old white guys. That sounds a little racist.
    I have some time to kill so why not

    You think she was a better. People disagreed. Welcome to America where people are allowed to disagree , well used to be. There is also people who the thought of voting Hillary made them sick yet they did it any ways.

    Abortion - whether you want to admit it or not at some point it goes from just being a "clump of cells" to an actual person. We have reached the point of on demand for ANY reason Hell there are videos on social media of people celebrating their abortions

    Guns - Sorry, not sorry. I will protect my family by any means necessary. My wife has had a stalker for 3 years. Not only leaving stuff on her car but to the point of leaving things for her on or apt door and we live in a high rise with security and the police still have no clue. Yet you have Democrats who openly admit they want to take my gun. Sorry but no.

    arse grabbing - Is this the part where people are to forget her part in it? The cover ups, the defending Bill, the degrading of the victims? or is this the believe all women as long as it benefits my side part?

    Only the letter - I mean come on. Were there some that did that? absolutely yes. Were there people that only voted Hillary because she had a D after her name? You damn right.

    So forget everything Biden has done in his life, forget his voting record, forget that the guy is barely coherent. Basically vote Biden cause Trump.

    A lot to unpack here.

    I'm not in charge of impeachment so I really can't comment.

    Does he tweet out shirt that makes me laugh? Sure he does because I love s good internet troll, but then i remember that he is POTUS and I shake my head at it cause I want better. Sadly though social media and twitter in particular have turned politicians into meme idiots. If I had my way politicians social media would be handle by staff and it would have to be policy related.

    Is it me or do people only care about kids in cages since 2017? It's an odd thing. Don't know what the difference could be.

    I currently live in a state where the Governor has a nickname of "Coonman" and can't remember if he wore blackface or a Klans suit. A Lt Gov that has multiple rape allegations and a A.G. that wore blackface.

    Science also told me there was only 2 genders and yet here we are.

    Then so be it.

    That's utter BS and you know it. The Dem establishment isn't a bunch of people with twitter accounts.

    You wouldn't include the Clintons as part of the Democratic establishment? I do, and I think one would be a fool to think that they don't have enormous influence even though they are not in office.

    And yeah, I think the Democratic establishment uses twitter to get out the messages they want their people to swallow. But they also use MSNBC, CNN, the Washington Post, the NY Times, etc.

    If you think they just sit back and let random people on twitter control the narrative then you are pretty naive. Russian trolls supposedly throw entire elections, but the Democratic establishment has no influence whatsoever. Yeah, right.

    Over a long weekend, they did an impressive job of changing the Democratic front runner from Bernie to Biden. When it comes to manipulating who the nominee is going to be they have zero problems getting their hands dirty, and they are effective.
    I will Vote for Trump as I am no fan of socialism, and Joe is a senile old man who likes to smell women and little girls.
    Those are my options?

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