Next Speaker of the House? (9 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Mar 13, 2019
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    There’s a lot of doubt that Kevin McCarthy will be able to get enough votes to become Speaker. It certainly won’t happen on the first ballot. Already Boboert and MTG are publicly at odds over it.

    Maybe this is worth it’s own thread to watch. One person mentioned is Scalise.

    Spoken like a partisan Democrat masquerading as a neutral observer.

    Did I say the debt was all the Democrats or Biden's fault? No. Why don't you address the current issue at hand instead of trying to play the blame game.

    Both parties are to blame. Republicans only claim to care about the debt when they are out of power.

    I'm not a neutral observer. I'm a progressive. I've never claimed to be neutral.

    I voted for Bernie twice. I would vote for AOC if she ran. My politics are more aligned with Nordic countries then any kind of centrist. I don't claim or pretend to be that.

    Income inequality in this country has never been worse. The most obvious answer to tackling the deficit is getting rid of things capital gains rates, and creating a new tax bracket with higher rates. That would fund the government and help with income inequality. I prefer that over cutting social services, which already anemic in this country vs any actual 1st world country.

    Did you actually even look at what most of that money is going towards? 886 billion of that 1.2 trillion is going to the DoD. What are you saying you want to cut defense spending?
    You need to try harder. I know that Republicans want to brinkmanship in an election year. Some of them are so insane they would actually shutdown government and hope Democrats get blamed. That's why you are so inflamed.
    It doesn't matter what anyone wants. We are 34 trillion in debt and that's not even including the unfunded liabilities in Medicare and Social Security.

    -Over the next 75 years, the U.S. government’s unfunded obligations total $79.5 trillion.

    -Over the next 75 years, Medicare and Social Security funding shortfalls comprise 95 percent of the total unfunded obligation.

    -The financial report projects the debt‐to‐GDP ratio will reach 200 percent by 2046 and 566 percent by 2097, based on current policy.
    It's the same stuff with Ukraine. They know Ukraine having major success right now hurts their election odds.
    Lol. Yeah it couldn't possibly be that some are against war that isn't a vital interest to the US.
    It's also why the border has once again in an election year become a hot topic.
    Yeah that's the only reason lol.
    Why do you get to dictate the topics I should discuss? You clearly have no real conviction. You are simply a reflection of the party you belong too. No one on this board has to pretend to care about whatever outrage bait you gobbled up today.
    I don't dictate what topics you shoulf discuss, but YOU are the one who responded to my post about the debt. If you don't want to discuss the subject then don't respond to my post.
    It doesn't matter what anyone wants. We are 34 trillion in debt and that's not even including the unfunded liabilities in Medicare and Social Security.

    -Over the next 75 years, the U.S. government’s unfunded obligations total $79.5 trillion.

    -Over the next 75 years, Medicare and Social Security funding shortfalls comprise 95 percent of the total unfunded obligation.

    -The financial report projects the debt‐to‐GDP ratio will reach 200 percent by 2046 and 566 percent by 2097, based on current policy.

    Again, you care about this now. The last president to get close to a balanced budget was Bill Clinton. He increased tax revenue, and cut military spending.

    Lol. Yeah it couldn't possibly be that some are against war that isn't a vital interest to the US.

    There hasn't been a war that was of "vital interest" to the U.S. since WW2. The destruction of a belligerent, and destabilizing force like Russia is in America's interest.

    Yeah that's the only reason lol.

    I mean it is though. The boogieman of immigrants stealing your jobs is a very worn out tale.

    I don't dictate what topics you shoulf discuss, but YOU are the one who responded to my post about the debt. If you don't want to discuss the subject then don't respond to my post.

    Do you really never get tired of being outraged from wherever you get your news? We should go back to talking about the real issues: transgender bathroom visits, and book burnings.
    Again, you care about this now. The last president to get close to a balanced budget was Bill Clinton. He increased tax revenue, and cut military spending.
    Still deflecting huh?
    There hasn't been a war that was of "vital interest" to the U.S. since WW2. The destruction of a belligerent, and destabilizing force like Russia is in America's interest.
    You indirectly admitted that our wars since WW2 haven't been necessary, but you continue to support the US war machine.

    There is no vital interest in Ukraine for the US.

    Serious question. If you think it's so important, why don't you volunteer to go fight in Ukraine?

    I mean it is though. The boogieman of immigrants stealing your jobs is a very worn out tale.
    It's weird how the numbers jumped up dramatically when Biden got into office.

    2023: 3,201,144
    2022: 2,766,582
    2021: 1,956,519
    2020: 405,036
    2019: 859,501
    2018: 404,142
    2017: 310,531
    2016: 415,816
    2015: 337,117
    2014: 486,651
    2013: 420,789
    2012: 364,768
    2011: 340,252
    2010: 463,382


    Do you really never get tired of being outraged from wherever you get your news? We should go back to talking about the real issues: transgender bathroom visits, and book burnings.
    The corporate media's ratings and credibility are in the toilet and for good reason. They are basically an arm of the Democrat party and the US security state.
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    Still deflecting huh?

    No, I gave you an answer twice in two different forms. I said we should raise tax revenue, and cutting defense spending. I gave a specific example. I then pointed out how Bill Clinton the last president to accomplish your goal, did exactly that. I felt like this was clear. I apologize if it wasn't. Would you like to discuss the merits of both raising revenues, and cutting defense spending as a way cut the deficit? Or we done now?

    You indirectly admitted that our wars since WW2 haven't been necessary, but you continue to support the US war machine.

    There is no vital interest in Ukraine for the US.

    Serious question. If you think it's so important, why don't you volunteer to go fight in Ukraine?

    Why would I want any American to fight in Ukraine? If the Ukrainians want to fight to DEFEND their country. Why shouldn't we provide them the means to do so?

    It's weird how the numbers jumped up dramatically when Biden got into office.

    2023: 3,201,144
    2022: 2,766,582
    2021: 1,956,519
    2020: 405,036
    2019: 859,501
    2018: 404,142
    2017: 310,531
    2016: 415,816
    2015: 337,117
    2014: 486,651
    2013: 420,789
    2012: 364,768
    2011: 340,252
    2010: 463,382


    The corporate media's ratings and credibility are in the toilet and for good reason. They are basically an arm of the Democrat party and the US security state.

    You must not comprehend what this graph is telling you. Can you tell the class why this is NOT proof of a wave illegal immigrants entering the country? It is in fact, the exact opposite. Can you do that?
    Last edited:
    No, I gave you an answer twice in two different forms. I said we should raise tax revenue, and cutting defense spending. I gave a specific example. I then pointed out how Bill Clinton the last president to accomplish your goal, did exactly that. I felt like this was clear. I apologize if it wasn't. Would you like to discuss the merits of both raising revenues, and cutting defense spending as a way cut the deficit? Or we done now?
    Yes you are still deflecting by bringing up Clinton while ignoring the current situation with the debt.

    I'm aware that military funding would have to be cut and I support it 100%.
    Why would I want any American to fight in Ukraine? If the Ukrainians want to fight to DEFEND their country. Why shouldn't we provide them the means to do so?
    It's easy to support a war when it doesn't affect your daily lives. It's understandable why Ukrainian war supporters don't care how many more Ukrainians get killed in an unwinnable war. I bet if you were living over there you wouldn't be an gung ho as you are about the war.

    You must not comprehend what this graph is telling you. Can you tell the class why this is NOT proof of a wave illegal immigrants entering the country? It is in fact, the exact opposite. Can you do that?
    Could you point out the statistic that says how many illegals made it in to the country.
    Yes you are still deflecting by bringing up Clinton while ignoring the current situation with the debt.

    It was the same song, and dance back then. There is nothing new under the sun.
    I'm aware that military funding would have to be cut and I support it 100%.

    It's easy to support a war when it doesn't affect your daily lives. It's understandable why Ukrainian war supporters don't care how many more Ukrainians get killed in an unwinnable war. I bet if you were living over there you wouldn't be an gung ho as you are about the war.

    How does funding Ukrainian war efforts kill more Ukrainians? That isn't logical. Also, Ukrainians are polled on if they support the war. You can find the answer to that.

    Could you point out the statistic that says how many illegals made it in to the country.

    A good metric is probably noncitizen arrest per year. Of course the flaw in that data is very few illegals get arrested. They are by far the most law abiding group for obvious reasons.
    It's weird how the numbers jumped up dramatically when Biden got into office.

    2023: 3,201,144
    2022: 2,766,582
    2021: 1,956,519
    2020: 405,036
    2019: 859,501
    2018: 404,142
    2017: 310,531
    2016: 415,816
    2015: 337,117
    2014: 486,651
    2013: 420,789
    2012: 364,768
    2011: 340,252
    2010: 463,382


    The corporate media's ratings and credibility are in the toilet and for good reason. They are basically an arm of the Democrat party and the US security state.

    I agree, it is weird that republicans have a serious problem with more illegals being apprehended under Biden by a wide margin. I thought they wanted more people to be stopped from crossing the border.
    Imagine just stating Trillion dollar bills shouldn't be rushed through Congress.
    I responded to what was actually stated and nothing like "shouldn't be rushed through Congress" was stated. The argument that was made was Congresspeople didn't have time to read the bill.

    That's the argument I responded to and I easily showed that it was a flawed argument once the task of reading 1,012 pages is broken down into hours of labor.

    Note the complete lack of any response to showing how easily the full 1,012 pages of the bill could have been reviewed within the 30 hours they had. Note the complete lack of response to showing that it was feasible for a small group of people to have an hour per page to read the entire bill and discuss it.

    The grand total of the budget in the budget bill has no bearing on how long it takes to read it, all that matters is the page count. The page count was 1,012 pages.

    Some people keep referring tot he bill as the "trillion dollar bill" instead of the more relevant "1,012 page bill," because a "trillion dollars" makes it sound like reading through 1,012 pages would take a lot more time than it actually does.

    But we all know...
    The false and universal mantra of a closed, tribal and willfully ignorant mind.

    "We all know" is always said to people who are actively disagreeing with the person who claims "we all know." Am I the only one who sees the absurd irrationality in thinking and declaring that "we all know" to people who are actively telling the person what they think they know is factually inaccurate?

    To me it's a defense mechanism used when someone recognizes that the belief they stated has been shown to be false, but they refuse to let go of that false belief, so they say "we all know" to reinforce their false belief in their minds.

    When someone says "we all know" it shows that the person actually knows what they are saying is questionable, but they are too emotionally invested in believing the things they are saying to even reconsider what they believe.

    "We all know" that, right? Just kidding of course, I know most people don't agree with what I said and I know what I think can't be proved or disproved. I'm okay with knowing and accepting that.
    Last edited:
    ...some are against war that isn't a vital interest to the US.
    The full truth of one's actually morality reveals itself the more one keeps talking about their morality.

    The above is not a statement of being morally opposed to the pain and suffering inflicted on people by war, it is a statement of being supportive of war if something that is wanted can be gotten from the war.

    Those are very different moralities and I find the mercenary morality to be very depraved.
    Last edited:
    I was recently reminded of the purposes of false accusations and personal insults and how best to deal with them.

    First, the best way to deal with them is to completely ignore them. That's why I am now deleting any false accusations and personal insults directed at me from any post that I quote. Not only will I not address them, I'm not going to give them any life by quoting them.

    Why am I doing that? I do that because false accusations and personal insults are intended to do these things:
    • False accusations and personal insults are used to try to give traction to the accusations and insults by having them repeated and responded to. Repetition of lies and insulting people is the bread and butter of spreading false propaganda, so I choose not to aid that effort by quoting it or responding to it myself. That way, the false accusations and personal insults end with the person who makes them. Sure, they can keep repeating them over and over, but it they keep harking on it while I'm ignoring it, they will be seen unfavorably and rejected by almost everyone. So, I'm letting them hark and bark at the wind all they want.
    • False accusations and personal insults are used to try to provoke an emotional response from someone who is presenting soundly rational and logical counterpoints to what the accuser and insulter has said. It's an attempt to drag someone out of an on-topic, rational and logical discussion into an emotionally charged, off-topic, more irrational and less logical verbal fight. The false accusations and personal insults are an indication that the person making them sees that someone is exposing what they are saying as inaccurate, irrational, illogical and/or inconsistent. Their only hope at that point is to pick a fight to deflect and distract from the validity of what someone is saying.
    Working from that frame of mind, I see false accusations and personal insults directed at me as a positive sign. I think they indicate that what I'm saying is factually accurate, logical, rational and effectively getting my point across.

    I don't have to point that out each time, because my positive perception is genuine. I would only give responses like "translation:," "so you agree with me," "so you're saying I'm right," or "you can't refute what I'm saying so you deflect," if I was afraid that someone pointed out flaws in the accuracy, logic or reasoning of something I said. Me saying those things would only be a sign of insecurity on my part and feeling a need to refute someone's response to me, but not having a factually, logically or rationally valid refutation to make.

    Just wanted to share this with others, because it's making my time discussing issues with everyone here a lot more pleasant for me.
    Last edited:
    It doesn't matter what anyone wants. We are 34 trillion in debt and that's not even including the unfunded liabilities in Medicare and Social Security.

    -Over the next 75 years, the U.S. government’s unfunded obligations total $79.5 trillion.

    -Over the next 75 years, Medicare and Social Security funding shortfalls comprise 95 percent of the total unfunded obligation.

    -The financial report projects the debt‐to‐GDP ratio will reach 200 percent by 2046 and 566 percent by 2097, based on current policy.

    Lol. Yeah it couldn't possibly be that some are against war that isn't a vital interest to the US.

    Yeah that's the only reason lol.

    I don't dictate what topics you shoulf discuss, but YOU are the one who responded to my post about the debt. If you don't want to discuss the subject then don't respond to my post

    It doesn't matter what anyone wants. We are 34 trillion in debt and that's not even including the unfunded liabilities in Medicare and Social Security.

    -Over the next 75 years, the U.S. government’s unfunded obligations total $79.5 trillion.

    -Over the next 75 years, Medicare and Social Security funding shortfalls comprise 95 percent of the total unfunded obligation.

    -The financial report projects the debt‐to‐GDP ratio will reach 200 percent by 2046 and 566 percent by 2097, based on current policy.

    Lol. Yeah it couldn't possibly be that some are against war that isn't a vital interest to the US.

    Yeah that's the only reason lol.

    I don't dictate what topics you shoulf discuss, but YOU are the one who responded to my post about the debt. If you don't want to discuss the subject then don't respond to my post.
    And yet the party you support is the one driving it. Debt goes UP under Republican Administrations. The last two created a completely new Cabinet level department and a whole new branch of the military. And they absolutely will NOT raise taxes on the rich.

    So if you care about the national debt, every piece of evidence available says you should vote Democrat.
    And yet the party you support is the one driving it. Debt goes UP under Republican Administrations. The last two created a completely new Cabinet level department and a whole new branch of the military. And they absolutely will NOT raise taxes on the rich.

    So if you care about the national debt, every piece of evidence available says you should vote Democrat.
    Yeah, he just doesn't care about facts and is an unserious debater. He wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the face.
    Wow. Running cover for the deep state corruption. Imagine just stating Trillion dollar bills shouldn't be rushed through Congress.
    You asking this question about reading a bill, even a thousand page one, makes it clear you have no idea what you're talking about. And this deep state nonsense is Q-shirt conspiracy theory blathering that is typical of lost causes. There was enough time to read the bill. It's really not that hard unless You blow at reading. And Congressional staffers are assigned or tasked with going through sections of the bill at a time.
    But we all know why the deep state doesn't want much time to read the bill. They know the more time to read what's actually in the bill would mean more time for opposition to the bill once we ALWAYS learn how the bill is much worse than what they initially told us....and yet you defend it.
    More "omgz lol deep state is out to get us!" bullshirt. You've swallowed the Q-nuts' nonsense hook...line...sinker.
    And yet the party you support is the one driving it. Debt goes UP under Republican Administrations. The last two created a completely new Cabinet level department and a whole new branch of the military. And they absolutely will NOT raise taxes on the rich.

    So if you care about the national debt, every piece of evidence available says you should vote Democrat.

    What's even funnier conservatives come on here talking about this issue but then turn around and vote for "I'm the King of debt."
    What's even funnier conservatives come on here talking about this issue but then turn around and vote for "I'm the King of debt."
    It's like that conservative ccompassion stage nonsense the GOP went through. I wanted to like the concept, but matching deeds and words is hard for the GOP.
    It was the same song, and dance back then. There is nothing new under the sun.
    Keeps head in the sand...
    How does funding Ukrainian war efforts kill more Ukrainians? That isn't logical. Also, Ukrainians are polled on if they support the war. You can find the answer to that.
    Funding a war that Ukraine has no chance of beating Russia will lead to more Ukrainian deaths.

    Oh they are polled them huh? Why are they having to pull men off the street to force them to fight? Why are some men paying a lot of money for people to get them out of their country?


    MAKIV, Ukraine — Few men of fighting age are left in this village in southwest Ukraine, and those who remain fear they will be drafted at any moment.

    Their neighbors are already hundreds of miles east in trenches on the front lines. Some have been killed or wounded. Several are missing. Others from this rural area — about 45 miles from the borders of Romania and Moldova — have fled abroad or found ways to avoid the war, either with legitimate exemptions or by hiding.

    “It’s just a fact,” said Larysa Bodna, deputy director of the local school, which keeps a database of students whose parents are deployed. “Most of them are gone.”

    A good metric is probably noncitizen arrest per year. Of course the flaw in that data is very few illegals get arrested. They are by far the most law abiding group for obvious reasons.
    It's quite obvious to everyone that illegal immigration has dramatically increased since Biden came into office, said at the debate for migrants to rush the border, and all his executive orders that make it easier for migrants to get into the country and not get deported.

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