Right wing nuts thread (16 Viewers)

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    Joe belongs here too.

    I present John Oliver's prebuttal. It's a prebuttal, because it aired on Last Week Tonight before the nonsense on Joe Rogan's show aired. The safety problems at Boeing are in no way related to DEI, it's all about stockholders and executives greedily maximizing stock value at the expense of safety.
    Bolding mine. 100% no

    BETHLEHEM, Pa. — Linda Wenhold closed her eyes, bowed her head and offered a prayer. “Lord, let us see that the further we move from biblical truth, the further we move from our liberty and freedom,” she began.

    The 60-year-old grandmother stood at the front of a modest stone church in this former steel town just beyond the exurban sprawl of Philadelphia.

    About a dozen people had turned out on a cold February night for the fourth week of a 10-week course she was leading on the Constitution and America’s Christian roots, one of 500 that were underway at churches and community centers across the country. Radiators clanked. The attendees sipped coffee from foam cups.

    Wenhold hit play on a video that opened with soaring music and scenes of Philadelphia’s Independence Hall.

    The classes were the product of the Patriot Academy, a Texas-based nonprofit whose mission is to “restore our Constitutional Republic” and the “Biblical principles that cause” the United States “to thrive.”
The Patriot Academy’s classes were tapping into a growing fear among some evangelical Christians that their faith and what they saw as its rightful place at the center of American culture and government were under siege.

    It’s a message sounded in recent years from church pulpits, conservative think tanks, right-leaning colleges and the 1776 Commission report, released in the final, chaotic days of Donald Trump’s presidency.

    This sense of loss has become a central part of Trump’s 2024 campaign and his outreach to conservative Christians. Like the former president’s “Make America Great Again” movement, the Patriot Academy was calling for a restoration.

    The Patriot Academy classes urged participants to run for local office, especially school board, and to fight back against the “secular leftists” and “Marxists” in their country and their communities. In November, Wenhold won a seat on the Palisades School Board.

    The position was unpaid, but it gave her a little bit of power. She wanted to use it to make sure students in her school district were taught America’s “true history” as a Christian nation, as she had come to understand it.

    Wenhold led the class through a lesson that discussed how the country was abandoning the Founding Fathers’ egalitarian vision — initially limited to White males — of a government that existed to protect Americans’ “inalienable rights” as individuals.

    Instead, the government was providing special rights and benefits to groups based on their race, class, sexual orientation and countless other categories.

    “As soon as you start to give privileges to one group, you are taking away from or neglecting others,” Wenhold said.

    “So, I do think that the solution is going back to teaching our kids that we are all equal in the eyes of God.”……

    Last edited:
    Bolding mine. 100% no

    BETHLEHEM, Pa. — Linda Wenhold closed her eyes, bowed her head and offered a prayer. “Lord, let us see that the further we move from biblical truth, the further we move from our liberty and freedom,” she began.

    The 60-year-old grandmother stood at the front of a modest stone church in this former steel town just beyond the exurban sprawl of Philadelphia.

    About a dozen people had turned out on a cold February night for the fourth week of a 10-week course she was leading on the Constitution and America’s Christian roots, one of 500 that were underway at churches and community centers across the country. Radiators clanked. The attendees sipped coffee from foam cups.

    Wenhold hit play on a video that opened with soaring music and scenes of Philadelphia’s Independence Hall.

    The classes were the product of the Patriot Academy, a Texas-based nonprofit whose mission is to “restore our Constitutional Republic” and the “Biblical principles that cause” the United States “to thrive.”
The Patriot Academy’s classes were tapping into a growing fear among some evangelical Christians that their faith and what they saw as its rightful place at the center of American culture and government were under siege.

    It’s a message sounded in recent years from church pulpits, conservative think tanks, right-leaning colleges and the 1776 Commission report, released in the final, chaotic days of Donald Trump’s presidency.

    This sense of loss has become a central part of Trump’s 2024 campaign and his outreach to conservative Christians. Like the former president’s “Make America Great Again” movement, the Patriot Academy was calling for a restoration.

    The Patriot Academy classes urged participants to run for local office, especially school board, and to fight back against the “secular leftists” and “Marxists” in their country and their communities. In November, Wenhold won a seat on the Palisades School Board.

    The position was unpaid, but it gave her a little bit of power. She wanted to use it to make sure students in her school district were taught America’s “true history” as a Christian nation, as she had come to understand it.

    Wenhold led the class through a lesson that discussed how the country was abandoning the Founding Fathers’ egalitarian vision — initially limited to White males — of a government that existed to protect Americans’ “inalienable rights” as individuals.

    Instead, the government was providing special rights and benefits to groups based on their race, class, sexual orientation and countless other categories.

“As soon as you start to give privileges to one group, you are taking away from or neglecting others,” Wenhold said.

    “So, I do think that the solution is going back to teaching our kids that we are all equal in the eyes of God.”……

    The saying goes you can tell a lot about someone by the company they keep. Here's the company that Patriot Academy keeps.

    One of their efforts they emphasize is to send people out to "coach" people on the Constitution.
    These are some of the things they say about that effort:

    The Most Frequently Asked Question!
    “What does being a Coach entail?”

    Glad you asked! No experience needed.
    You are NOT expected to be the authority on the subject. The only criteria is loving your country, wanting to share truth and to keep the torch of freedom burning brightly in this generation and the next!
    Hosting a class can be as simple as inviting a few friends over and pressing play!
    What age group are the Constitution Coach classes for?

    The classes are made to be presented to an audience of 13 years old and up. Family and friends of all ages!
    Do my attendees have to register through the Patriot Academy website?

    Yes, to receive email reminders before class and to access the free digital workbook.

    Seems to me that not only are they trying to indoctrinate and recruit people into Christian Nationalism, they are encouraging their indoctrinated recruits are well armed and also trying to create a Christian Nationalist version of Amway. There's always a money angle with all of these Christian Nationalists.

    Remember the only two accounts in the new testament of Jesus Christ having a physical outburst? One was with the devil and apparently all these Christian Nationalism exploiters either weren't taught the other instance or they choose to get it swept under the rug.
    The Republican nominee for superintendent overseeing North Carolina’s public schools and its $11 billion budget has a history marked by extreme and controversial comments, including sharing baseless conspiracy theories and frequent calls for the execution of prominent Democrats.

    Michele Morrow, a conservative activist who last week upset the incumbent Superintendent of Public Instruction in North Carolina’s Republican primary, expressed support in 2020 for the televised execution of former President Barack Obama and suggested killing then-President-elect Joe Biden.

    In other comments on social media between 2019 and 2021 reviewed by CNN’s KFile, Morrow made disturbing suggestions about executing prominent Democrats for treason, including Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Hillary Clinton, Sen. Chuck Schumer and other prominent people such as Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates.

    “I prefer a Pay Per View of him in front of the firing squad,” she wrote in a tweet from May 2020, responding to a user sharing a conspiracy theory who suggested sending Obama to prison at Guantanamo Bay. “I do not want to waste another dime on supporting his life. We could make some money back from televising his death.”

    In another post in May 2020, she responded to a fake Time Magazine cover that featured art of Obama in an electric chair asking if he should be executed.

    “Death to ALL traitors!!” Morrow responded.

    In yet another comment, Morrow suggested in December 2020 killing Biden, who at that time was president-elect, and has said he would ask Americans to wear a mask for 100 days.

    “Never. We need to follow the Constitution’s advice and KILL all TRAITORS!!! #JusticeforAmerica,” she wrote.

    CNN reached out to Morrow and her campaign multiple times but did not receive a response. Following publication of this story, Morrow defended her previous tweets, claiming Obama committed treason...............

    The Republican nominee for superintendent overseeing North Carolina’s public schools and its $11 billion budget has a history marked by extreme and controversial comments, including sharing baseless conspiracy theories and frequent calls for the execution of prominent Democrats.

    Michele Morrow, a conservative activist who last week upset the incumbent Superintendent of Public Instruction in North Carolina’s Republican primary, expressed support in 2020 for the televised execution of former President Barack Obama and suggested killing then-President-elect Joe Biden.

    In other comments on social media between 2019 and 2021 reviewed by CNN’s KFile, Morrow made disturbing suggestions about executing prominent Democrats for treason, including Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Hillary Clinton, Sen. Chuck Schumer and other prominent people such as Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates.

    “I prefer a Pay Per View of him in front of the firing squad,” she wrote in a tweet from May 2020, responding to a user sharing a conspiracy theory who suggested sending Obama to prison at Guantanamo Bay. “I do not want to waste another dime on supporting his life. We could make some money back from televising his death.”

    In another post in May 2020, she responded to a fake Time Magazine cover that featured art of Obama in an electric chair asking if he should be executed.

    “Death to ALL traitors!!” Morrow responded.

    In yet another comment, Morrow suggested in December 2020 killing Biden, who at that time was president-elect, and has said he would ask Americans to wear a mask for 100 days.

    “Never. We need to follow the Constitution’s advice and KILL all TRAITORS!!! #JusticeforAmerica,” she wrote.

    CNN reached out to Morrow and her campaign multiple times but did not receive a response. Following publication of this story, Morrow defended her previous tweets, claiming Obama committed treason...............

    I guess I'm an extremist, too. At least in this one area. I'm of the belief that traitors should be shot. After a fair trial, of course. Maybe that's the distinction?

    I've said before that if his cowardly, delusional response remained exactly the same, but Covid was roving cells of swarthy people who killed or injured 11 out of every 100 people they came across, Trump would've been shot for treason by now. I see no reason to change that opinion.
    Rudy Giuliani predicted on Sunday that he'll be disbarred but said his loyalty to former President Donald Trump would be a boon for him "in heaven."

    "The Bar Association is going to crucify me no matter what," Giuliani said on a Sunday episode of his podcast "Uncovering the Truth." "I will be disbarred in New York. I will be disbarred in Washington. It will have nothing to do with anything I did wrong."

    Giuliani, who led Trump's legal challenge to the 2020 election outcome in Pennsylvania, had his law license suspended in both Washington, DC and New York in 2021.

    The former New York mayor is now contesting a recommendation from a Washington-based ethics review panel that he be disbarred for his actions while representing Trump.

    "I consider that something that will help me in heaven for sticking to my principles and not being a weakling like all these weaklings who were afraid to represent Trump," Giuliani said...............

    Rudy Giuliani predicted on Sunday that he'll be disbarred but said his loyalty to former President Donald Trump would be a boon for him "in heaven."

    "The Bar Association is going to crucify me no matter what," Giuliani said on a Sunday episode of his podcast "Uncovering the Truth." "I will be disbarred in New York. I will be disbarred in Washington. It will have nothing to do with anything I did wrong."

    Giuliani, who led Trump's legal challenge to the 2020 election outcome in Pennsylvania, had his law license suspended in both Washington, DC and New York in 2021.

    The former New York mayor is now contesting a recommendation from a Washington-based ethics review panel that he be disbarred for his actions while representing Trump.

    "I consider that something that will help me in heaven for sticking to my principles and not being a weakling like all these weaklings who were afraid to represent Trump," Giuliani said...............

    Trump Cult member...Exhibit A...need I say more?
    Rudy Giuliani predicted on Sunday that he'll be disbarred but said his loyalty to former President Donald Trump would be a boon for him "in heaven."

    "The Bar Association is going to crucify me no matter what," Giuliani said on a Sunday episode of his podcast "Uncovering the Truth." "I will be disbarred in New York. I will be disbarred in Washington. It will have nothing to do with anything I did wrong."

    Giuliani, who led Trump's legal challenge to the 2020 election outcome in Pennsylvania, had his law license suspended in both Washington, DC and New York in 2021.

    The former New York mayor is now contesting a recommendation from a Washington-based ethics review panel that he be disbarred for his actions while representing Trump.

    "I consider that something that will help me in heaven for sticking to my principles and not being a weakling like all these weaklings who were afraid to represent Trump," Giuliani said...............

    Good luck with that Rudy. I'm sure God will come to your rescue. 🤣
    Rudy Giuliani predicted on Sunday that he'll be disbarred but said his loyalty to former President Donald Trump would be a boon for him "in heaven."

    "The Bar Association is going to crucify me no matter what," Giuliani said on a Sunday episode of his podcast "Uncovering the Truth." "I will be disbarred in New York. I will be disbarred in Washington. It will have nothing to do with anything I did wrong."

    Giuliani, who led Trump's legal challenge to the 2020 election outcome in Pennsylvania, had his law license suspended in both Washington, DC and New York in 2021.

    The former New York mayor is now contesting a recommendation from a Washington-based ethics review panel that he be disbarred for his actions while representing Trump.

    "I consider that something that will help me in heaven for sticking to my principles and not being a weakling like all these weaklings who were afraid to represent Trump," Giuliani said...............

    When did Rudy acquire principles?
    This isn't about politics persay but after Target, Bud Light etc. does this count as a left wing boycott?

    And I expect that homemade cereal is like homemade scratch pumpkin pie or ketchup.

    Not worth the time, effort or expense. And the final product doesn't even taste much different than using a can of Libby's or Heinz

    It sounds like the CEO is saying "if money is tight we have cheaper options"

    And I get the overall anger about inflation and record profits because of it, but this seems pretty random. Any company that has a product line has a spectrum of pricing and quality

    I can see the CEO of almost any company saying this

    In preparation for a boycott against cereal goliath Kellogg’s, TikToker Mandy Donley said, Let them eat flakes.

    The 31-year-old home baker is milling her own corn to make homemade Corn Flakes, a Kellogg’s product dupe, and posted a TikTok of the recipe—as well as a call to action to boycott the snack food conglomerate.

    WK Kellogg CEO Gary Pilnick said in a Feb. 21 CNBC interview that cash-strapped families should eat “cereal for breakfast” as a way to save money.

    “The cereal category has always been quite affordable, and it tends to be a great destination when consumers are under pressure,” he said.

    While the phrase has been used in Kellogg’s marketing for years, it’s rubbed consumers the wrong way amid inflation-induced grocery cost increases—which were 5% higher in 2023 than the year before. Even as inflation rates level off, prices of food and drink basics have stayed high.

    “There's this mega corporation boasting about all their profits that they've been making, and they continue to raise their prices,” Donley told Fortune. “And then they have the nerve to go and tell people, ‘Well, if you're struggling to feed your families, buy our products.’”

    WK Kellogg has remained resilient in a time of decreased consumer spending, relying on cereal mainstays like Froot Loops and Corn Flakes to energize profits. The company has benefited from price increases, seeing a fourth-quarter price/mix increase of 7.5%, despite a 10% drop in volume. Top brass Pilnick makes $1 million annually as a base salary, with an additional $4 million coming from incentive compensation, according to an SEC filing. The cereal industry is generally going strong: General Mills is projected to beat earnings estimates ahead of its March 20 earnings report.

    Seeing WK Kellogg reap the rewards of raising prices has incited plenty of online anger. Pilnick’s LinkedIn post following his CNBC interview was flooded with critical comments, and TikTok has begun to organize a boycott of Kellogg’s products for the second fiscal quarter starting April 1. The #boycottkelloggs tag has over 18.5 million views on the app, and the efforts have spurred the creation of letthemeatcereal.info, a website outlining the purpose and demands of the boycott, which include a 25% decrease in Kellogg’s brand prices and the removal of “harmful chemicals” from the products. The boycott includes products from both WK Kellogg and Kellanova, two independent companies that split from Kellogg Company in 2023.

    WK Kellogg and Kellanova did not respond to Fortune’s requests for comment.

    Donley is among several online creators taking the boycott in a novel direction, posting how-tos for homemade breakfast alternatives in support of the boycott, including Rice Crispies, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Cookie Crisp (though the latter two are produced by General Mills, not WK Kellogg)..............

    New documents have shed light on the origins and inner workings of the shadowy Society for American Civic Renewal (SACR), including methods for judging the beliefs of potential members on topics such as Christian nationalism, and indications that its founders sought inspiration in an apartheid-era South African white men-only group, the Afrikaner-Broederbond.

    They also show that Boise State University Professor and Claremont thinktank scholar Scott Yenor tried to coordinate SACR’s activities with other initiatives, including an open letter on “Christian marriage”.

    One expert says that one of the new documents – some previously reported in Talking Points Memo– use biblical references that suggest a preparedness for violent struggle against the current “regime”.

    The SACR is a secretive far-right men-only organization with an emphasis on Christian nationalism and a desire to open branches across the US.

    The Guardian has previously reported on SACR’s close links to the Claremont Institute, an influential rightwing thinktank with fellows who have participated in attempts to overturn the 2020 election and promoted the idea that an authoritarian “Red Caesar” might redeem a US republic they see as decadent.

    SACR’s origins appear to date to the latter half of 2020, with key milestones in the group’s development coming over the following 18 months.

    And there are indications that the inner circle of the group sought inspiration from earlier iterations of Christian nationalism in authoritarian states.……


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