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    And yet, the GOP has manage to convince their followers that this period of inflation is a uniquely American problem cause by evil Democrats.

    I feel like something needs to be talked about more. You hear people, including academia parrot that M2 expansion, and covid stimulus caused inflation. The simple question to put forward to them. "How did American monetary policy cause global inflation?"


    What do you think had more of an impact in dropping gas prices that low, something Trump did or the global pandemic that saw nearly all unnecessary travel grind to a halt?
    On the contrary to reducing gas price/oil price, Trump actually intervened and ended the Russian/Saudis oil war. At the time, oil prices were collapsing due to it and OPEC + wanted oil production/supply reduced.

    There was a discussion on that topic somewhere on map.
    On the contrary to reducing gas price/oil price, Trump actually intervened and ended the Russian/Saudis oil war. At the time, oil prices were collapsing due to it and OPEC + wanted oil production/supply reduced.

    There was a discussion on that topic somewhere on map.
    True -I remember that. The discussion was how little control the US President actually has over global oil prices and they have to intervene in some sort of OPEC activity in order to affect oil prices. And Trump intervened in a way that caused oil prices to go up. 🤷‍♀️
    True -I remember that. The discussion was how little control the US President actually has over global oil prices and they have to intervene in some sort of OPEC activity in order to affect oil prices. And Trump intervened in a way that caused oil prices to go up. 🤷‍♀️
    Yeah we need to dispel these myth that maga seem to believe without any critical thinking.

    1. That Trump only has America's interest when he negotiates. Yeah as that oil price war shows, he was interested in his reelection or the Saudis/Putin's. The Saudis wanted to crush shale drilling as they can only be profitable at $40 a barrel. In the mist of the drop in world wide demand due to the pandemic, the Saudis offered discounted prices. The combo of low demand and Saudi manipulation spiraled the oil market into a freefall. Consequently, OPEC+ (the Saudis) needed to cap production, reducing daily oil output by 10 mil barrel. Russia had a distinct budget deficit so they refused, as did Mexico. Trump fearing a crashing energy market and job losses would hurt his reelection threatened both Russia and the Saudis. And remember before the pressure from the shale oil industry, Trump was very receptive to the oil price war and the cheap gas price.

    2. That only Trump thinks about America first. This concept is ridiculous. As if Obama, Biden, bush or any president would enter negotiations for any deal without thinking America first. Obama negotiated tpp so that America can isolate China and gain leverage in any negotiations. Biden has isolated China in the advanced chips market and brought investment back into the US. John Kerry even defended Bush when a French reporter compared Russia's invasion to that of Bush's Iraqi admitting so would expose the US to the same crimes and criticism as that of Putin's. So just because other presidents used smarter tact in negotiations doesn't mean they dont put American interest first.

    3. That Trump is some how a good negotiator. I've brought this up before in regards to the trade war with China.

    This is from my previous post on that trade war.

    "A spokesperson for the American Farm Bureau stated that “farmers have lost the vast majority of what was once a $24 billion market in China” as a result of Chinese retaliatory actions."
    And China found other suppliers since.

    More pain than gain: How the US-China trade war hurt America

    The ultimate results of the phase one trade deal between China and the United States — and the trade war that preceded it — have significantly hurt the American economy without solving the underlying economic concerns that the trade war was meant to resolve, write Ryan Hass and Abraham Denmark.
    Despite Trump’s claim that “trade wars are good, and easy to win,” the ultimate results of the phase one trade deal between China and the United States — and the trade war that preceded it — have significantly hurt the American economy without solving the underlying economic concerns that the trade war was meant to resolve.
    and the manufacturing and freight transportation sectors have hit lows not seen since the last recession. Trump’s actions amounted to one of the largest tax increases in years.”
    A September 2019 study by Moody’s Analytics found that the trade war had already cost the U.S. economy nearly 300,000 jobs and an estimated 0.3% of real GDP. Other studies put the cost to U.S. GDP at about 0.7%.
    And once a truce was signed, China signed a deal,
    "essentially paid for the deal with a promise of a windfall in purchases of American goods. It appears that President Trump accepted an IOU as a declaration of victory."


    So the ridiculousness of using a sledgehammer in his negotiation with China actually hurt the US tremendously and with very little gain, which compounded with the lost of TPP reduced our leverage further. And the NAFTA 2.0? We gained a dairy market after the huff and puff. So Mexico will pay for the wall you say? Nah. But under Biden, Mexico did pay 1.5 billion for surveillance systems.

    Got a reputable source, or just the NY Post? Got any facts at all, or we just going with innuendo and smear tactics from now on?
    Awe that's so cute that you are worried about someone being smeared now. It's okay to smear people you don't like, but if it's your dear leader it calls for a different set of rules.

    What's a reputable source according to you?
    Awe that's so cute that you are worried about someone being smeared now. It's okay to smear people you don't like, but if it's your dear leader it calls for a different set of rules.

    What's a reputable source according to you?
    Telling that you can’t discern a reputable news source from the NY Post. Also more straw men. Please quit putting words in my mouth. I try hard not to smear people. (you do realize that to be a smear, it has to be false, and deliberately so?)
    Telling that you can’t discern a reputable news source from the NY Post. Also more straw men. Please quit putting words in my mouth. I try hard not to smear people. (you do realize that to be a smear, it has to be false, and deliberately so?)
    You try hard not to smear people? 🤣 You should review your posting history. You've been on the smear Elon Musk train since he bought Twitter and the left lost their censorship apparatus. Speaking of that, did you see the big ruling today from the judge that said the Biden administration can't pressure social media companies to censor anymore. The same censorship that you claimed never happened.

    Give me a few examples of reputable news sources in your opinion.
    You try hard not to smear people? 🤣 You should review your posting history. You've been on the smear Elon Musk train since he bought Twitter and the left lost their censorship apparatus. Speaking of that, did you see the big ruling today from the judge that said the Biden administration can't pressure social media companies to censor anymore. The same censorship that you claimed never happened.

    Give me a few examples of reputable news sources in your opinion.
    Never mind, I have seen it starting to show up but haven’t had time to read about it yet. Did the NY Post report that it was found in an area where the public tours, though? I have seen an indication that it was, but haven‘t confirmed.

    I try not the read the NY Post ever since they admitted they lied about Harris’s book being supplied to immigrants for free. They knew it was a lie and ordered the reporter to include it in a story anyway. So, once they show me that complete lack of integrity and honesty, I tend to discount that source going forward.

    What do you think are valid news sources? I would love to hear who are your trusted sites.
    What smears have I said against Musk? (smears are false and known to be false, by definition).

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