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What happens to the Republican Party now? (3 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Mar 13, 2019
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    This election nonsense by Trump may end up splitting up the Republican Party. I just don’t see how the one third (?) who are principled conservatives can stay in the same party with Trump sycophants who are willing to sign onto the TX Supreme Court case.

    We also saw the alt right types chanting “destroy the GOP” in Washington today because they didn’t keep Trump in power. I think the Q types will also hold the same ill will toward the traditional Republican Party. In fact its quite possible that all the voters who are really in a Trump personality cult will also blame the GOP for his loss. It’s only a matter of time IMO before Trump himself gets around to blaming the GOP.

    There is some discussion of this on Twitter. What do you all think?

    They will gerrymander the heck out of the districts to ensure they are winners. Texas districts look like Picasso paintings.

    This. It doesn't matter how many Democrats there are in Texas if it's gerrymandered to the point that they need 90% of the vote to win. There are already places where a Democrat would need 60-70% of the vote to win. Political gerrymandering is the only avenue for Republicans to win in a lot of places and it works. It keeps them in control of state legislatures and guarantees them House seats.
    They will gerrymander the heck out of the districts to ensure they are winners. Texas districts look like Picasso paintings.

    Pretty much this. Texas Democrats might make up ground for Senate seats since those can't be gerrymandered. Texas is still fairly red though. I wouldn't call it purple, much less blue just yet.

    Maybe give it a couple more election cycles.
    Pretty much this. Texas Democrats might make up ground for Senate seats since those can't be gerrymandered. Texas is still fairly red though. I wouldn't call it purple, much less blue just yet.

    Maybe give it a couple more election cycles.
    It’s shifting, but they are doing everything possible to suppress the vote and slow that down. I think we are another decade from there being a real possibility for change. I mean, we have a school board election going right now and half the candidates are out and proud Q-Anons, and one has a good chance of winning. Texas politics are pretty nutty.
    It’s shifting, but they are doing everything possible to suppress the vote and slow that down. I think we are another decade from there being a real possibility for change. I mean, we have a school board election going right now and half the candidates are out and proud Q-Anons, and one has a good chance of winning. Texas politics are pretty nutty.

    Man, I still think you need to move. I don't have time to deal with that mess. But, I get that's easier said than done for a lot of reasons. Just hope things get better for you guys.
    So raising taxes on corporations is ok as long as you don't agree with them? Got it.

    It's completely crazy - and Rubio, I think, holds himself up as some sort of beacon of sound judgment in the Republican party.

    He's basically arguing that corporations should be supporting "traditional American values" and if they don't, they should expect that the GOP will no longer support low taxes and other business-friendly policy. The GOP's prioritization of culture war is complete - it has now even eclipsed GOP platform on business policy. That's crazy to me.

    I think what the GOP is failing to recognize is that "woke" corporate values are not something that has grown out of a recent reaction from liberal public pressure. For 30 years now (or more in some instances), corporations have been moving toward a culture of inclusion and mutual respect of all people notwithstanding their race, gender, identity, or sexual orientation. Corporations have vice-president positions in charge of corporate culture and corporate vision statements very often include statements of this kind of inclusive culture. In what began as a response to discrimination lawsuits led to training that led to a full embrace, in many instances, of inclusive corporate culture . . . because it not only mitigates legal liability, it makes the company a better place to work and thrive when the workforce believes that the corporate culture is just and respectful.

    So of course the NCAA is going to pull out of North Carolina when the state house there passes laws that discriminate against sexuality. Of course corporations are going to withdraw their association with Georgia when the state house passes a voting reorganization law that is obviously discriminatory. The corporate culture, developed over the last several decades would be complete lie if the company wasn't vigilant about those kinds of things. And it absolutely is their prerogative to decide what kinds of things they're going to be associated with.

    It's just sort of shocking to hear this kind of rhetoric from one of the more mainstream Republican senators.
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    It's completely crazy - and Rubio, I think, holds himself up as some sort of beacon of sound judgment in the Republican party.

    He's basically arguing that corporations should be supporting "traditional American values" and if they don't, they should expect that the GOP will no longer support low taxes and other business-friendly policy. The GOP's prioritization of culture war is complete - it has now even eclipsed GOP platform on business policy. That's crazy to me.

    Rubio's primary focus in this article -- with lots of smoke and mirrors -- is on state GOP voter suppression laws to keep them ruling from a shrinking minority. In the process of playing the victim (the GOP culture war tactic du jour) Rubio stumbles into great accidental summary of how we've arrived at Great Depression levels of labor and wage inequality:

    "To help our corporations fulfill their patriotic role, the GOP especially enacted business-friendly policies. We kept tax rates low, slashed red tape where appropriate and limited the reach of labor unions. But...

    Corporate greed annihilated an entire way of life."

    For the first time in Marco's life, the corporations he's spent his career coddling don't seem to be acting in his best interests. I guess now he knows how working class voters feel 🤷‍♂️
    Sen. Rubio says “woke” corporations should have their taxes raised.

    Interesting analogy considering what the EPA did under Trump

    The Trump administration on Monday weakened a 2015 regulation that would have forced coal plants to treat wastewater with more modern, effective methods in order to curb toxic metals such as arsenic and mercury from contaminating lakes, rivers and streams near their facilities.
    Interesting analogy considering what the EPA did under Trump

    The Trump administration on Monday weakened a 2015 regulation that would have forced coal plants to treat wastewater with more modern, effective methods in order to curb toxic metals such as arsenic and mercury from contaminating lakes, rivers and streams near their facilities.
    That's a great point☝️

    Speaking of Trump, it's really hard to take Rubio's tough talk seriously re: Xinjiang concentration camps and Delta / Zuckerberg when Rubio literally said nothing about Trump encouraging Xi to keep building them while soliciting Chinese election assistance.

    There are multiple things at work here.

    1) The delegitimization of democracy. The Republican Party has attached itself to white grievance/supremacy (cognitive dissonance, that) and therefore must strive to alter the franchise in any and all ways possible. This is probably the single most important issue as it contains or is heavily connected to everything else.

    2) The employment of emotionally potent agitprop. This is seen not simply in #1 but also in the debate framing and false narratives. "American Values" do not exist. There are no values inherent in being born in this country, moving to this country or projected as foreign policy from this country. Do people in other countries work hard? Do they care about their family and friends? Do they care about their country? Is not hard work rewarded elsewhere? Terms such as "American Values" or "Freedom" have been rendered totally meaningless or they never had defined meaning in the first place beyond what certain groups (read: wealthy white men) defined them to mean.

    3) Conservatism looses the corporation and now conservatism is seeing that corporations have interests that can run counter to what conservatives think they should mean. Corporations, or, rather, the people who run them, are capable of reading tea leaves or seeing which way the wind is blowing because said tea leaves/wind may negatively or positively impact their profits. Thus it is necessary for the corporation to utilize tools to maintain profit while being careful not to disrupt the basic system which provides them with a preferred seat.
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    My God, I'm so happy this shirt is over. This guy would have tweeted the same exact thing as president. Biden doesn't give a rat's arse because he's got far more important things to do.

    And people still believe in their heart of hearts that this guy was the greatest president we ever had. I will NEVER understand that.

    My God, I'm so happy this shirt is over. This guy would have tweeted the same exact thing as president. Biden doesn't give a rat's arse because he's got far more important things to do.

    And people still believe in their heart of hearts that this guy was the greatest president we ever had. I will NEVER understand that.


    Save America? It was saved when he got his arse voted out.
    It has to be killing him to be off Twitter

    I'm actually not a fan of banning him from Twitter. I don't like the idea of muzzling speech, even if it's questionable. If it's outright hate speech and inciting or encouraging violence those posting it can be banned, or at least posts deleted, but kicking someone off of the platform should be really egregious.

    And I hate Trump and his minions as much as anyone. But muzzling free speech makes me uneasy.
    And I hate Trump and his minions as much as anyone. But muzzling free speech makes me uneasy.

    Not to be flippant, but how do you feel about muzzling obvious lies and dangerous rhetoric that could lead to perilous situations where real people are put at risk?
    So if Trump walked into a marketplace and took a literal shirt in the middle of the floor, instead of doing it online, he should be allowed back in to that business, even after that business has said he is not allowed?

    Why? Because he was the President?

    Forcing someone to provide service to an individual is as un-American as refusing service to a protected class.

    He broke their rules. Repeatedly. Without remorse and mocked the owners at the same time. What other business is forced to suffer a customer like that? A non-paying customer I might add.
    So if Trump walked into a marketplace and took a literal shirt in the middle of the floor, instead of doing it online, he should be allowed back in to that business, even after that business has said he is not allowed?

    Why? Because he was the President?

    Forcing someone to provide service to an individual is as un-American as refusing service to a protected class.

    He broke their rules. Repeatedly. Without remorse and mocked the owners at the same time. What other business is forced to suffer a customer like that? A non-paying customer I might add.

    Lol, yeah. I got nothing. I ain't gonna try and defend the dbag. :hihi:

    I still am not a fan of banning speech in the public square, which is what Twitter is ideally supposed to be.
    I feel that should be deleted. I stated as much.
    so... He is on record for telling 10,000+ lies during his 4 years, so 99% of his twitter page would be blank. But remember he was spewing misinformation about Obama years prior. His words/lies lead to the insurrection.. not sure what the difference would be (in regards to him) if twitter deleted 99% of his posts vs banning him

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