Trump loyalists in Congress to challenge Electoral College results in Jan. 6 joint session (Update: Insurrectionists storm Congress)(And now what?) (19 Viewers)

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    U.S. Blues
    Mar 26, 2019
    Reaction score
    Charleston, SC
    I guess it's time to start a thread for this. We know that at least 140 members of Congress have pledged to join the objection. Under federal law, if at least one member of each house (HOR and Senate) objects, each house will adjourn the joint session for their own session (limited at two hours) to take up the objection. If both houses pass a resolution objecting to the EC result, further action can take place. If both houses do not (i.e. if one or neither passes a resolution), the objection is powerless and the college result is certified.

    Clearly this is political theater as we know such a resolution will not pass the House, and there's good reason to think it wouldn't pass the Senate either (with or without the two senators from Georgia). The January 6 joint session is traditionally a ceremonial one. This one will not be.

    Many traditional pillars of Republican support have condemned the plan as futile and damaging. Certainly the Trump loyalists don't care - and many are likely doing it for fundraising purposes or to carry weight with the fraction of their constituencies that think this is a good idea.

    Why wait 24 hours? Haven't we all waited long enough? Just go ahead and get it started. At least I would, I think.

    I think it is in hopes of getting Pence to invoke the 25th because Mitch sent that memo that the senate won't be back until the 19th or something. But it looks like something will be happening soon regardless.

    "Pelosi said the House will attempt to pass a resolution by unanimous consent Monday morning calling for Pence and Trump's Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Trump from office.

    If the resolution doesn't pass by unanimous consent -- and it most assuredly won't given likely Republican resistance -- then the measure will be brought to the floor for a full vote on Tuesday.

    The resolution will call on Pence to respond within 24 hours and, if not, the House would move to impeach the President."
    This is the stuff that the crazies believe, and why I think inauguration day will probably end up involving the deaths of some innocent people and many more terrorists.
    I took this screen shot from someone I actually know, who shared it.. who was actually at the protest and said they were on the steps of the capitol only to be turned around by being shot at by rubber bullets and tear gas, and was livid they would do that to American citizens.. facepalm.




    This is the stuff that the crazies believe, and why I think inauguration day will probably end up involving the deaths of some innocent people and many more terrorists.
    I took this screen shot from someone I actually know, who shared it.. who was actually at the protest and said they were on the steps of the capitol only to be turned around by being shot at by rubber bullets and tear gas, and was livid they would do that to American citizens.. facepalm.


    There just...there are just no words
    Generally we’re talking about group identity here
    Your point about self-identify is true but immaterial
    Though it may not be material to you, it's completely relevant and material to what I've been saying. It's clear that we are talking about different things even though there is some overlap of what we are talking about.
    But I tell you what: why don't you find the breakdown of Trump voters, and you tell me how many of them consider themselves conservatives? That way, I can quote the exact number of conservatives who voted for Trump.
    I tell you what, it's your assumption, belief and argument, not mine. So why don't you do your own research before being so cocksure in your opinion?

    The thing is, you don't have to look any farther than this website to know that it's false that all conservatives voted for Trump. I know 3 posters here off the top of my head that are objective proof of that. You'd have to be not paying attention to not see them and their posts.

    I personally know people who voted for Trump who do not consider themselves conservative. So again, I know as an objective fact that not everyone who voted for Trump considers themself conservative, nor do they participate on the conservative sites.
    This should be shared - far and wide....

    The bottom line is, while there are multiple options, it is still possible the President can run out the clock and once again avoid any legal responsibility for his actions. That's where the helplessness comes from for the majority of Americans. We've seen this movie before, and we don't like how it ends.
    The good news for all Americans is that they are not completely helpless in punishing Trump for taking the country to the brink of authoritarianism. We all have power to deny him the vast privileges and riches that come with the distinction of being the former president of the United States.
    How do we do that? Here's a few ideas to make sure former President Trump feels the pain he has inflicted on our country:...

    I found this on Twitter. Did a reverse image search to see where it came from, and nothing. Is this real?

    Our kingdom is not of this world, neither Trump nor Biden is Christ, and the nationalism you espouse when you say “Make America Great Again” is against our Faith.

    I hope those sisters quit putting on such imprudent and unbecoming shows in favor of earthly leaders and go back to adoring their Eucharistic Lord full-time. We’ve had enough terrible examples from Catholics in the news lately. This election year has been brutal and a challenge to everybody’s charity. Catholics need a good example from our clergy and religious, and this was a huge mistake.

    Supporting a man who openly calls for violence can in no way be in agreement with their faith and neither should supporting a man who aside for the aborting issue stand against all other Christian tenets
    I'm of the feeling that anyone attempting to cross established security lines should be shot on sight. Cross the line and you take your life in your hands.

    Supporting a man who openly calls for violence can in no way be in agreement with their faith and neither should supporting a man who aside for the aborting issue stand against all other Christian tenets

    I don't talk a lot about my faith on the boards, but it was precisely my faith that prompted me to reject Trump from the beginning. I've never understood the adration and irrational support he gets from a lot of Christians and other people of faith.

    An example of this was apparent to me yesterday. I told my neighbor who is a conservative Christian that I've always had a problem with Trump's behavior. Never liked his acting like a bully and how he deals with people. And his propensity for embellishing and exaggeration (lying) is second to none. I read his book "Art of the Deal" many moons ago, and it just was not compatible with how I view and treat people. Her response and justification for supporting Trump was "But he has good policies! His behavior doesn't really matter."

    Ugh! :covri: You can have the perfect platform, but if you're a crappy human being, you're not getting support from me.
    I'm of the feeling that anyone attempting to cross established security lines should be shot on sight. Cross the line and you take your life in your hands.

    If you do that, it's open season on BLM/Occupy/Name-a-progressive-cause protestors.

    *stepping forward toward the protestors*
    "Stop crossing the lines!"
    "Stop crossing the lines!"
    *another step forward*
    It’s getting harder and harder to think this was incompetence or lack of preparation.

    Looking that way, but never underestimate the potential for incompetence in those governmental institutions that are operate in their own little world. I think the Capitol Police are one of those kinds of institutions.
    Her response and justification for supporting Trump was "But he has good policies! His behavior doesn't really matter."
    The answer to this is quite simple: you can have pretty much any other Republican in office and get the same policies.

    On the other hand, you lose the open racism, xenophobia, and owning of the libs. If those are the policies you're after, then own it.
    I don't talk a lot about my faith on the boards, but it was precisely my faith that prompted me to reject Trump from the beginning. I've never understood the adration and irrational support he gets from a lot of Christians and other people of faith.

    An example of this was apparent to me yesterday. I told my neighbor who is a conservative Christian that I've always had a problem with Trump's behavior. Never liked his acting like a bully and how he deals with people. And his propensity for embellishing and exaggeration (lying) is second to none. I read his book "Art of the Deal" many moons ago, and it just was not compatible with how I view and treat people. Her response and justification for supporting Trump was "But he has good policies! His behavior doesn't really matter."

    Ugh! :covri: You can have the perfect platform, but if you're a crappy human being, you're not getting support from me.

    His policies stinks from a Christian point of view but maybe this should be in another thread. My father was a lutheran Deacon for 30 years before retiring so I have sort of grown up with that, and Trump breaks every tenet of the faith he claims to be a defender of.
    Looking that way, but never underestimate the potential for incompetence in those governmental institutions that are operate in their own little world. I think the Capitol Police are one of those kinds of institutions.

    Yeah, I think Hanlon's Razor may fail us here. With this Administration, it's often used as a cover.

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