Ukraine lawmaker files request for full transcript of Trump-Zelenskiy call (1 Viewer)

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    Staff member
    Oct 6, 2018
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    Sunset, Louisiana

    This could get really interesting. I don't see Zelensky releasing a full transcript, but if he does...
    I think it depends totally on how he thinks it will help his country in the future in terms of staving off Russian expansion.
    I think it depends totally on how he thinks it will help his country in the future in terms of staving off Russian expansion.
    If he realizes that Trump won't be there to help him in the future, he very well may help to get rid of him.

    The reality show president colluding with the sitcom president to take down Biden. Heard a great piece on NPR this morning with actual lines from Zelenskiy's sitcom that he used to create this new party and ultimately get himself elected.
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    So all the Trump drama aside isn’t important for us to now investigate Biden to really see if he used his influence as VP? Wouldn’t we want to know if he abuses his power since he is the leading Democrat right now? He could quite possibly be the next President.
    So all the Trump drama aside isn’t important for us to now investigate Biden to really see if he used his influence as VP? Wouldn’t we want to know if he abuses his power since he is the leading Democrat right now? He could quite possibly be the next President.
    Should the 2016 elections have come to a grinding halt because Trump employed (now jailed) advisors who were being watched by our intelligence? Goose and gander stuff. Which is it?

    I'm thinking any funny business Biden did, or people did on behalf of his son, will come to light during the impeachment hearings. Put it all on the table, and the sooner the better.
    I'm thinking any funny business Biden did, or people did on behalf of his son, will come to light during the impeachment hearings. Put it all on the table, and the sooner the better.
    o_O Do you honestly believe that is ever going to happen during any committee hearings chaired by Schiff or Nadler?
    Do you honestly think we should scrap the constitution and all those bylaws just because "your" person isn't getting what they want?

    We need checks and balances, and people who follow the letter of the law.

    Whatever Trump turns out to be, he isn't very good at it.

    Which is it?
    • He's either horribly crooked and too stupid to even pretend to "unite us" which would have kept the masses off his back while he stole more (common M.O. in D.C.) :hihi:

    • He's a dope who's too stupid or doesn't care (bull in a china-shop trainwreck) and is just playing the crowd for narcissistic supply. Anything to be in front of the mic. Fun while it lasts. Joke's on us!

    • He's some hero who again, is too stupid or ill-prepared to recognize the need to get everybody on board. Good intentions but now the victim of mistakes he himself created. Or alternately, he's not a bad guy but found himself beholden to bad people/getting bad advice.

    • He's the clown about to be thrown under the bus by the oligarches, who've managed to infiltrate and successfully weaken our democracy, deregulate and privatize our shared national wealth for their own benefit. Mission accomplished.

    You don't spend the time and energy making enemies like he has, for no reason. Cannot be an accident. He does not recognize the majority of Americans as deserving of his time or attention. Bizarre really. Plenty of time in front of a mic, but addresses only his small targeted audience. And we're not supposed to question that?
    Do you honestly think we should scrap the constitution and all those bylaws just because "your" person isn't getting what they want?

    We need checks and balances, and people who follow the letter of the law.

    Whatever Trump turns out to be, he isn't very good at it.

    Which is it?
    • He's either horribly crooked and too stupid to even pretend to "unite us" which would have kept the masses off his back while he stole more (common M.O. in D.C.) :hihi:

    • He's a dope who's too stupid or doesn't care (bull in a china-shop trainwreck) and is just playing the crowd for narcissistic supply. Anything to be in front of the mic. Fun while it lasts. Joke's on us!

    • He's some hero who again, is too stupid or ill-prepared to recognize the need to get everybody on board. Good intentions but now the victim of mistakes he himself created. Or alternately, he's not a bad guy but found himself beholden to bad people/getting bad advice.

    • He's the clown about to be thrown under the bus by the oligarches, who've managed to infiltrate and successfully weaken our democracy, deregulate and privatize our shared national wealth for their own benefit. Mission accomplished.

    You don't spend the time and energy making enemies like he has, for no reason. Cannot be an accident. He does not recognize the majority of Americans as deserving of his time or attention. Bizarre really. Plenty of time in front of a mic, but addresses only his small targeted audience. And we're not supposed to question that?
    My person? How do you know who I supported in the 2016 race for the nomination? You still didn't answer my question. I guess it's just easier to continue reciting political talking points.
    So all the Trump drama aside isn’t important for us to now investigate Biden to really see if he used his influence as VP? Wouldn’t we want to know if he abuses his power since he is the leading Democrat right now? He could quite possibly be the next President.

    That is a riot!
    o_O Do you honestly believe that is ever going to happen during any committee hearings chaired by Schiff or Nadler?

    Absolutely. It's the ones who vote lockstep, with no public discussion you have to watch, not the ones willing to argue with each other. And yes, I stay up late to watch CSPAN, making my own judgements about what I hear and see. Do those pretzel-like contortions of Jim Jordan impress anyone? An audience of one. :shrug:
    My person? How do you know who I supported in the 2016 race for the nomination? You still didn't answer my question. I guess it's just easier to continue reciting political talking points.

    Sorry if I assumed your intent. I was not aware of any non-Trump supporters who were forwarding the notion that Trump would not get a fair shake because the Democrats want to protect Biden, their nominee. If anything, you'd think the DNC would prefer someone younger and more charismatic. Someone mold-able vs moldy. But that's just me.
    So all the Trump drama aside isn’t important for us to now investigate Biden to really see if he used his influence as VP? Wouldn’t we want to know if he abuses his power since he is the leading Democrat right now? He could quite possibly be the next President.

    The facts (not the alternative ones, the real ones) are that Biden went to Ukraine to insist that investigations move forward. Investigations the corrupt prosecutor was sitting on.
    If Hunter Biden had been at all at risk, which he wasn't since the alleged improprieties at the company took place a year before he got there, but if he had been at risk, Biden's visit would have increased it.
    As usual, the truth is one-hundred-eighty degrees the opposite of what Trump claims it to be.
    Absolutely. It's the ones who vote lockstep, with no public discussion you have to watch, not the ones willing to argue with each other. And yes, I stay up late to watch CSPAN, making my own judgements about what I hear and see. Do those pretzel-like contortions of Jim Jordan impress anyone? An audience of one. :shrug:
    I watch a lot of CSPAN too and make my own judgements about what I hear and see. Can you cite at least one example where Schiff or Nadler have ever called for the investigation of any Democrat currently or previously in office whenever allegations of wrongdoing were made? I surely can't think of a single instance therefore I have no confidence in their fairness or impartiality.
    o_O Do you honestly believe that is ever going to happen during any committee hearings chaired by Schiff or Nadler?

    Read my post above. There was no funny business.

    What I find hilarious is when GOP representatives go all out on Hunter's gig yelling "Fifty THOUSAND dollars a year!"
    Look, dude, this kind of cushy gig for scions of the rich and powerful is nothing new. By the way, what're Ivanka, Jared & Co making at the sweet jobs Daddy got for them?
    Read my post above. There was no funny business.

    What I find hilarious is when GOP representatives go all out on Hunter's gig yelling "Fifty THOUSAND dollars a year!"
    Look, dude, this kind of cushy gig for scions of the rich and powerful is nothing new. By the way, what're Ivanka, Jared & Co making at the sweet jobs Daddy got for them?
    All this might well be true but we'll never know for sure because Schiff and Nadler will never issue any subpoenas to anyone associated with Joe or Hunter Biden. When it comes to any possible wrongdoing by Democratic officials or their family members there motto is See No Evil Hear No Evil.
    Can you cite at least one example where Schiff or Nadler have ever called for the investigation of any Democrat currently or previously in office whenever allegations of wrongdoing were made? I surely can't think of a single instance therefore I have no confidence in their fairness or impartiality.
    You're jumping way ahead of the game, tunnel-vision-like. Points for being dramatic, but why ignore reality?

    An investigation by those committees would not be needed if the checks and balances are functioning and being respected along the way. Mandatory reporting, turning information over to the "proper" authorities, etc, the courts. How did we get to this point of an investigation(s)? Reasonable people who understand what "public service" means would not find themselves in this predicament - the subject of so many questions. But, he has behaved questionably. What would you have (collective) us do?
    I watch a lot of CSPAN too and make my own judgements about what I hear and see. Can you cite at least one example where Schiff or Nadler have ever called for the investigation of any Democrat currently or previously in office whenever allegations of wrongdoing were made? I surely can't think of a single instance therefore I have no confidence in their fairness or impartiality.
    who do you think they should investigate?

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