Federal criminal investigation Hunter Biden focuses on his business dealings (Update: DOJ appoints special counsel) (2 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Oct 5, 2019
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    Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the richest woman in Russia and the widow of Yury Luzhkov, the former mayor of Moscow, Senate Republicans revealed in their report on the younger Biden’s work in Ukraine.

    Baturina is referenced in the 87-page report, which was released Wednesday, addressing her payment to Biden’s investment firm in early 2014.

    “Baturina became Russia’s only female billionaire when her plastics company, Inteko, received a series of Moscow municipal contracts while her husband was mayor,” it said in providing background on the businesswoman.

    The report described her involvement with Biden as “a financial relationship,” but declined to delve deeper into why the wire transfer was made.

    The probe also found that Baturina sent 11 wires transfers between May and December 2015 to a bank account belonging to BAK USA, a tech startup that filed for bankruptcy in March 2019.

    Nine of those 11 wire transfers were first sent to Rosemont Seneca Partners, the investment firm founded by Biden and Chris Heinz, stepson of former Secretary of State John Kerry, before being transferred to BAK USA.

    We all know their is massive corruption on both sides of the aisle. Here is an alleged allegation against Hunter Biden who was allegedly enriching himself because his Dad was Vice President.
    This is an interesting read. It gives us three key pieces of information:

    1) Rudy said that there is, at best, a 50/50 chance that the guy he was working with from Ukraine is a Russian spy.
    2) Rudy believes that George Soros is behind the defense of Hunter Biden
    3) Rudy said that he personally briefed Trump on this dump of information about Hunter Biden

    It doesn't even matter to me whether or not this Hunter Biden story is true. What matters is how social media went about it. I've been an active twitter user for almost 10 years and have seen twitter allow some very sketchy stuff to trend and be shared around. 4chan hoaxes got major traction on twitter, especially the one where they set the media up with a massive troll when they stated the "ok" symbol was a new white power signal. Journalists over twitter literally signal boosted it and wrote many articles about it. 4chan posters laid this out as bait knowing some moron, blue checkmark "journalist" on twitter would run with it.

    I'm making no bones about who I am casting a vote for this election, it will be a protest vote casted for Jo Jorgensen. I'm not a fan of Biden nor Trump but I will say this, twitter has allowed various hoax stories about Trump trend and gain traction over twitter since he was elected in 2016. I was not surprised how fast this story was shutdown over twitter and facebook because its been very obvious their guy is Joe Biden this election.

    What is even more funny is after twitter and facebook shutdown this story, Republicans came out and basically cried on social media. The Republicans in 2017 knew social media had been censoring quite a few right leaning pundits and websites over facebook and twitter and did absolutely nothing about it when they controlled the house and senate. My guess is they were bought off, like Jim Jordan was. Ken Buck had a bi-partisan bill ready to go that dealt with section 230, and little ol Jim Jordan stopped it, my guess is he took money from someone in "big tech."

    So a Senate Judiciary committee is going to subpoena Jack Dorsey, and my question is for what? It will be a toothless committee where nothing comes out of it. Republicans had their chance to enact meaningful legislation in 2017 and they chose not to do it. They get what they deserve at this point.
    It seems to me that there was a hack at some point of Hunter Biden and the story about the repair shop was a thinly disguised cover for how Rudy came to be in possession of the material. I think Rudy probably has some legal exposure over this, but obviously Barr will do nothing.

    I have read that it is a Russian technique to use a lot of genuinely hacked material and then sprinkle in some counterfeit items that show the narrative they want and that may be why the presentation of the original “smoking gun” email was not the same as all the others. Even so, the “smoking gun” email was basically nothing.

    As for anti-right bias on social media, that’s just a ridiculous notion. Social media essentially elected Trump and they continue to aid his re-election today.
    It seems to me that there was a hack at some point of Hunter Biden and the story about the repair shop was a thinly disguised cover for how Rudy came to be in possession of the material. I think Rudy probably has some legal exposure over this, but obviously Barr will do nothing.

    I have read that it is a Russian technique to use a lot of genuinely hacked material and then sprinkle in some counterfeit items that show the narrative they want and that may be why the presentation of the original “smoking gun” email was not the same as all the others. Even so, the “smoking gun” email was basically nothing.

    As for anti-right bias on social media, that’s just a ridiculous notion. Social media essentially elected Trump and they continue to aid his re-election today.

    Rudy has pretty much admitted he got this from a Ukrainian that has been sanctioned by the US for election interference. Even if he didn’t the emails don’t show that Joe Biden did anything wrong. So if they are faked the goal was to make a guy we all know was a crackhead look corrupt. Yeah, making a few bucks off of his last name isn’t the most embarrassing thing Hunter has ever done.

    The whole thing is desperate and ridiculous. They are trying to play the same games they played in 2016 but unlike Hillary, Biden doesn’t have the kind of history that gives these silly stories legs.

    I didn’t think Rudy acknowledges he got the material in question from the Ukrainian, has he? Isn’t he still clinging to the abandoned laptop theory? I may not be up to date on it though.

    I think the Ukrainian in question has been identified as being part of Russian intelligence. Trump was briefed about it, so were many other senior officials IIRC. They did nothing, essentially welcoming Russian interference once again.

    There was essentially no downside to what they did in 2016, at least nothing to Trump personally, I suppose there were consequences for his minions. He cares not a bit about that, though. Makes sense he would try it again.

    The thing is everyone saw this coming a mile away. It is like watching a slow motion train wreck. Yet right wing media is running with the story like it is legit. And there won’t be any consequences for them either. The whole thing is so frustrating.
    I was not surprised how fast this story was shutdown over twitter and facebook because its been very obvious their guy is Joe Biden this election.

    Facebook? No way. It's become what Parler aspired to be - a safe space for QAnon cultists and Shapiroean acolytes to pat each other on the back. It's a cesspool of hyperright nonsense. And their Top 10 is a Who's Who of Right Delusion and Propaganda, nearly without exception.

    I think when it comes to Twitter, you have a better argument. I found this Atlantic article interesting:

    Twitter Goofed It

    But if you're going to argue that Facebook is pro-left... no way. They are pro-profit and Kirk, Pool, Ngo, Shapiro, Bongino, etc are VERY good for business.
    Rudy Giuliani's fall from grace has been quite impressive. From America's Mayor to Trump's Shill in two decades. I remember when I thought he would be a decent presidential candidate back when he was a socially liberal Republican. Wonder what happened to the guy.
    Rudy Giuliani's fall from grace has been quite impressive. From America's Mayor to Trump's Shill in two decades. I remember when I thought he would be a decent presidential candidate back when he was a socially liberal Republican. Wonder what happened to the guy.

    Rudy hasn’t changed one bit. He’s always been a kook, conspiracy theorist and fringe player. He just happened to be the mayor during 9/11 and got a lot of undeserved good will for walking around and pointing, a lot. Where has he been fighting for the 9/11 first responders fund? Nowhere to be found, because he never really cared.
    So this Biden story is becoming even dumber and less plausible than it initially was. Apparently the following are alleged to be true:
    • Biden was in California when he is supposed to have dropped off his computer in Delaware
    • Guiliani never saw the computer but rather got a “copy” of the hard drive
    • Ron Johnson claims there is child pornography on the hard drive
    • The “source” was Steve Bannon
    • The NY Post - right wing hack factory that it is - had reservations about the story. Timing and source reliability
    • They had to assign the byline because the reporter didn’t want it
    • At least two other staff reporters or interns refused to - which is odd for a major national BOMBSHELL like this.
    Apparently there is now another Hunter Biden laptop in the Ukraine. Famous crackheads always give their their laptops to random computer repair shops..

    Ukrainian lawmaker says second laptop connected to Hunter Biden seized

    Should probably just ignore this massive Russian disinformation, except for making note of the people responsible (Rudy, Bannon, Johnson, et al) for purposes of investigation on possible legal exposure.

    They are all just sorry excuses for human beings, IMO. Just horrible.

    Can Ron Johnson be sued by Hunter Biden (after the election of course) for this piece of nonsense? Is Hunter Biden considered a public figure? Even if he is, alleging falsely that there is child pornography should be over the line.
    Should probably just ignore this massive Russian disinformation, except for making note of the people responsible (Rudy, Bannon, Johnson, et al) for purposes of investigation on possible legal exposure.

    They are all just sorry excuses for human beings, IMO. Just horrible.

    Can Ron Johnson be sued by Hunter Biden (after the election of course) for this piece of nonsense? Is Hunter Biden considered a public figure? Even if he is, alleging falsely that there is child pornography should be over the line.

    I think the FBI letting the public know what they know is a good thing. I trust Christopher Ray. There may be child pornography on that laptop. That would make the legal problems for Rudy even greater than they already are.
    So the president tweeted this

    What the heck is he even talking about? Even if everything on the laptop is true, (which BTW we should probably quit saying laptop because nobody has a laptop, all they have is supposedly hacked material) what about it would “prevent” Biden from being president?
    So the president tweeted this

    What the heck is he even talking about? Even if everything on the laptop is true, (which BTW we should probably quit saying laptop because nobody has a laptop, all they have is supposedly hacked material) what about it would “prevent” Biden from being president?

    I'm just waiting for Trump to tweet that Joe has quit the race and Kamala OD'd on crack, so the election's canceled.

    I mean, the crap he spews has no relation to truth anyway, so why not go whole-hog?
    Reminds me of a sign I saw that someone put in front of their house where they referred to Kamala Harris, a well educated sitting US Senator as a “HOE” (in all caps like that). Only the best people, right?
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