Trust in teachers at an all time low (1 Viewer)

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    Optimus Prime

    Well-known member
    Sep 28, 2019
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    Washington DC Metro
    Americans are losing faith in their schoolteachers.

    New polling suggests that fierce debates over what educators should be allowed to do and say in classrooms, an ascendant parents’ rights movement seeking control of what children learn at school, recent criticism of teachers from conservative lawmakers and news outlets and the lingering aftershocks from the pandemic have all sapped public confidence in the teaching profession.

    In January, a Gallup poll found that Americans’ belief in grade-school teachers’ honesty had dropped to an all-time low, with 64 percent of adults reporting they believe those instructors are truthful and have ethical standards, down from a high of 75 percent in 2020, during the tensest days of the pandemic.

    In July, another Gallup poll found that just 28 percent of Americans have “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in public schools — the second-lowest this figure has been since Gallup began asking this question in 1973.

    Both polls found divisions along party lines, with Republicans more likely than Democrats to distrust teachers and schools.

    Seventy-three percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning individuals gave high honesty and ethics ratings to grade-school teachers, but 54 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning individuals did (a steep drop from pre-pandemic times, when 70 percent of Republicans said they trusted teachers).

    And a mere 13 percent of Republicans said they had confidence in public schools, compared with 43 percent of Democrats.

    Meanwhile, a historically small slice of U.S. adults — 37 percent — say they want their children to become teachers, according to the 54th annual PDK-Gallup poll, marking the slimmest recorded percentage since the poll launched in 1969. Albert Chen, acting CEO of PDK, a global association of education professionals, called the number “depressing.”

    The stakes, experts said, are high. If Americans do not trust teachers, those with resources may pull their children into private schools, endangering public-school funding, which is tied to enrollment.

    And Chen fears what might happen if families urge their children not to become teachers: The pipeline of educators — already shrinking for the past decade — may dry up past repairing. All this comes at a moment when the nation is facing a catastrophic teacher shortage……

    It’s exactly an intended result of the fringe right. Unfortunately there are a lot of billionaires who are bankrolling this in order to undermine public education. We have seen paid political operatives move into areas in my state with the aim to disrupt school boards and cause people to be upset with their local schools.
    It’s exactly an intended result of the fringe right. Unfortunately there are a lot of billionaires who are bankrolling this in order to undermine public education. We have seen paid political operatives move into areas in my state with the aim to disrupt school boards and cause people to be upset with their local schools.
    And here I've always thought the idea was to strengthen our educational institutions not weaken them.
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    And here I've always thought the idea was to strengthen our educational institutions not weaken them.
    Used to be. Now people like Betsy DeVos and others want to undermine public education. For profit and for indoctrination purposes.

    Public education took millions of immigrant children and prepared them for valuable careers in one generation. My dad came here at the age of 8 with no English language whatsoever, and ended up his career in public education as a school superintendent. He graduated high school with his class, went to college on a scholarship, taught HS and coached football. He got his Master’s and obtained his superintendent‘s license. His mom had nothing when she came. She took in laundry and cleaned houses so her boys could do better. Without public education my dad would probably be working in a butcher shop, which is what he did after school to help out.
    Used to be. Now people like Betsy DeVos and others want to undermine public education. For profit and for indoctrination purposes.

    Public education took millions of immigrant children and prepared them for valuable careers in one generation. My dad came here at the age of 8 with no English language whatsoever, and ended up his career in public education as a school superintendent. He graduated high school with his class, went to college on a scholarship, taught HS and coached football. He got his Master’s and obtained his superintendent‘s license. His mom had nothing when she came. She took in laundry and cleaned houses so her boys could do better. Without public education my dad would probably be working in a butcher shop, which is what he did after school to help out.
    I went to both public and private schools. In retrospect, I realize that the education I got in public school was just as serious and just as good as what I got in private school. And here in New England many of the private schools have an excellent country-wide reputation.

    BTW, good for your father.
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    The bill has one section, which contains one sentence. That sentence is 10 words and 65 characters.

    The summary of the bill is 11 words and 70 characters...

    Voting them out isn't good enough. They deserve to have their names remembered for generations as the people that tried to destroy this country from the inside. They should be shamed to the point where their families change names to avoid the embarrassment of association.
    Voting them out isn't good enough. They deserve to have their names remembered for generations as the people that tried to destroy this country from the inside. They should be shamed to the point where their families change names to avoid the embarrassment of association.
    There will just be a bunch of anti CRT (critical republican theory) laws passed so that history is never taught

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