Trump’s views of the military (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known member
    Mar 13, 2019
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    In honor of Memorial Day, Tom Nichols has gifted a bunch of articles from The Atlantic, so I thought I would share these free articles with the board.

    There isn’t a less honorable person in the US than the former president, who lied to get out of the draft multiple times.

    Biggest phony and poser you will ever see.

    And they tout their “service” to this country. 🤮

    We’ve said it before

    If anyone else had said what Trump did about John McCain “I like people who weren’t captured” their candidacy and political career would have been obliterated

    I just cannot understand why any current or former military member would vote for Trump.
    We’ve said it before

    If anyone else had said what Trump did about John McCain “I like people who weren’t captured” their candidacy and political career would have been obliterated
    Sadly, you are referencing 2000 and before. It’s post 2016 when this country elected the most vile, reprehensible, corrupt, mentally ill Peice of work imaginable to the top office of the land and he’s still here plaguing the US and the world* if he suceeds in Nov.

    * Reference :

    This was the guy, the top mole in the US Gov in plain sight, who when US Intelligence services warned that Russia had interfered in the 2016 election, stood by Putin and disavowed them. “My good friend Vlad strongly insisted he was innocent, and that’s good enough for me.” (Paraphrased) Can you imagine what impact this sad excuse for a human being will have on NATO, Europe and Ukraine if he is re-elected? 💥 🔥👹
    I have some relatives who are retired military, but also very pro MAGA/Trump. And I just don't get it.
    It forces you to reassess the intelligence of average people and their ability to be corrupted based on selfishness. 🤔
    not much different than how pro Trump the evangelical christians are

    Here's someone who goes against everything they say they stand for but are 100% in his corner anyway
    It forces you to reassess human devotion to religion and how easy such devotion can be twisted into something that is unrecognizable when self interest “trumps” just about anything described as a justifiable moral standard. 🤔
    It forces you to reassess human devotion to religion and how easy such devotion can be twisted into something that is unrecognizable when self interest “trumps” just about anything described as a justifiable moral standard. 🤔

    I reached this conclusion long before Trump came along, but he sure did amplify how easily and just really how nonsensical the Christian wackos in this country are duped.....most of these folks who claim to be Christian really don't abide by the supposed teachings of their fairy tale god anyways.....happens in almost all religions really over history......if they don't believe in what we do, they are less than human is pretty much the organized religion mantra.....
    I reached this conclusion long before Trump came along, but he sure did amplify how easily and just really how nonsensical the Christian wackos in this country are duped.....most of these folks who claim to be Christian really don't abide by the supposed teachings of their fairy tale god anyways.....happens in almost all religions really over history......if they don't believe in what we do, they are less than human is pretty much the organized religion mantra.....
    That is most infuriating , when they ignore their own source material because a sleazy conman promises them a golden calf. 🤔

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