U.S. Blues
The 2022 election will see 36 governor seats filled. The guuanatoiral elections are competitive in 12 of them - that include key swing states, with Pennsylvania, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona. Other key states (though with seemingness less competitive races) include Texas, Ohio, and Minnesota.
In one key state, Pennsylvania, the GOP nominee has pledge to overhaul the state's system for presidential elections - giving the governor (himself) effective discretion to decide the state's electors no matter how the state's voters vote.
Of course, whether he could legally do this simply by appointing a favorable Secretary of State is highly dubious - but were he to have a majority in the state house, that's an entirely different matter.
These kinds of "denier", anti-democracy candidates appear in many of the gubernatorial elections. They are very important.

Governors Forecast 2022: Ratings, Predictions & Key Races
We analyzed every governor's race to determine who we think will win in 2022. See our election dashboard and find your local races.

In one key state, Pennsylvania, the GOP nominee has pledge to overhaul the state's system for presidential elections - giving the governor (himself) effective discretion to decide the state's electors no matter how the state's voters vote.
But what makes Mastriano more than an especially exotic political exhibit is his vow to appoint a secretary of state “who’s delegated from me the power to make the corrections to elections, the voting logs and everything. And I can decertify every [voting] machine in the state.” In the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections, Pennsylvania was decided by 0.7 and 1.2 percentage points, respectively. In 2024, the state probably will again be closely contested, and its electoral votes could determine the national winner. So, imagine Mastriano, who has neither evidence nor doubts that Trump won the 2020 election, decreeing “corrections” to the election. His motives are frightening because they are pure: He has the scary sincerity of the unhinged whose delusions armor them against evidence.
Of course, whether he could legally do this simply by appointing a favorable Secretary of State is highly dubious - but were he to have a majority in the state house, that's an entirely different matter.
These kinds of "denier", anti-democracy candidates appear in many of the gubernatorial elections. They are very important.