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Senate president: Kentucky governor's race could be decided by state legislature
After Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin refused to concede to Andy Beshear, Senate President Robert Stivers said the GOP-held legislature may get the final say
The part I find most concerning was that after he said this:
“There’s less than one-half of 1%, as I understand, separating the governor and the attorney general,” Stivers said. “We will follow the letter of the law and what various processes determine.”
Which is a reasonable statement and appropriate considering the closeness of the race, and the acceptable process of recanvassing/recounting. Bu then he drops this tidbit:
Stivers said he thought Bevin’s speech declining to concede to Beshear was “appropriate.” He said believes most of the votes that went to Libertarian John Hicks, who received about 2% of the total vote, would have gone to Bevin and made him the clear winner.
The fact that he lost by less than 1% in no way invalidates the 2% of voters who chose the libertarian candidate. I mean you can't retroactively institute some version of ranked choice voting just to get your guy back into office and completely disenfranchise almost 30,000 voters. This is really a potentially massive problem brewing here.