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Russian interference since Biden's election (1 Viewer)

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    It's Not my Fault
    Dec 2, 2021
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    Buried in the back pages of threads in the Saints EE forum I found a thread which ought to be discussed in the Politic main forum here. It ought to be discussed here because it clearly is recent Russian interference in our government. and our current administration.

    The question is why did a Russian state media organ dust off what had been a symbolic mutiny against the Soviets and the communist party dating back to 1991, pay to have English subtitles written for it, and have inserted into a repackaged video product to be released into our media market for free two months after Biden became President?

    I'll explain the mutinies of the late 80's and early 90's before the Soviets Communists fell. I was accidentally involved in an earlier act of one of those mutinies.

    It was an accident that I walked into a bar in Dutch Harbor Alaska along with the entire crew of a Soviet ship during the spring of 1989. We all got to the door to the bar at the same moment, and so we all walked in there together.

    I had just gotten off my US flagged ship and was to fly out of Dutch the following morning to Seattle Washington for several months of compiled vacation time. I spent that evening partying with the Russian sailors from a Soviet seafood processor that also happened to be making a port call to Dutch harbor. There was nothing unusual about seeing a Soviet seafood ship there, what was unusual was that they would release their crew to go ashore to have an evening of drunken liberty in the bar there.

    I hung out with the engineers because that was what I had been on my US flagged vessel. I was rich compared to them. Once they ran out of money to spend on drinks I bought two more round for them, and at that time the Captain and the deck officers joined the engineers by pulling our two tables together. That's when the Skipper and their chief engineer cooked up a mutiny as it were, a plot for me to participate in.

    The only person from that ship who was not in that bar was their Soviet checker, their political officer who rode heard on them to insure that they were loyal communists. Those folks had been dominate over the citizens in Russia since the Soviet Union had been formed, those checkers were thugs, terrorists, evil.

    They were going to feed me supper on their ship to pay back for me buying them drinks, and I was going to help them pull a real nasty on their thug. So we wove our way loudly back to their ship and stomped aboard making our way down to their galley to chow.

    Along the way the Skipper shouted down a passageway, hollering for their Soviet thug to come out of his cabin. He eventually arrived in the galley where we were. The Shipper put his arm around me and the Chief Engineer extended an arm from the other side and we staggered to the Soviet thug to talk with him.

    The Skipped informed the thug that he'd just hired me to join the Engineering department and sail with them, and then the Chief Engineer informed the thug that we would be sharing a cabin together, and at that moment she kissed me full on the lips, which I most certainly did enjoy.


    The color drained from the thugs face and he fled from the galley to the laughter of the entire crew back to his cabin where he locked the door. That was a mutiny. Those sailors, at sea and ashore, had been living under the thumbs of those thugs for their entire lifetimes. But them the Soviet Union crumbled, and it was pay back time. I sure enjoyed that night.

    What this has to do with that so called "soviet movie" is that, that movie isn't a soviet movie, its was in a similar way a mutiny on the Soviet system from Thespians who make movies moments before the union totally collapsed. All over the Soviet Union folks were mutinying against the Communists.

    There's rich subtext in the movie, it's a Tolkien story and a rejection of the Soviet Communists at the same time. Tolkien was no friends of Communists, nor did he like Democracies. The Soviets would not have approved of that movie at all. There was also rich political subtext hidden below the surface story in Tolkien's books too, he was a very commented conservative royalist. Tolkien would have preferred and have supported the Tzar. He did support the nationalists during the Spanish revolution.

    So for the OP: Why all of a sudden does a Russian state controlled TV Network package a mutiny which helped to overthrow the Soviets and ushered in their current system 30 years ago, with new English subtitles and dump it into our media circus now?

    Second question to extend that and fill out the tread: What other mischief are they up to along those lines?

    Here are the applicable links:

    Part one:

    Part two:

    Be aware of what they are. But they are a good interesting movie, as movies go. I've enjoyed watching them, and recommend them to you.

    Additional links:

    I disagree with the narrative of this article but here is it:

    Last edited:
    I've done further looking into this. At the YouTube channel for 5-TV there are thousands of videos, about 50 a month. Those two lord of the ring TV plays are the only two there which have had human translated subtitles in English programmed into them.

    In other words subtitles which are useful. The only two videos there that were made for our media market.

    All the others are for Russian language speakers. They all have auto generated closed caption available, but by the time the Russian language captions are auto generated, and then are machine translated to English the muck that results is unusable.

    I found The Hobbit TV play there as well. That Guardian article said only a few minutes clipped from it were still in existence, It was made at about the same time. It doesn't have human translated subtitles either but it's there.

    Here's the link to it:

    So I'm even more suspicious that this was Russian interference. A small shot over the bow at Biden with some anti democracy programming generated and released to irritate CIA analysts.
    Buried in the back pages of threads in the Saints EE forum I found a thread which ought to be discussed in the Politic main forum here. It ought to be discussed here because it clearly is recent Russian interference in our government. and our current administration.

    The question is why did a Russian state media organ dust off what had been a symbolic mutiny against the Soviets and the communist party dating back to 1991, pay to have English subtitles written for it, and have inserted into a repackaged video product to be released into our media market for free two months after Biden became President?

    I'll explain the mutinies of the late 80's and early 90's before the Soviets Communists fell. I was accidentally involved in an earlier act of one of those mutinies.

    It was an accident that I walked into a bar in Dutch Harbor Alaska along with the entire crew of a Soviet ship during the spring of 1989. We all got to the door to the bar at the same moment, and so we all walked in there together.

    I had just gotten off my US flagged ship and was to fly out of Dutch the following morning to Seattle Washington for several months of compiled vacation time. I spent that evening partying with the Russian sailors from a Soviet seafood processor that also happened to be making a port call to Dutch harbor. There was nothing unusual about seeing a Soviet seafood ship there, what was unusual was that they would release their crew to go ashore to have an evening of drunken liberty in the bar there.

    I hung out with the engineers because that was what I had been on my US flagged vessel. I was rich compared to them. Once they ran out of money to spend on drinks I bought two more round for them, and at that time the Captain and the deck officers joined the engineers by pulling our two tables together. That's when the Skipper and their chief engineer cooked up a mutiny as it were, a plot for me to participate in.

    The only person from that ship who was not in that bar was their Soviet checker, their political officer who rode heard on them to insure that they were loyal communists. Those folks had been dominate over the citizens in Russia since the Soviet Union had been formed, those checkers were thugs, terrorists, evil.

    They were going to feed me supper on their ship to pay back for me buying them drinks, and I was going to help them pull a real nasty on their thug. So we wove our way loudly back to their ship and stomped aboard making our way down to their galley to chow.

    Along the way the Skipper shouted down a passageway, hollering for their Soviet thug to come out of his cabin. He eventually arrived in the galley where we were. The Shipper put his arm around me and the Chief Engineer extended an arm from the other side and we staggered to the Soviet thug to talk with him.

    The Skipped informed the thug that he'd just hired me to join the Engineering department and sail with them, and then the Chief Engineer informed the thug that we would be sharing a cabin together, and at that moment she kissed me full on the lips, which I most certainly did enjoy.


    The color drained from the thugs face and he fled from the galley to the laughter of the entire crew back to his cabin where he locked the door. That was a mutiny. Those sailors, at sea and ashore, had been living under the thumbs of those thugs for their entire lifetimes. But them the Soviet Union crumbled, and it was pay back time. I sure enjoyed that night.

    What this has to do with that so called "soviet movie" is that, that movie isn't a soviet movie, its was in a similar way a mutiny on the Soviet system from Thespians who make movies moments before the union totally collapsed. All over the Soviet Union folks were mutinying against the Communists.

    There's rich subtext in the movie, it's a Tolkien story and a rejection of the Soviet Communists at the same time. Tolkien was no friends of Communists, nor did he like Democracies. The Soviets would not have approved of that movie at all. There was also rich political subtext hidden below the surface story in Tolkien's books too, he was a very commented conservative royalist. Tolkien would have preferred and have supported the Tzar. He did support the nationalists during the Spanish revolution.

    So for the OP: Why all of a sudden does a Russian state controlled TV Network package a mutiny which helped to overthrow the Soviets and ushered in their current system 30 years ago, with new English subtitles and dump it into our media circus now?

    Second question to extend that and fill out the tread: What other mischief are they up to along those lines?

    Here are the applicable links:

    Part one:

    Part two:

    Be aware of what they are. But they are a good interesting movie, as movies go. I've enjoyed watching them, and recommend them to you.

    Additional links:

    I disagree with the narrative of this article but here is it:

    I think that particular "thug" was a Soviet political commissar. During the USSR's existence, their role was to follow, monitor, encourage the correct politicalized "socialist" mindset was being followed and held by Soviet high-ranking officers, generals, soldiers. They encouraged Soviet soldiers to even snitch on one another in times of crises or during wartime, military invasion like with the German invasion of USSR in June 1941, and Stalin's "not one step back" directive to the NKVD if they felt they were certain "un-Soviet", " defeatist " mindset setting in among certain troops or commanders. If a high-ranking Soviet general was considering retreating to better strategic positions and to prevent his men from being annihilated, and that contradicted Stalin's orders, fork him, he's either dead, arrested and put in a Stalinist Siberian gulag, and he's replaced with a more amenable replacement.

    Just before his momentous decision to invade the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa, Hitler made the arresting, detainment and execution of Soviet political commissars a primary political idealogical objective: All Soviet political commissars who were captured would be shot and despite, some notable, courageous but rare instances of personal courage, conscientious behavior, the order was followed faithfully and dutifully by German Wehrmacht division with or without Waffen-SS supervision, particularly in the Ukraine, and Baltic states, and Belorussia.

    Orwell served as a friendly reporter/journalist "foreign battalion" soldier for the Catelonian separatist/Anarchist syndicate PUM group that was crushed, opposed and cracked down by both Franco's Nationalists, and far-left Soviet-supplied political commissars in the Republican Spanish Popular Front. Orwell despised Franco's Nationalists, but even later in life, even he recognized why Franco won: Spanish culture, society, religious traditions were on his side and Spain was a devoutly conservative Catholic country and what far-left elements in the Spanish Republic were seen as immoral, atheistic, disrespectful, disregarding and hateful of Spanish traditions, too subservient to the Soviet Union like many of their later Warsaw Pact-allied Communist one-party dictatorships in Eastern Europe following WWII. Orwell also was and remained very critical of Spanish Communists in For Whom The Bell Tolls, almost insinuating they were just as intolerant, irrational, and authoritarian as their fascist right-wing counterparts, he felt strongly that a lack of political unity among left-wing parties irrevocably damned Spain to a .monarchist right-wing dictatorship for almost 40 years and in some respects, Spanish political society, popular culture hasn't ever really healed since. So, even notable left-wingers logically didnt support or believe in the Spanish Republicans either before or during the Spanish Civil War. Very few political sides honestly, emerge from the Spanish Civil War, historically, looking very clean in terms of individuals actions, decisions, atrocities murdering priests, raping nuns, burning of monasteries, churches, desecration of religious symbols, icons, etc. Despite how many times Noam Chomsky's smugness tries to gloss over this inconvenient damning truth, the glaring, harsh reality still remains a fact no matter.how glib he's willing to own up to it or make weak excuses for it.
    I think that particular "thug" was a Soviet political commissar. During the USSR's existence, their role was to follow, monitor, encourage the correct politicalized "socialist" mindset was being followed and held by Soviet high-ranking officers, generals, soldiers. They encouraged Soviet soldiers to even snitch on one another in times of crises or during wartime, military invasion like with the German invasion of USSR in June 1941, and Stalin's "not one step back" directive to the NKVD if they felt they were certain "un-Soviet", " defeatist " mindset setting in among certain troops or commanders. If a high-ranking Soviet general was considering retreating to better strategic positions and to prevent his men from being annihilated, and that contradicted Stalin's orders, fork him, he's either dead, arrested and put in a Stalinist Siberian gulag, and he's replaced with a more amenable replacement.

    Just before his momentous decision to invade the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa, Hitler made the arresting, detainment and execution of Soviet political commissars a primary political idealogical objective: All Soviet political commissars who were captured would be shot and despite, some notable, courageous but rare instances of personal courage, conscientious behavior, the order was followed faithfully and dutifully by German Wehrmacht division with or without Waffen-SS supervision, particularly in the Ukraine, and Baltic states, and Belorussia.

    Orwell served as a friendly reporter/journalist "foreign battalion" soldier for the Catelonian separatist/Anarchist syndicate PUM group that was crushed, opposed and cracked down by both Franco's Nationalists, and far-left Soviet-supplied political commissars in the Republican Spanish Popular Front. Orwell despised Franco's Nationalists, but even later in life, even he recognized why Franco won: Spanish culture, society, religious traditions were on his side and Spain was a devoutly conservative Catholic country and what far-left elements in the Spanish Republic were seen as immoral, atheistic, disrespectful, disregarding and hateful of Spanish traditions, too subservient to the Soviet Union like many of their later Warsaw Pact-allied Communist one-party dictatorships in Eastern Europe following WWII. Orwell also was and remained very critical of Spanish Communists in For Whom The Bell Tolls, almost insinuating they were just as intolerant, irrational, and authoritarian as their fascist right-wing counterparts, he felt strongly that a lack of political unity among left-wing parties irrevocably damned Spain to a .monarchist right-wing dictatorship for almost 40 years and in some respects, Spanish political society, popular culture hasn't ever really healed since. So, even notable left-wingers logically didnt support or believe in the Spanish Republicans either before or during the Spanish Civil War. Very few political sides honestly, emerge from the Spanish Civil War, historically, looking very clean in terms of individuals actions, decisions, atrocities murdering priests, raping nuns, burning of monasteries, churches, desecration of religious symbols, icons, etc. Despite how many times Noam Chomsky's smugness tries to gloss over this inconvenient damning truth, the glaring, harsh reality still remains a fact no matter.how glib he's willing to own up to it or make weak excuses for it.
    A good post, it was enjoyable to read. Enjoyable to answer.

    You have the right idea but the political commissars were military and were discontinued at the end of WWII the distinction about them was that they were of the same rank as the commander of any unit they were assigned to, and could override any order that the commander might make. After WWII they called them something different and dropped that part about them holding the same rank, and them being able to countermand any order they might choose.

    In Alaska this was merchant marine ship. The thug was called a Zampolit as I recall. I remember him as being a man who looked thuggish. They thoroughly hated him.

    Hitler probably made a mistake in killing the commissars, he could have done more damage to the Russians had he fed them, patted them on the back and said attaboy, and then returned them across the lines to further torment the Russian military.

    In modern Russian military dramas they have on their TV the political commissars are always cast has evil villains, and to top that they always try to press a rude sexual advance on at least one heroic female in the show.

    They always get slugged by the hero of the show for messing with the women, or are caught being especially evil and are arrested in the end, to be hauled off to be shot by a firing squad.

    That about Orwell I didn't know. It fits in with what I do know about him, and it does sound correct.

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