Republican convention to bar media (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known member
    Nov 20, 2019
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    Center of the Universe
    Thoughts on this? This hasn't happened before with the media being barred. Even with concerns of the pandemic, does the media have an argument considering parts will be live-streamed?

    Not sure if the logistics of media work. They aren’t even having the delegates present. There will be 2500 proxy voters.
    It’s not like they really have to be there. They can report on the livestream just as easy remote.
    I wonder if Trump would claim the media was trying to censor/railroad/discriminate/whatever him if no other news outlets covered it but faux news
    I wonder if Trump would claim the media was trying to censor/railroad/discriminate/whatever him if no other news outlets covered it but faux news
    I really hope that no outlet covers it. If you've ever seen the movie Virtuosity with Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe, Crowe plays a character named SID 6.7 (Sadistic Intelligent Dangerous) who loves to see himself and loves attention. Washington defeats SID 6.7 by pulling the plug on the attention that SID 6.7 loves. Trump is SUDS 7.0 (Sadistic, Unintelligent, Dangerous & Scared). If outlets start refusing to cover trump, Trump will go crazy and do something so outrageous that outlets other than Fox would be forced to cover him.

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