Republican Assault on Public Education (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known member
    Mar 13, 2019
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    This probably needs its own thread. It ties in with a lot of different R culture wars: Attacks on universities, attacks on CRT and “woke”. Classifying teachers and librarians as “groomers”. Pushing vouchers to send tax money to private, often religious, schools. Betsy DeVos was an advocate for all these policies that will weaken public education, and there are several billionaires who also want to dismantle public education. Public education may have its faults, but it is responsible for an amazing amount of upward mobility. Kids from poor areas can still get a college prep education in a public school.

    Vouchers (sometimes disguised as “school choice”) are a particular peeve of mine. Public money is diverted from poor schools to wealthy private schools, which aren’t required to offer accommodations for special needs or challenged students. Families with special needs kids are left out. Rural areas often suffer disproportionately because there are no private schools to attend, but their public schools still see the reduction in funding. Often the families who take advantage of the voucher money are upper class and the private schools simply raise tuition knowing the families are getting taxpayer money now.

    Greg Abbot is being particularly vile in this area. No surprise. Voters will have to make a statement about public education. If we want to halt the growing divide in this country between the “haves” and “have-nots”, we need to pay attention to public education.

    How do these crazy people get put into these positions? The lady from SC is just as crazy as this guy. It’s an all out war on education from the GOP at this point.
    It's definitely a war on education, but it's also a war against true religious freedom for all.

    The corpo-christo-faciscist seem awfully confident that they will be in control of everything come Jan 20th, 2025, or they have a really bad case of OCD fueled hubris.

    Either way, I like that they're leaping from the shadows and taking off their masks. I hope they keep doing it all the way to election day and that they keep hold-my-beer'ing each other.

    I think the majority of voters will have a lot more fear of who these guys really are, than they will fear that Biden is too old and frail.

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