Question for the mods (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known monkey
    May 17, 2019
    Reaction score
    And likely a stupid one, at that, but what's the rule on advertising this site in other places? I like to talk baseball with fellow Atlanta Braves fans, but politics seems to creep into a lot of the conversations. Is it ok to mention this place to them?
    That's not so much advertising as it is sharing a site with a friend. The Braves site may appreciate less political talk on their site too, so I don't know if they would have any objections, but it may be best to ask first. I know we had a rule against it on SR.

    If you don't mind me asking, which Braves site? I frequent one myself.
    Pretty sure this is an open site
    Don’t even need a cognitive test
    Just so long as they like the hive mind echo chamber or whatever it is we’re accused of
    And likely a stupid one, at that, but what's the rule on advertising this site in other places? I like to talk baseball with fellow Atlanta Braves fans, but politics seems to creep into a lot of the conversations. Is it ok to mention this place to them?
    That's not so much advertising as it is sharing a site with a friend. The Braves site may appreciate less political talk on their site too, so I don't know if they would have any objections, but it may be best to ask first. I know we had a rule against it on SR.

    If you don't mind me asking, which Braves site? I frequent one myself.

    😱 Just when you think you know somebody, right? 🤣
    That's not so much advertising as it is sharing a site with a friend. The Braves site may appreciate less political talk on their site too, so I don't know if they would have any objections, but it may be best to ask first. I know we had a rule against it on SR.

    If you don't mind me asking, which Braves site? I frequent one myself.

    We've all been posting together in some form for a decade or more. Multiple iterations of the ESPN boards, then huzzah, then Braves Nation. Now we've started our own place instead of relying on the kindness of others.
    There is no problem from our end, but just make sure you aren't "harvesting members" from the other site. I'm not sure this would qualify though.

    The only problem for us is that means us mods need to actually be around. haha.
    There is no problem from our end, but just make sure you aren't "harvesting members" from the other site. I'm not sure this would qualify though.

    The only problem for us is that means us mods need to actually be around. haha.

    So you're saying that you might actually have to...


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