Miscellaneous Trump (3 Viewers)

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Misty Mountains Envoy
Mar 8, 2023
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Anxiety surges as Donald Trump may be indicted soon: Why 2024 is 'the final battle' and 'the big one'​

WASHINGTON – It looks like American politics is entering a new age of anxiety, triggered by an unprecedented legal development: The potential indictment of a former president and current presidential candidate.

Donald Trump's many legal problems – and calls for protests by his followers – have generated new fears of political violence and anxiety about the unknowable impact all this will have on the already-tense 2024 presidential election

I’ll reframe this is a more accurate way, Are Presidents above the law? This new age was spurred into existence when home grown dummies elected a corrupt, mentally ill, anti-democratic, would be dictator as President and don’t bother to hold him responsible for his crimes, don’t want to because in the ensuing mayhem and destruction, they think they will be better off. The man is actually advocating violence (not the first time). And btw, screw democracy too. If this feeling spreads, we are In deep shirt.

This goes beyond one treasonous Peice of work and out to all his minions. This is on you or should we be sympathetic to the idea of they can’t help being selfish suckers to the Nation’s detriment? Donald Trump is the single largest individual threat to our democracy and it‘s all going to boil down to will the majority of the GOP return to his embrace and start slinging his excrement to support him?
Technically he didn’t lose anything though, right? The idiots who bought stock at $70ish a share lost almost everything. Trump was given his shares, wasn’t he?
Technically he didn’t lose anything though, right? The idiots who bought stock at $70ish a share lost almost everything. Trump was given his shares, wasn’t he?

you never "lose" money in stock market until you sell at a loss.

So he lost over $4,000,000,000 in "valuation" - not legal tender, just on "paper" - his shares x stock price. OVer the last 6 months from its high, it has lost 74% of its valuation.

As for him being given shares-remember this was a "merger" of two companies- so instead of the other company ( DWAC ) giving them cash, they awarded them stock. So that was initially part of the purchase agreement. He was awarded an additional 36,000,000 shares after it traded its first 20 days above like $20. So he has clost to 114,000,000 shares.

Which looks GREAT on paper.

But comes with severe downsides. There is, according to Barons, only 200.16M shares outstanding. So Trump holds almost 55% of ALL SHARES. So if he were to start dumping large tranches ( say 30,000,000 shares ) thats going to create selling pressure by smaller investors who dont want to be left holding the worthless stock ( fear that he selling cuz he taking his $$$ and running ).

So he can slowly unwind to not create panic....but the other aspect is the company fundamentals. They are garbage and here in next month or so should be earnings call. Followed by November election. IF earnings call AND loses election, the stock price is going to wind up under $10/share. Many folks, including Trump, depending on how many shares he has left by then, are going to see increased valuation loss.

And many folks who bought $10,20,50k worth of shares better be ready to pull the trigger and hope their trading platform doesnt crash, because every second is additional $$$ lost when panic sets in.

Some folks are going to be in a very untenable spot i suspect in near future. Some may even hold in hopes that TMTG will turn a profit. It will be quite a long time before that happens, if it ever happens.

It was a grift for Trump and his pals involved.

Nunes held 115,000 shares- he recently sold 27,000~ shares for $630,000~ he sold almost 23% of his holdings. For a CEO to dump 23% of his stock has some meaning. Always good to pay attention to what the Executives are doing inside of a company ( and they must report their sales and it becomes public record )
Oh and his NEXT grift is the crypto arena- he ( well his sons ) are positioning to sell World Liberty Financial coin.

And the major crypto folks are starting to get unnerved by this move as they see it for EXACTLY what it is, and fearful it will cast a negative light on crypto overall.
Oh and his NEXT grift is the crypto arena- he ( well his sons ) are positioning to sell World Liberty Financial coin.

And the major crypto folks are starting to get unnerved by this move as they see it for EXACTLY what it is, and fearful it will cast a negative light on crypto overall.
How can crypto get any more of a negative light, lol. I see it as something that is made for Trump. All the grifters can grift off each other.

And I know next to nothing about crypto - I’m judging it by the fact that whenever I see a man being a complete arse on Twitter, they have crypto somewhere in the bio. Maybe all over their bio.
How can crypto get any more of a negative light, lol. I see it as something that is made for Trump. All the grifters can grift off each other.

And I know next to nothing about crypto - I’m judging it by the fact that whenever I see a man being a complete arse on Twitter, they have crypto somewhere in the bio. Maybe all over their bio.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Americans were duped out of more than $5.6 billion last year through fraud schemes involving cryptocurrency, the FBI said in a report released Monday that shows a 45% jump in losses from 2022.

The FBI received nearly 70,000 complaints in 2023 by victims of financial fraud involving bitcoin, ether and other cryptocurrencies, according to the FBI. The most rampant scheme was investment fraud, which accounted for $3.96 billion of the losses.

“The decentralized nature of cryptocurrency, the speed of irreversible transactions, and the ability to transfer value around the world make cryptocurrency an attractive vehicle for criminals, while creating challenges to recover stolen funds,” wrote Michael Nordwall, assistant director of the FBI’s criminal investigative division.

Scammers will often make contact through dating apps or social media to build trust over several weeks or months before suggesting cryptocurrency investing, the FBI said.

Once the relationship is built, they convince the targets to use fake websites or apps to invest their money, sometimes even allowing the victims to withdraw small amounts of money early on to make it seem legitimate.…….

Donald Trump made a handsome profit from the sales of his last two books — so he’s released another, which critics are calling “lazy” and “glorious gibberish.”

“Save America” — a 300-plus-page photo book that promises to provide an “unparalleled look into his four years” and a “roadmap for the future” — offers little new insight into the Trump administration, but instead relies on familiar ground to relay his usual talking points, reviewers say.

“Save America” is also the name of Trump’s super-PAC, and the captions mimic the wording and sentiments — including awkward capitalization — of his Truth Social messages. New York Magazine decried the photo book as “lazy” while the Washington Post described the captions as akin to a “fascist Emily Dickinson.”

In one familiar refrain, Trump focused on crowd size in a caption beside a photo of his inauguration: “Democrats tried to disparage Crowd size, knowing that this was the Largest Inaugural Crowd EVER — See for yourself!”…….

Ten pages are dedicated to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, despite his and Trump’s infamous Twitter war threatening nuclear weapons on each other’s country.

Also included is a strange tangent about Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau — and his mother.

“His mother was beautiful and wild,” Trump wrote. “In the 1970s, she would go ‘clubbing’ with the Rolling Stones, but she was also somehow associated with Fidel Castro. She said he was ‘the sexiest man I’ve ever met,’ and a lot of people say that Justin is his son. He swears that he isn’t, but how the hell would he know! Castro had good hair, the ‘father’ didn’t, Justin has good hair, and has become a communist just like Castro.”……

After flipping through the massive book, the Washington Post brutally concluded: “Any suspicion that Trump didn’t write this book himself should be allayed by the presence of such glorious gibberish.”……

Something to be aware of. His cult will be more dangerous for a while.

Every accusation is a projection of guilt. Trump was shaking his head a lot while Harris was saying things I know he doesn't agree with. The thought crossed my mind a few times that he was reacting to something someone was saying to him through and earpiece. I never gave it serious consideration, but it was the first thing I thought about when hearing that Trump's minions are accusing Harris of wearing an earpiece.
Shaun McGuire is another national security problem tech bro in the mold of Musk. I don’t know what the answer is, but the billionaires (add in Leo, Crow and their ilk) are a real problem. They don’t want to live in a democracy any longer, it’s too restrictive of what they want to do.

Shaun McGuire is another national security problem tech bro in the mold of Musk. I don’t know what the answer is, but the billionaires (add in Leo, Crow and their ilk) are a real problem. They don’t want to live in a democracy any longer, it’s too restrictive of what they want to do.

The industry bros of Germany in the early 1900's were the same way. We all know what that lead to.
Shaun McGuire is another national security problem tech bro in the mold of Musk. I don’t know what the answer is, but the billionaires (add in Leo, Crow and their ilk) are a real problem. They don’t want to live in a democracy any longer, it’s too restrictive of what they want to do.

So, he is a tech bro which translates into he’s an idiot. Don’t care how “smart” he is or how much money he has made. He is an idiot.
Donald Trump can be seen as a Russian asset, though not in the traditional sense of an active agent or a recruited resource, an ex-FBI deputy director who worked under the former US president said.

Asked on a podcast if he thought it possible Trump was a Russian asset, Andrew McCabe, who Trump fired as FBI deputy director in 2018, said: “I do, I do.”

He added: “I don’t know that I would characterize it as [an] active, recruited, knowing asset in the way that people in the intelligence community think of that term. But I do think that Donald Trump has given us many reasons to question his approach to the Russia problem in the United States, and I think his approach to interacting with Vladimir Putin, be it phone calls, face-to-face meetings, the things that he has said in public about Putin, all raise significant questions.”

McCabe was speaking to the One Decision podcast, co-hosted by Sir Richard Dearlove, a former head of MI6, the British intelligence service……

Oh and his NEXT grift is the crypto arena- he ( well his sons ) are positioning to sell World Liberty Financial coin.

And the major crypto folks are starting to get unnerved by this move as they see it for EXACTLY what it is, and fearful it will cast a negative light on crypto overall.

Well that was quicker than expected. The grifter never stops grifting - you can buy WLF coin Sept 16th- its gonna be yyyyyuuuuge.

Launching a competing currency to the US dollar while running for President of the United States should disqualify you for office.

thats the catch, right? he launching a crypto but that is based on "stablecoin" ( value pegged to another currency - USD or gold- in this case USD )

So this isnt a truly speculative crypto like Bitcoin.

So to make $$$ in crypto stablecoin, you must LEND IT at interest. ( Like a bank for instance ) - HOWEVER, there is no regulation. You can charge whatever interest you want, and lend to whomever you want.

Its basically a Cartel disguised as a financial institution.

This has the markings of a real problem.
thats the catch, right? he launching a crypto but that is based on "stablecoin" ( value pegged to another currency - USD or gold- in this case USD )

So this isnt a truly speculative crypto like Bitcoin.

So to make $$$ in crypto stablecoin, you must LEND IT at interest. ( Like a bank for instance ) - HOWEVER, there is no regulation. You can charge whatever interest you want, and lend to whomever you want.

Its basically a Cartel disguised as a financial institution.

This has the markings of a real problem.
My first thoughts were money laundering, bribery and dark money.

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