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    Misty Mountains Envoy
    Mar 8, 2023
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    Anxiety surges as Donald Trump may be indicted soon: Why 2024 is 'the final battle' and 'the big one'​

    WASHINGTON – It looks like American politics is entering a new age of anxiety, triggered by an unprecedented legal development: The potential indictment of a former president and current presidential candidate.

    Donald Trump's many legal problems – and calls for protests by his followers – have generated new fears of political violence and anxiety about the unknowable impact all this will have on the already-tense 2024 presidential election

    I’ll reframe this is a more accurate way, Are Presidents above the law? This new age was spurred into existence when home grown dummies elected a corrupt, mentally ill, anti-democratic, would be dictator as President and don’t bother to hold him responsible for his crimes, don’t want to because in the ensuing mayhem and destruction, they think they will be better off. The man is actually advocating violence (not the first time). And btw, screw democracy too. If this feeling spreads, we are In deep shirt.

    This goes beyond one treasonous Peice of work and out to all his minions. This is on you or should we be sympathetic to the idea of they can’t help being selfish suckers to the Nation’s detriment? Donald Trump is the single largest individual threat to our democracy and it‘s all going to boil down to will the majority of the GOP return to his embrace and start slinging his excrement to support him?
    McMaster’s book details the hold Putin has on Trump, from an article in The Guardian:

    Vladimir Putin exploited Donald Trump’s “ego and insecurities” to exert an almost mesmeric hold over the former US president, who refused to entertain any negative evaluation of the autocratic Russian leader from his own staff, and ultimately fired his national security adviser, HR McMaster, over it.”

    When Putin poisoned 2 UK citizens in March 2018, McMaster writes this:

    “While other western leaders were beginning to formulate a strong response to the assassination attempt, McMaster says, Trump sat in the White House fawning over a New York Post article with the headline: “Putin heaps praise on Trump, pans US politics”. Trump, according to the book, wrote an appreciative note on the article with a black Sharpie and asked McMaster “to get the clipping to Putin”.”

    McMaster eventually retrieved the note from an aide and it didn’t get sent. The book goes on to describe how Putin flattered Trump constantly to manipulate him, and Trump wouldn’t listen to McMaster’s warnings.

    Cheato is such a rube. His mental illness leaves him vulnerable to the most obvious ploys.
    From Twitter, copy / paste due to length.

    “I posted this back in July, but I want to post it again bcos I want every military personnel and every veteran to know....

    BELOW, is a picture of Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Nevada, Sam Brown.

    Sam and his fellow soldiers were wounded by an IED when responding to another US Army unit that was ambushed.

    REMINDER: John Kelly, Trump's former White House Chief of Staff, stated that @realDonaldTrump did not want to be seen in the presence of wounded warriors bcos - and I quote - "it doesn't look good for me."

    General Mark Milley, Trump's former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, stated that during a ceremony where a wounded warrior was going to sing "God Bless America" @realDonaldTrump told him - and I quote - "Why do you bring people like that here? No one wants to see that, the wounded."
    It's reported that Trump also said, "Never let Avila appear in public again."

    ALSO BELOW, are TWO videos of @realDonaldTrump greeting and shaking hands with other members at the RNC Convention — EXCEPT ARMY VETERAN SAM BROWN.

    NOTICE on both videos, @realDonaldTrump completely and purposely ignored and snubbed Army veteran Sam Brown.

    On the last video, you can even see Sam Brown calling out to @realDonaldTrump — and that butt crevasse blatantly ignores him.”

    From Twitter, copy / paste due to length.

    “I posted this back in July, but I want to post it again bcos I want every military personnel and every veteran to know....

    BELOW, is a picture of Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Nevada, Sam Brown.

    Sam and his fellow soldiers were wounded by an IED when responding to another US Army unit that was ambushed.

    REMINDER: John Kelly, Trump's former White House Chief of Staff, stated that @realDonaldTrump did not want to be seen in the presence of wounded warriors bcos - and I quote - "it doesn't look good for me."

    General Mark Milley, Trump's former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, stated that during a ceremony where a wounded warrior was going to sing "God Bless America" @realDonaldTrump told him - and I quote - "Why do you bring people like that here? No one wants to see that, the wounded."
    It's reported that Trump also said, "Never let Avila appear in public again."

    ALSO BELOW, are TWO videos of @realDonaldTrump greeting and shaking hands with other members at the RNC Convention — EXCEPT ARMY VETERAN SAM BROWN.

    NOTICE on both videos, @realDonaldTrump completely and purposely ignored and snubbed Army veteran Sam Brown.

    On the last video, you can even see Sam Brown calling out to @realDonaldTrump — and that butt crevasse blatantly ignores him.”

    Infuriating and Sam Brown should be denouncing that move every day.

    But tribal politics tend to get in way. (Maybe this will wake him up)
    We can’t go back to the constant idiocy that he brought to the WH.

    He’s saying it again - I have enough votes.

    I think there's two truths going on here. The first is that Trump and his minions will try to sabotage the election outcome. The second is Trump is blustering like he did in 2016 and 2020. He always says he already has enough votes to win, while also complaining the election is rigged against him.

    Biden and Harris, especially "took on drug cartels and mega corporations and won" Harris, are not going to let Trump steal the election. They also are not going to tip their hand as to what they will do to stop it, until it's too late for Trump and his minions to do anything about it.
    Another book by a former Trump cabinet member reporting improper requests from Trump.

    From Twitter, copy / paste due to length.

    “I posted this back in July, but I want to post it again bcos I want every military personnel and every veteran to know....

    BELOW, is a picture of Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Nevada, Sam Brown.

    Sam and his fellow soldiers were wounded by an IED when responding to another US Army unit that was ambushed.

    REMINDER: John Kelly, Trump's former White House Chief of Staff, stated that @realDonaldTrump did not want to be seen in the presence of wounded warriors bcos - and I quote - "it doesn't look good for me."

    General Mark Milley, Trump's former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, stated that during a ceremony where a wounded warrior was going to sing "God Bless America" @realDonaldTrump told him - and I quote - "Why do you bring people like that here? No one wants to see that, the wounded."
    It's reported that Trump also said, "Never let Avila appear in public again."

    ALSO BELOW, are TWO videos of @realDonaldTrump greeting and shaking hands with other members at the RNC Convention — EXCEPT ARMY VETERAN SAM BROWN.

    NOTICE on both videos, @realDonaldTrump completely and purposely ignored and snubbed Army veteran Sam Brown.

    On the last video, you can even see Sam Brown calling out to @realDonaldTrump — and that butt crevasse blatantly ignores him.”

    If that guy were to actually touch him, Cheato would faint in horror.
    Knowing Trump, and knowing how in the past he has either ignored or looked bored when the same thing has happened in the past, and knowing how both Harris and Walz have expressed concern when people have passed out at their rallies….I feel very sure this was a set-up, just like his “question” at his fake “news conference” yesterday.

    Knowing Trump, and knowing how in the past he has either ignored or looked bored when the same thing has happened in the past, and knowing how both Harris and Walz have expressed concern when people have passed out at their rallies….I feel very sure this was a set-up, just like his “question” at his fake “news conference” yesterday.

    should have just thrown a roll of paper towels at them.
    Thread about malignant narcissists. Copy / paste due to length. May help clarify people who think there are a myriad of conspiracies around Trump - both by him and targeting him. (In other words, folks who think the assassination attempt was done by the CIA or the “deep state” and those who think Trump himself set it up).

    “I've been reading articles about the Trump assassination attempt and they all the same thing: serious mistakes were made (making some kind of resignations appropriate IMHO) and also that Trump put a unique strain on things. One thing that you learn very quickly when you work with a narcissistic sociopath is that weird shirt happens when they are around. Can you always trace it directly back to them? Not necessarily. Are other people partly at fault too. Yes, but...It's stuff that doesn't happen when they aren't around.

    As I said, the Secret Service screwed up with the Trump assassination attempt but also Trump chose strange venues, in part because the regular venues were afraid he wouldn't pay. That's strange, it's not normal, it's not something that happens with other candidates. Regular candidates can book normal venues because they pay their bills.

    With January 6, I don't doubt that there were security failures there too, but it's not a coincidence that this happened with Trump around. There are always mistakes being made, no org or person is perfect, and narcissistic sociopaths put strain on things.

    I work with a narcissistic sociopath, and was his chair for a while, so I saw a lot. It took me years to realize that 90% of the problems that arose in the department could be traced back to him. A lot of them were minor but I came to realize that essentially every time I had a conversation with anyone in the department and said "what the fork was that about?" it was always ultimately him that that was about. And so it is with Trump. It's generally hard to convince people of this. People think things are coincidences.

    I'll close with a sports story on this topic. Years ago, legendary baseball character Jose Canseco was hit in the head with a ball that bounced into the stands for a home run. Some people said "It could have happened to anyone" but a wiser baseball writer said "Yes, it could have happened to anyone but if I told you it happened, who would be your first guess as to who it happened to?" So it is with Trump and with my narcissistic sociopath coworker.”
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    Okay this is an actual transcript of a 3-minute rant Trump did on a call-in today on Fox. And SFL supports this but calls a completely lucid response to a reporter’s question by Harris a “word salad”.

    “first of all he's a total lightweight and he shouldn't be even having any access to possibly being president the guy he's a day been a terrible governor they've had nothing but problems in this state uh... he has no capability they call him coach he's a it's a my coach you could coach some football for a little while this guy is a a lightweight and he shouldn't have access and for him to say about project twenty five is disgraceful they know i have nothing to do with it i had no idea what it was a group of people got together they grew up some conservative values very conservative values and in some case uh... perhaps they went over the line perhaps they didn't i have no idea what project twenty five is but they use it and they know it uh... just like charlotte's bill totally discredited uh... they use charlotte's but you know biden gets up all the times as charlotte's bill he ran because of charlotte's where we got he got run out of office by the democrats they did a coup on him and he's sitting some place in california on a beach and he because he's in california's crime ridden uh... crime ridden place it's not the same place more people leaving than uh... crime ridden place it's not the same place more people leaving than and all of the things that these people have done kamala has been the worst uh... she everything she touched her in bed california turned that san francisco you can't walk into san francisco you barely can go into california anymore people said estate that's in terrible terrible crime trouble in every other form of trouble monetary trouble that's got nothing drugs all over the place you go into los angeles you can't walk down the streets it's a shame between gavin news and but it was really more kamala because she was your uh... district attorney in san francisco san francisco is unlivable now unlivable fifteen years ago is the most beautiful city one of the greatest cities in the world today it's unlivable it's gonna have to be hopefully be able to be brought back of that possible kamala who's a Marxist and uh... radical left frankly she's a radical left lunatic uh... and if she became a president that if this country would turn out to be a big version of san francisco or big version of california itself so these guys they talk about that they talk about all different things that they know are totally discredited they have a thing with soldiers where i'm looking over the graves of soldiers and saying horrible thing about dead soldiers from world war one it was totally made up it was a made up story uh... confirmed that was confirmed that but my side of it by twenty six people in the military that it never happened they had one lunatic uh... talking about it and they use it all the time does nobody that loves the military more than me nobody did more for the military i rebuilt the military they gave a eighty five billion dollars of it away to have canistan in the dumbest and and one of the most horrible things that's ever happened probably the most embarrassing moment that ever happened to a country”

    Tbf - the computer generated transcript doesn’t hear Charlottesville correctly. when it shows charlotte’s bill - that is what he is saying.
    Okay this is an actual transcript of a 3-minute rant Trump did on a call-in today on Fox. And SFL supports this but calls a completely lucid response to a reporter’s question by Harris a “word salad”.

    “first of all he's a total lightweight and he shouldn't be even having any access to possibly being president the guy he's a day been a terrible governor they've had nothing but problems in this state uh... he has no capability they call him coach he's a it's a my coach you could coach some football for a little while this guy is a a lightweight and he shouldn't have access and for him to say about project twenty five is disgraceful they know i have nothing to do with it i had no idea what it was a group of people got together they grew up some conservative values very conservative values and in some case uh... perhaps they went over the line perhaps they didn't i have no idea what project twenty five is but they use it and they know it uh... just like charlotte's bill totally discredited uh... they use charlotte's but you know biden gets up all the times as charlotte's bill he ran because of charlotte's where we got he got run out of office by the democrats they did a coup on him and he's sitting some place in california on a beach and he because he's in california's crime ridden uh... crime ridden place it's not the same place more people leaving than uh... crime ridden place it's not the same place more people leaving than and all of the things that these people have done kamala has been the worst uh... she everything she touched her in bed california turned that san francisco you can't walk into san francisco you barely can go into california anymore people said estate that's in terrible terrible crime trouble in every other form of trouble monetary trouble that's got nothing drugs all over the place you go into los angeles you can't walk down the streets it's a shame between gavin news and but it was really more kamala because she was your uh... district attorney in san francisco san francisco is unlivable now unlivable fifteen years ago is the most beautiful city one of the greatest cities in the world today it's unlivable it's gonna have to be hopefully be able to be brought back of that possible kamala who's a Marxist and uh... radical left frankly she's a radical left lunatic uh... and if she became a president that if this country would turn out to be a big version of san francisco or big version of california itself so these guys they talk about that they talk about all different things that they know are totally discredited they have a thing with soldiers where i'm looking over the graves of soldiers and saying horrible thing about dead soldiers from world war one it was totally made up it was a made up story uh... confirmed that was confirmed that but my side of it by twenty six people in the military that it never happened they had one lunatic uh... talking about it and they use it all the time does nobody that loves the military more than me nobody did more for the military i rebuilt the military they gave a eighty five billion dollars of it away to have canistan in the dumbest and and one of the most horrible things that's ever happened probably the most embarrassing moment that ever happened to a country”

    Tbf - the computer generated transcript doesn’t hear Charlottesville correctly. when it shows charlotte’s bill - that is what he is saying.

    Let me guess, the question was "Do you want fries with that?"
    Now that he is 18, Barron Trump has supposedly become his father’s social media guy, along with a friend of his. How do you think it’s going? “ready to get sacrificed” WTH?

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