Uh yu ka t'ann
But there is a darker, more extreme side to evangelicals embracing Trump, which goes beyond sitting judges on the SC, as the judgement they are seeking is not of this Earth.
These are the people who literally want to see the world burn, the people who can't wait for the so called End of Times prophesies to come to pass, even if they force them to pass - which, BTW, defeats the purpose of a prophesy: one cannot predict Betty is going to bake a cake, and upon hearing this, prod Betty to bake a cake, and when Betty bakes a cake, proclaim a prophesy fulfilled.
Whether you want to go with Isaiah (King Cyrus-type who will restore and rebuild Jerusalem, ergo push to put US Embassy there), Daniel (stubborn- like-a-goat king of the West who will make his nation great at time of the end), Revelations (the name Trump symbolizing the trumpet sound that will bring about the Great Tribulation), or maybe all of them, in their minds, these are signs that the End of Times is within their grasp, and they are trying desperately to be the catalysts of their rise to the kingdom of heaven and the demise of humankind.
This is the mentality that has given rise to QAnon, a fascist, biblical apocalyptic cult who denounce the so called Deep State, a cabal of pedophile Satan worshipers who control the world, and only the enlightened come to realize this. They think Trump is bringing about yet another Great Awakening, and will unleash The Storm on all of their perceived enemies, which in turn will bring about an age of peace and prosperity - the 7 years of plenty.
Some of that may not make sense even within a biblical context, but when has not making sense stopped cults?
These are the people who literally want to see the world burn, the people who can't wait for the so called End of Times prophesies to come to pass, even if they force them to pass - which, BTW, defeats the purpose of a prophesy: one cannot predict Betty is going to bake a cake, and upon hearing this, prod Betty to bake a cake, and when Betty bakes a cake, proclaim a prophesy fulfilled.
Whether you want to go with Isaiah (King Cyrus-type who will restore and rebuild Jerusalem, ergo push to put US Embassy there), Daniel (stubborn- like-a-goat king of the West who will make his nation great at time of the end), Revelations (the name Trump symbolizing the trumpet sound that will bring about the Great Tribulation), or maybe all of them, in their minds, these are signs that the End of Times is within their grasp, and they are trying desperately to be the catalysts of their rise to the kingdom of heaven and the demise of humankind.
This is the mentality that has given rise to QAnon, a fascist, biblical apocalyptic cult who denounce the so called Deep State, a cabal of pedophile Satan worshipers who control the world, and only the enlightened come to realize this. They think Trump is bringing about yet another Great Awakening, and will unleash The Storm on all of their perceived enemies, which in turn will bring about an age of peace and prosperity - the 7 years of plenty.
Some of that may not make sense even within a biblical context, but when has not making sense stopped cults?
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