MAP Book Club - any interest? (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known member
    Sep 28, 2019
    Reaction score
    Warrington, UK
    I was thinking earlier it might be an idea to have a book club here. It'd be the usual sort of format; we'd get a few suggestions for politically related books people think might be interesting to read and discuss together, pick one, give everyone a week or so to get hold of a copy, then we'd designate part of it to read each week and discuss it. Either the person who suggested the book or someone else could start things off each week with a few thoughts or questions.

    I've put a poll up to gauge interest, but feel free to chime in below as well.
    First recommendation - "Good Economics for Bad Times"
    This one?
    I've heard good things about it.

    Looks like there's definitely enough interest to give this a go, so let's get a few more recommendations and then have a vote to pick one to start off with.

    I'll suggest Obama's A Promised Land, but it might a bit long to start off with at over 700 pages.
    I'd be down to give it a try. I love to read and being in an active book club kinda makes me accountable to myself when it comes to reading. I've gone through spurts of reading like crazy and then spurts of barely reading at all. Crazy thing is, I actually never read a single book - novel or otherwise - until I got put on ADHD medication when I started college. I always just thought I hated the act of reading. So wrong. I love it. Have ever since they diagnosed and medicated me when I started college. I always tested off the charts - gifted program at Jesuit in eight grade, etc. - but my grades were always mediocre and it was because I always felt completely overwhelmed. The teachers said it had tk be a lack of effort. After all, how could someone score a 148 on their IQ test given in fifth grade at Christian Brothers but still get such shirtty grades.

    I still take the medication when I need it to this day. (Geez...22 years I've been getting a prescription for it - funny how I've never found a psychiatrist who takes insurance who is authorized to write it too...)

    Anyway...sorry for the diatribe - the SB sucks(ed) and now we have to hear about Brady all off-season. I want Drew to come back just to win another one so forking bad. If he'd have been healthy this year we could have done it.

    So, for a book club, I literally started this last night and it's pretty damn good from what I've read so far. I've been in a few book clubs on Meet Up that were either really good or really bad. All depends on the membership and actually READING THE BOOK!

    So...yeah...I'm a yes. Shoulda have made a pole.

    EDIT: It won't let me upload a picture of the book for some reason so I'll just give the title and author...It's: Promises Kept - John F. Kennedy's New Frontier. Author is Irving Bernstein.

    Written in 1991 in case anyone is wondering.
    I'm down, someone pick a book. This would be a good change of pace for me. I mainly read fantasy, and sci-fi books.
    I'm down, someone pick a book. This would be a good change of pace for me. I mainly read fantasy, and sci-fi books.
    Yeah, I'm hoping this will get me reading a few more books outside of those genres as well. And outside of Twitter. I definitely want to shift the tweets/books balance back towards books.

    I'll leave it another day or two to see if anyone has any more recommendations, and then we'll have a quick vote allowing multiple choices to see which has the widest interest.
    Here’s another choice, so we have a wide variety to choose from. Haven’t read it:

    America, Russia, and One Hundred Years of Covert Electoral Interference
    By David Shimer
    I think this is a pretty cool idea. I need to read more, anyway.
    guess i'll put this here

    new book coming out with some candid words from Obama

    That's according to "Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats' Campaign to Defeat Trump," an upcoming book by the journalist Edward-Isaac Dovere...

    The former president's staff "got him going by asking what it was like, after coming in working with Jamie Dimon and Lloyd Blankfein and other big bankers, to be made out as an anticapitalist by the Republicans," the book said, referring to the chief executive officer of JPMorgan Chase and former chief executive officer of Goldman Sachs, respectively.

    "Obama gave a long, reasoned answer," Dovere wrote. "As for the Tea Party, Obama said, well, they were 'racist motherf---ers.'"

    Dovere's book, which details the Democratic Party's years-long effort to take down former President Donald Trump, contains several revealing anecdotes about what Trump's predecessor thought of him.

    "He's a madman," Obama once said of him. "I didn't think it would be this bad."

    In another instance, he said, "I didn't think we'd have a racist, sexist pig." Other times, he would send emails to aides containing links to articles with the line, "Can you believe this?" He also referred to Trump as a "f---ing lunatic" and called him a "corrupt motherf---er" when it surfaced that Trump sometimes had phone calls with foreign leaders without any aides listening in..........

    guess i'll put this here

    new book coming out with some candid words from Obama

    That's according to "Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats' Campaign to Defeat Trump," an upcoming book by the journalist Edward-Isaac Dovere...

    The former president's staff "got him going by asking what it was like, after coming in working with Jamie Dimon and Lloyd Blankfein and other big bankers, to be made out as an anticapitalist by the Republicans," the book said, referring to the chief executive officer of JPMorgan Chase and former chief executive officer of Goldman Sachs, respectively.

    "Obama gave a long, reasoned answer," Dovere wrote. "As for the Tea Party, Obama said, well, they were 'racist motherf---ers.'"

    Dovere's book, which details the Democratic Party's years-long effort to take down former President Donald Trump, contains several revealing anecdotes about what Trump's predecessor thought of him.

    "He's a madman," Obama once said of him. "I didn't think it would be this bad."

    In another instance, he said, "I didn't think we'd have a racist, sexist pig." Other times, he would send emails to aides containing links to articles with the line, "Can you believe this?" He also referred to Trump as a "f---ing lunatic" and called him a "corrupt motherf---er" when it surfaced that Trump sometimes had phone calls with foreign leaders without any aides listening in..........

    That's my President. :yes:

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