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Isn't it obvious that Donald Trump is a Russian asset? I mean it in a way that he clearly works for the Putin Government. He would've been imprisoned if it were for The Un-American Activities Committee back in the day. He always praises Putin's assets (e.g. Victor Orban who tried to block EU's monetary aid for Ukraine). Always gentle towards Putin, even if he speaks in a masculine American way from time to time. He doesn't even bother looking American anymore though, look what he said about Navalny's death. And it is a fact that a Russian hacking chain worked for Trump's win in the 2016 elections, proven by the FBI, and those Russians are still wanted by the FBI, including Wagner's boss who's dead now. It's a public fact, visit and see it with your own eyes, click "most wanted", and then "fugitives", and then "counterintelligence", easy as that. The MAGA movement is clearly a Russian conspiracy to control America. It's not just the classic Red vs. Blue anymore. It's now MAGA vs. The People. George Bush was an American, like him or not. Barack Obama was also an American, like him or not. But this guy, he is not American, he is only a US citizen that works for Russia. Donald Trump is clearly a dictator wannabe, he would be one if he had the chance to, and it's not just "him", he is controlled by the Russian government agencies. He and his family have business ties to Russia, they can easily establish contact with Putin. He was not just yet another president, he tried to conquer the US, in Russia's name of course, while looking all American with his white skin, his choice of American music, US flags, choice of words. I don't think democrats are aware of all this. They're still trying to push Biden (he's an American, like him or not!) into another election instead of finding someone charismatic while all Russian manpower is focused on their American Superstar, paving all the ways for another term. MAGA is a Russian-backed extremist organization, he's not selling merch like hats and sneakers just for his campaign, these are not just classic merchandise, they are uniforms to create a MAGA army under Russian rule, designed in Russia, by Russia. Donald Trump's campaign is funded by Russian taxpayers. WWIII is on its way, if The Free World lets itself controlled by The Dark World (of Putin, of Islamist Terrorism, and dictatorships, etc.) hell would break loose for the American People. God bless America, not for its flag but its freedoms. What do you think?