Federal criminal investigation Hunter Biden focuses on his business dealings (Update: DOJ appoints special counsel) (6 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Oct 5, 2019
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    Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the richest woman in Russia and the widow of Yury Luzhkov, the former mayor of Moscow, Senate Republicans revealed in their report on the younger Biden’s work in Ukraine.

    Baturina is referenced in the 87-page report, which was released Wednesday, addressing her payment to Biden’s investment firm in early 2014.

    “Baturina became Russia’s only female billionaire when her plastics company, Inteko, received a series of Moscow municipal contracts while her husband was mayor,” it said in providing background on the businesswoman.

    The report described her involvement with Biden as “a financial relationship,” but declined to delve deeper into why the wire transfer was made.

    The probe also found that Baturina sent 11 wires transfers between May and December 2015 to a bank account belonging to BAK USA, a tech startup that filed for bankruptcy in March 2019.

    Nine of those 11 wire transfers were first sent to Rosemont Seneca Partners, the investment firm founded by Biden and Chris Heinz, stepson of former Secretary of State John Kerry, before being transferred to BAK USA.

    We all know their is massive corruption on both sides of the aisle. Here is an alleged allegation against Hunter Biden who was allegedly enriching himself because his Dad was Vice President.

    You’ve already posted this once. It’s a garbage article which I regret spending time reading. If you cannot show us the actual letter from Hunter’s lawyer, then just drop it because the article doesn’t link it and is full of BS that is spouted as if it were true. The fact that you read this stuff and think it’s fit to cite it in any sort of discussion is just ludicrous. It exposes you as either completely biased or not very media literate.
    You’ve already posted this once. It’s a garbage article which I regret spending time reading. If you cannot show us the actual letter from Hunter’s lawyer, then just drop it because the article doesn’t link it and is full of BS that is spouted as if it were true. The fact that you read this stuff and think it’s fit to cite it in any sort of discussion is just ludicrous. It exposes you as either completely biased or not very media literate.
    It's not hard to use Google.

    Perhaps they should focus on Ivanka’s trademark deal with China while she was a member of daddy’s staff. Or Jared 1.2 Billion from Qatar to get his company out from underneath 666 Park Avenue’s crushing debt and poor occupancy.
    Perhaps they should focus on Ivanka’s trademark deal with China while she was a member of daddy’s staff. Or Jared 1.2 Billion from Qatar to get his company out from underneath 666 Park Avenue’s crushing debt and poor occupancy.

    A much bigger deal was always the Kushner/Saudi connection.


    This is a red herring. I don’t think anyone thinks the laptop is not his. There is suspicion that some evidence was planted. We’ll see, but 99%, if not all of it, is irrelevant to Joe Biden. It is much more likely that the Trump’s got quid pro quos from the Chinese for her trademarks.
    Here we go, from the first letter:

    “Mr. Mac Isaac has admitted to repeatedly accessing Mr. Biden’s personal data.2 In his recently- published book, Mr. Mac Isaac admitted to opening and reviewing the content of Mr. Biden’s files on April 13, 2019 (one day after Mr. Mac Isaac has claimed Mr. Biden came to his computer repair shop carrying three laptops and left one of them behind for work). Mr. Mac Isaac readily admits his intrusion included sensitive, private material, such as a file titled, “income.pdf,” which was “an email from January 16, 2017, saved as a PDF,” about which Mr. Mac Isaac wrote: “At the top were the years 2013, 2014, and 2015. Next to each year was the amount of taxable income earned: $833,000+ in 2013, $847,000+ amended to $1,247,000+ in 2014, $2,478,000+ in 2015.... I read on.”3 Backing up Mr. Biden’s files for any repair did not require Mr. Mac Isaac to review the contents of any such files. Mr. Biden did not consent to Mr. Mac Isaac gaining access to the content of those files in April 2019 or at any other time. Mr. Mac Isaac in fact has conceded that “it was none of his business.”4”

    The footnotes identify the sources for each statement. Bolded text is mine. So, going with the story from this sketchy guy - he snooped in the files the day after the laptop was left. He had no right to do so, and no right to share what he found with political operatives. It was illegally obtained data.
    The manipulation of the files is laid out in this section of the letter. (All footnoted with sources)

    “The Washington Post received a copy of what was represented to be Mr. Biden’s data from Republican activist Jack Maxey, who had stolen the data from Steve Bannon.35 The Washington Post asked a team of forensic experts to analyze the data, and the team concluded that it could not verify over 99% of it.36 “The drive is a mess,” said one Washington Post analyst, who compared the drive to a crime scene where law enforcement finds the cops before them carelessly left Big Mac wrappers all over the scene contaminating the evidence.37 “From a forensics standpoint, it’s a disaster.”38”

    “The Washington Post reported that on September 1 and 2, 2020, three new folders were added to the drive: “Desktop Documents,” “Biden Burisma” and “Hunter. Burisma Documents.”39 They also reported that, in October 2020, someone on the West Coast accessed the drive and added the following new folders: “Mail,” “Salacious Pics Package” and “Big Guy File.”40 The timing is noteworthy, as Mr. Mac Isaac reportedly sent the data to Mr. Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello, via Federal Express in late August 2020 (without Mr. Biden’s consent),41 and Mr. Giuliani reportedly provided a copy of the data to the New York Post on October 11, 2020 (without Mr. Biden’s consent).42”

    It goes on a good bit like this. Basically many, many people messed with that collection of files for over three years before the NY Post got it.
    This is a red herring. I don’t think anyone thinks the laptop is not his. There is suspicion that some evidence was planted. We’ll see, but 99%, if not all of it, is irrelevant to Joe Biden. It is much more likely that the Trump’s got quid pro quos from the Chinese for her trademarks.
    MT15 is still claiming it wasn't his laptop.
    Here we go, from the first letter:

    “Mr. Mac Isaac has admitted to repeatedly accessing Mr. Biden’s personal data.2 In his recently- published book, Mr. Mac Isaac admitted to opening and reviewing the content of Mr. Biden’s files on April 13, 2019 (one day after Mr. Mac Isaac has claimed Mr. Biden came to his computer repair shop carrying three laptops and left one of them behind for work). Mr. Mac Isaac readily admits his intrusion included sensitive, private material, such as a file titled, “income.pdf,” which was “an email from January 16, 2017, saved as a PDF,” about which Mr. Mac Isaac wrote: “At the top were the years 2013, 2014, and 2015. Next to each year was the amount of taxable income earned: $833,000+ in 2013, $847,000+ amended to $1,247,000+ in 2014, $2,478,000+ in 2015.... I read on.”3 Backing up Mr. Biden’s files for any repair did not require Mr. Mac Isaac to review the contents of any such files. Mr. Biden did not consent to Mr. Mac Isaac gaining access to the content of those files in April 2019 or at any other time. Mr. Mac Isaac in fact has conceded that “it was none of his business.”4”

    The footnotes identify the sources for each statement. Bolded text is mine. So, going with the story from this sketchy guy - he snooped in the files the day after the laptop was left. He had no right to do so, and no right to share what he found with political operatives. It was illegally obtained data.



    When are you going to get worked up about Ivanka’s trademark deal with Chinawhen she was working inside the WH? When are you going to get worked up about Jared‘s deals with the Saudis and Qataris when he was working inside the WH?

    Hunter Biden traded on his family name. Wow, I am stunned. Who else could possibly have done that? Bush2 (look into his business dealings), Bush2’s kids, Trump’s kids (while working inside the WH). It isn’t that you are conservative, it is that you have no moral compass. Democrats bad, Republicans good, no matter the circumstance. If Hunter has done something illegal then investigate, indict, try him and punish him if convicted. Your problem is that there is nothing linking him to anything about his father’s administration no matter how much you hope and pray and scream and rant and rave that there is. Hunter Biden plays no role in his father’s administration.
    MT15 is still claiming it wasn't his laptop.
    Show where I said that exactly. What you need to admit, and never have, is that nobody has ever seen any proof that this laptop which was taken by the FBI belonged to Hunter. All we know is that the shop owner said it belonged to Hunter. There was an external drive also taken, which a guy I saw on Twitter and quoted earlier looked up the serial number and said it was manufactured after the date that Hunter supposedly dropped off the laptop so that drive must belong to the shop owner.

    Why do you insist on acting like everything that Rudy, Bannon, and Roger Stone say about this laptop is true? Do you not realize what kind of people these are? That the NY Post makes up stories all the time to fit their agenda?

    Think about it - this was Trump’s FBI that took possession of this laptop. If there was anything incriminating on it don’t you think they would have come out with a prosecution by now? Even if they followed the rule about announcing anything before the election, they had months and months after the election. Yet, all we know is there is a tax issue, and a form for a gun (?) that wasn’t filled out correctly.

    Roger Stone, Steve Bannon and Rudy would lie, cheat or steal to help Trump. Basically this whole story comes from them. Why are you so freaking convinced that their version is truthful? It’s hilarious.
    Here we go, from the first letter:

    “Mr. Mac Isaac has admitted to repeatedly accessing Mr. Biden’s personal data.2 In his recently- published book, Mr. Mac Isaac admitted to opening and reviewing the content of Mr. Biden’s files on April 13, 2019 (one day after Mr. Mac Isaac has claimed Mr. Biden came to his computer repair shop carrying three laptops and left one of them behind for work). Mr. Mac Isaac readily admits his intrusion included sensitive, private material, such as a file titled, “income.pdf,” which was “an email from January 16, 2017, saved as a PDF,” about which Mr. Mac Isaac wrote: “At the top were the years 2013, 2014, and 2015. Next to each year was the amount of taxable income earned: $833,000+ in 2013, $847,000+ amended to $1,247,000+ in 2014, $2,478,000+ in 2015.... I read on.”3 Backing up Mr. Biden’s files for any repair did not require Mr. Mac Isaac to review the contents of any such files. Mr. Biden did not consent to Mr. Mac Isaac gaining access to the content of those files in April 2019 or at any other time. Mr. Mac Isaac in fact has conceded that “it was none of his business.”4”

    The footnotes identify the sources for each statement. Bolded text is mine. So, going with the story from this sketchy guy - he snooped in the files the day after the laptop was left. He had no right to do so, and no right to share what he found with political operatives. It was illegally obtained data.
    This seems pretty clear to me.

    Isaac was offered a bunch of money to say that Hunter Biden dropped off the laptop at his shop so that Rudy would have a reason for the data being out there. The idea was simple, dirty up Hunter Biden so that Trump would win the election. After the election, the story would simply go away. But, Trump didn't win the election, and the MAGA crowd won't let the story go away. So, Isaac is in a bad position. He's seen enough people poking holes in the story, and he knows that he is going to be the one left holding the bag when this blows up. So, what does he do? First he says that there was data added to the hard drive after he gave it to Rudy, and he is now saying that he accessed the data right after getting it. That way, he can try and pin this all on Rudy and company when he ends up being questioned by authorities.

    In short, he's doing everything he can to make it look like he's just a patsy and none of this was his idea.
    This seems pretty clear to me.

    Isaac was offered a bunch of money to say that Hunter Biden dropped off the laptop at his shop so that Rudy would have a reason for the data being out there. The idea was simple, dirty up Hunter Biden so that Trump would win the election. After the election, the story would simply go away. But, Trump didn't win the election, and the MAGA crowd won't let the story go away. So, Isaac is in a bad position. He's seen enough people poking holes in the story, and he knows that he is going to be the one left holding the bag when this blows up. So, what does he do? First he says that there was data added to the hard drive after he gave it to Rudy, and he is now saying that he accessed the data right after getting it. That way, he can try and pin this all on Rudy and company when he ends up being questioned by authorities.

    In short, he's doing everything he can to make it look like he's just a patsy and none of this was his idea.

    I'm going to promote Asha Rangappa.

    She also has another great article where she disagreed (really destroyed the argument of) with Timothy Snyder's theory on McGonigal's indictment and its possible link to the 2016 election (and my suspicion).

    Scandal 1 is the Hunter Biden laptop; scandal 2 is the pressure campaign to suppress scandal 1.

    Why Framing Matters

    Zooming back, the best way to understand the Hunter Biden Laptop saga is this: Scandal 2 is essentially a temper tantrum over the fact that the attempt to create a narrative around Scandal 1 didn’t work out as planned.
    I explained in a previous piece that changing the debate is a surefire way to upend a propaganda operation. By merely questioning the origins of the information provided to the New York Post, the media reframed the story. Coverage focused on vetting the source of the laptop’s contents, so the “story” became about the provenance of the emails, not their substance. It’s much easier to debate whether Hunter Biden’s business dealings were improper and insinuate wrongdoing than to explain how a blind computer repairman in Delaware and the president’s personal lawyer just happened to come into possession of the entire contents of a hard drive belonging to the troubled son of the president’s political opponent.
    The goal of Scandal 2 is to punish government and private actors for doing exactly what they should have done — double-check sources and proceed with caution when disseminating information, particularly close to an election. The goal is to reframe the story, once again.
    So don't upset SFL by reframing his scandals. (or blind regurgitation?)
    This is the real scandal, or at least one of them. Rs should have impeached him, they had two chances because Dems cared enough to try to get rid of him. The Republicans shall be forever marked by history as cowards and traitors to this country.

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