Dominion Defamation Suit Against Fox News (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known member
    Mar 13, 2019
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    The newest court filing is a true bombshell. Fox Executives’ and hosts’ texts and emails portray a consensus that the stories about the 2020 election being stolen were bunk, completely false, and yet they made a conscious decision to highlight them anyway.

    There is so much coming out that this can use its own thread, as suggested.
    I was wondering if he was told to rein in the craziness and lies, and he decided against that.
    He certainly didn’t rein in the conspiracy and lying on the eve of the trial - he just quit calling out companies by name. Still the same old lies, day after day.
    He certainly didn’t rein in the conspiracy and lying on the eve of the trial - he just quit calling out companies by name. Still the same old lies, day after day.
    Let me clarify…I was wondering if they went to him (say late last week) and said that he needed to rein it back, and he didn’t and/or said he wouldn’t. So, they fired him.
    You don’t sign off “… when we see you on Monday…..” if you are planning on being gone.

    In other words, he got fired and with prejudice. They didn’t even let him sign off. They did him dirty and I couldn’t be happier about it.
    NPR has reported it as him being fired, but they didn't add any new information to what's out there. But, I think their interpretation is accurate.
    Tucker’s firing is due to the Abby Grossman lawsuit, per Nicole Wallace. Abby has alleged a toxic, hostile work environment with rampant misogyny.

    Edit: Grossberg. And people think she has tapes.
    Tucker’s firing is due to the Abby Grossman lawsuit, per Nicole Wallace. Abby has alleged a toxic, hostile work environment with rampant misogyny.

    Edit: Grossberg. And people think she has tapes.

    Fox News, sexual harassment and misogyny are a part of the forever recycling news cycle for 3 decades now. I don't know what any women would choose to work there, but there are a lot of stupid/hateful people in the world and some of them are women that work at Fox News.
    Lol. Although it should say his last words on the air at Fox News. And RT tweeted a suggestion that he go there, lol.

    Tucker’s firing is due to the Abby Grossman lawsuit, per Nicole Wallace. Abby has alleged a toxic, hostile work environment with rampant misogyny.

    Edit: Grossberg. And people think she has tapes.

    It's also been floated that in his text he talked a lot about his bosses at Fox in the same manner as he does Trump. As egotistical as all the guys are, I wouldn't be shocked if that factored in to his firing.
    supposedly Tucker being fired was one condition of the settlement

    The unnamed board member told Carlson that the condition does not appear in any of the settlement’s documents, and instead was a verbal agreement. If Fox didn’t comply, the settlement was off, Carlson was told.
    Guess this can go here
    Experts say conservative network Fox News could face a “a fairly strong” lawsuit from a man who Tucker Carlson repeatedly accused of working as a government agent and carrying out the January 6 insurrection.

    Carlson, who was fired from the network in April, repeatedly alleged that Ray Epps was a secret government agent who coordinated the January 6 riots, the New York Times reported.

    Epps, a Trump supporter and former marine, has been at the center of a far-right conspiracy theory after an article by a rightwing website argued that he was spared from criminal charges because of his covert role.

    Carlson and other rightwing figures, including members of Congress, have latched onto the false theory that Epps was a government agent involved in whipping up the January 6 attack.

    In almost 20 episodes of his talkshow, Carlson reiterated the conspiracy theory that Epps was an undercover operative who “helped stage-manage the insurrection”.

    Carlson repeatedly argued that Epps was recorded on camera urging others to enter the Capitol, but never entered the building himself.

    In one 10-minute video posted to YouTube, Carlson claimed that it was “highly strange” that Epps hadn’t been arrested and alluded that the Times’ coverage on Epps was attempting to “cover something up”.

    Epps has been questioned by the January 6 committee, and could still face charges as the investigation continues, the Times reported. He and his wife have received death threats and fled from their home in Arizona, fearing for their safety, according to the Associated Press.……

    Unlike Dominion, which is a business, Epps is a private individual who will have to meet a lower standard for defamation suits compared to a public figure or government official, said Lin.

    “In a sense, it could be much easier for him to pursue a defamation claim against Fox News,” said Lin, adding that Epps needs to prove the statements made on Fox are false and caused damage to his reputation and financial damage.

    Lin added that if a lawsuit moves forward, Fox News could argue that statements made about Epps were an opinion or that the claims would be regarded as obviously false to listeners.…..


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