Chuck Schumer threatens Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh (1 Viewer)

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    Oct 5, 2019
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    Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer threatened two Supreme Court Justices at a rally today outside of the Supreme Court: "You will pay the price.. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions"

    Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer threatened two Supreme Court Justices at a rally today outside of the Supreme Court: "You will pay the price.. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions"

    No excuse for this bt Schumer at all. But I have a few questions for you. Do you agree Trump regularly intimidates judges? Do you approve of him doing that? Do you ever link to news articles critical of his intimidation of judges?

    Is it even worse because he is the president? We can’t have it both ways. I can easily and unequivocally condemn Schumer. How about you with Trump? Just curious.
    I've never held Schumer in any high regard, but it seems as if he and others have found that if they don't get in the ditch they can't fight with the crawfish in the Oval.

    It's a sad state.

    I hear you but I can’t buy it. Intimidating judges threatens democracy. I personally can’t condemn Trump for doing it and give Schumer a pass. That’s just me. I try to be consistent as best I can.
    As a member of the bar, officer of the court and one who respects the rule of law, Schumer’s comments are reprehensible. The fact that Trump regularly threatens and intimidates judges is zero excuse. You can’t have it both ways. Schumer went down a big notch in my book.

    Came to say this exact thing. Agree 💯
    No excuse for this bt Schumer at all. But I have a few questions for you. Do you agree Trump regularly intimidates judges? Do you approve of him doing that? Do you ever link to news articles critical of his intimidation of judges?

    Is it even worse because he is the president? We can’t have it both ways. I can easily and unequivocally condemn Schumer. How about you with Trump? Just curious.

    Probably fair questions for him to think about. In that same spirit of self reflection, do you think you are just as prone to raise the same type questions of one of our fellow left leaning posters about their selection of news stories they bring forward?
    [mod edit - you can't roundabout call another poster an idiot] And, if that's not strong enough terms to clarify, wake me up when Trump stops paying legal fees for those who assault protestors or instigating beatdowns of protestors.


    I'm just going to pretend I know what was said and take pride in it. Also and I'll take your word for it if he has but the man everyone says doesn't pay bill paid those bills?
    Those were bribes, not bills. And he got Cohen to mortgage his house to pay them, didn’t he? Then he paid Cohen back a little bit at a time. 🤷‍♀️
    Probably fair questions for him to think about. In that same spirit of self reflection, do you think you are just as prone to raise the same type questions of one of our fellow left leaning posters about their selection of news stories they bring forward?

    Absolutely. That’s a very fair point. I try my best to be consistent in my views and to take into account, best I can, that I am predisposed to certain views that can make me less objective.

    I despise Trump for many reasons, his narcissism and lack of civility among them. I understand the point of view of those that say his incivility can only be countered by getting in the mud with him. I don’t agree. Indeed the logic my Trump friends use, those with the integrity to st least concede he is a rude and condescending man, is that they need someone like that to fight for them. A jerks a jerk to me, on either side.

    Ask me any question you want, I’ll give a straight answer. Here are some I have. Do you think Trump is a serial liar? Do you think his assault on judges threatens the rule of law? Do you approve of him name calling democrats and republicans alike? Do you think he is narcissist? Do you think it reflects poorly on him that he is constantly firing cabinet members that he selected and insulting them? Just curious. Fire away if you have questions for me.
    Those were bribes, not bills. And he got Cohen to mortgage his house to pay them, didn’t he? Then he paid Cohen back a little bit at a time. 🤷‍♀️

    I thought the mortgage was for Stormy? Oh hell I can't keep up. Point taken.
    Absolutely. That’s a very fair point. I try my best to be consistent in my views and to take into account, best I can, that I am predisposed to certain views that can make me less objective.

    I despise Trump for many reasons, his narcissism and lack of civility among them. I understand the point of view of those that say his incivility can only be countered by getting in the mud with him. I don’t agree. Indeed the logic my Trump friends use, those with the integrity to st least concede he is a rude and condescending man, is that they need someone like that to fight for them. A jerks a jerk to me, on either side.

    Ask me any question you want, I’ll give a straight answer. Here are some I have. Do you think Trump is a serial liar? Do you think his assault on judges threatens the rule of law? Do you approve of him name calling democrats and republicans alike? Do you think he is narcissist? Do you think it reflects poorly on him that he is constantly firing cabinet members that he selected and insulting them? Just curious. Fire away if you have questions for me.

    I guess my point is you rarely see someone engage in whataboutism with someone from their own side. Not trying to make it overly personal, but if you think about it - how many times have you popped in the Trump tracker thread and asked a poster who has posted a link to an article critical of Trump if they have posted articles about comparable behavior of Democrats?

    Again, not trying to call you out - I do think you try to look at different perspectives. But, you know the deal from questioning potential jurors, everyone has bias and bias doesn't make you a bad person.

    Anyway, the story SFL posted was obviously a legit story, but here we are discussing Trump.

    To answer your questions generally - there is a lot about Trump I would not encourage my kids to emulate. There seems to be a belief among many that "Trump supporters" are blind to the man's faults. (Even that terminology, "Trump and his supporters" is used as a smear - as if by using it Republicans take on his attributes).

    Well, soon enough my friends on the left will be in a similar situation and my guess is that you all will pull the lever for Biden despite the fact he is a habitual liar himself, he is obviously corrupt, he very likely is incompetent, he has anger issues which result in him going around essentially challenging citizens to fight, etc.

    For the longest time we have been told we are somehow personally responsible that we did not have a more palatable candidate. I guess that goes for both sides now.
    I guess my point is you rarely see someone engage in whataboutism with someone from their own side. Not trying to make it overly personal, but if you think about it - how many times have you popped in the Trump tracker thread and asked a poster who has posted a link to an article critical of Trump if they have posted articles about comparable behavior of Democrats?

    Again, not trying to call you out - I do think you try to look at different perspectives. But, you know the deal from questioning potential jurors, everyone has bias and bias doesn't make you a bad person.

    Anyway, the story SFL posted was obviously a legit story, but here we are discussing Trump.

    To answer your questions generally - there is a lot about Trump I would not encourage my kids to emulate. There seems to be a belief among many that "Trump supporters" are blind to the man's faults. (Even that terminology, "Trump and his supporters" is used as a smear - as if by using it Republicans take on his attributes).

    Well, soon enough my friends on the left will be in a similar situation and my guess is that you all will pull the lever for Biden despite the fact he is a habitual liar himself, he is obviously corrupt, he very likely is incompetent, he has anger issues which result in him going around essentially challenging citizens to fight, etc.

    For the longest time we have been told we are somehow personally responsible that we did not have a more palatable candidate. I guess that goes for both sides now.
    That's a two way street. And I do think a few of us on the left are far more likely to argue with each other and pump the breaks than the right seems to do.

    But before we get too far into hypothetical situations, let's just look at this one. I haven't listened to what Schumer said, but if Chuck and St. Dude both think it was awful, then I'll agree with them.

    However, I'll also agree that Trump does similar things. Both a leader in the Senate and a President doing this is bad. Is one worse than the other? I'd say the President holds more power, so it's probably a bit worse. Heck, don't forget, he also went after a Jury Foreman. The freaking President.

    But, there is a point where it's hard to take the "see, gotcha" type outrage too seriously. It would be like if I called every single poster in here a stupid idiot on a daily basis (not that it would be allowed), then finally one of you snap and call me a stupid idiot, then I start to complain. Would anyone have sympathy for me? Probably not. They would be wrong, like I've been wrong, but I'd objectively been behaving worse.

    I don't really see the appeal of playing the "gotcha" game. It doesn't gain us anything. Politics isn't about scoring points. At least, it shouldn't be. It's about building a coalition to get something done. We need to start fighting for actions, not for 'sides', blindly.
    That's a two way street. And I do think a few of us on the left are far more likely to argue with each other and pump the breaks than the right seems to do.

    But before we get too far into hypothetical situations, let's just look at this one. I haven't listened to what Schumer said, but if Chuck and St. Dude both think it was awful, then I'll agree with them.

    However, I'll also agree that Trump does similar things. Both a leader in the Senate and a President doing this is bad. Is one worse than the other? I'd say the President holds more power, so it's probably a bit worse. Heck, don't forget, he also went after a Jury Foreman. The freaking President.

    But, there is a point where it's hard to take the "see, gotcha" type outrage too seriously. It would be like if I called every single poster in here a stupid idiot on a daily basis (not that it would be allowed), then finally one of you snap and call me a stupid idiot, then I start to complain. Would anyone have sympathy for me? Probably not. They would be wrong, like I've been wrong, but I'd objectively been behaving worse.

    I don't really see the appeal of playing the "gotcha" game. It doesn't gain us anything. Politics isn't about scoring points. At least, it shouldn't be. It's about building a coalition to get something done. We need to start fighting for actions, not for 'sides', blindly.

    I am not sure I follow on the "gotcha" reference. Are you talking about the subject matter of the OP? If so, I don't really see how that's an unfair stab. When you get a chance take a look at the video.
    I didn’t see it as a threat to them, I see it more as a warning. Let’s be honest. There is a reason those two were put on the court along with a whole bunch of others. It wasn’t for their legal scholarship, it was to promote an agenda. The comments as I read them is essentially if they overturn chunks of RvW with this challenge, which has already been ruled unconstitutional in other areas, it’s simply a political gamesmanship. It takes away the major wedge issue of republicans, because after republicans lose the boogeyman of abortion, it loses a huge rallying cry for republicans and continues to infuriate independents and liberals. For as much as republicans whine about justices setting public policy through rulings, that’s exactly what’s going on here
    No excuse for this bt Schumer at all. But I have a few questions for you. Do you agree Trump regularly intimidates judges? Do you approve of him doing that? Do you ever link to news articles critical of his intimidation of judges?

    Is it even worse because he is the president? We can’t have it both ways. I can easily and unequivocally condemn Schumer. How about you with Trump? Just curious.
    No I don't approve of Trump attacking judges. I haven't linked to articles criticizing him about that. Plenty of people have that covered here already. I know that seems to be a requirement for you guys around here. We must criticize Trump if we criticize the others who do it right?

    Do you ever post anything that's not negative about Trump or criticize people who falsely accuse him of things? It should go both ways right?
    No I don't approve of Trump attacking judges. I haven't linked to articles criticizing him about that. Plenty of people have that covered here already. I know that seems to be a requirement for you guys around here. We must criticize Trump if we criticize the others who do it right?

    Do you ever post anything that's not negative about Trump or criticize people who falsely accuse him of things? It should go both ways right?
    I think it is a fair point about actual outrage vs using the blue or red tinted glasses to skew points of view. And yes, that goes both ways.

    I think what people are sort of dancing around is that we should all strive to also call out our own "team" when appropriate. It gives more weight to an individual's opinion.

    Back to Schumer. I'd like the rest of the context of that clip. I usually don't like 20 second clips.
    Schumer’s statement was dumb and only adds to the distrust of our institutions. These aren’t elected leaders but appointed judges.

    That said, neither judge should be seated in the SC today. Also to quote Kavenaugh during his nomination hearing,

    Since my nomination in July, there’s been a frenzy on the left to come up with something, anything, to block my confirmation. You sowed the wind and the country will reap the whirlwind.
    No I don't approve of Trump attacking judges. I haven't linked to articles criticizing him about that. Plenty of people have that covered here already. I know that seems to be a requirement for you guys around here. We must criticize Trump if we criticize the others who do it right?

    Do you ever post anything that's not negative about Trump or criticize people who falsely accuse him of things? It should go both ways right?
    It’s the ‘speck vs plank in the eye’ issue
    st dude (and others) are asking you if it’s the behavior you have problems with or the person
    If it’s the behavior then call out the behavior whenever you see whomever engaging in it
    otoh, if you’re more worried about the speck in someone else’s eye rather than the plank in ‘your own’ then your opinion is at best highly suspect

    Oh and news flash - the ‘Left’ has no issue calling out it’s own - usually along center/left vs progressives
    But intramural Left checking happens often (if for no other reason than the competition is much better *shades*)
    I hear you but I can’t buy it. Intimidating judges threatens democracy. I personally can’t condemn Trump for doing it and give Schumer a pass. That’s just me. I try to be consistent as best I can.

    I'm not giving him a pass. I think they're both wrong and both shouldn't do what they do.

    I also think it's difficult in this day and age not to be tempted. Still, I expect better from our elected officials - all of them.
    If we're on the subject of the left calling out their own, the "liberal" media sources I've viewed last night and this morning appear critical of Schumer's comments.

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