All things Racist...USA edition (11 Viewers)

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    Mostly Peaceful Poster
    Oct 1, 2019
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    I was looking for a place to put this so we could discuss but didn't really find a place that worked so I created this thread so we can all place articles, experiences, videos and examples of racism in the USA.

    This is one that happened this week. The lady even called and filed a complaint on the officer. This officer also chose to wear the body cam (apparently, LA doesn't require this yet). This exchange wasn't necessarily racist IMO until she started with the "mexican will never be white, like you want" garbage. That is when it turned racist IMO

    All the murderer and other insults, I think are just a by product of CRT and ACAB rhetoric that is very common on the radical left and sadly is being brought to mainstream in this country.

    Another point that I think is worth mentioning is she is a teacher and the sense of entitlement she feels is mind blowing.
    In November 2020, Patrick Braxton, a volunteer firefighter and contractor from Newbern, Alabama, was elected mayor of the 133-person town. He wanted to have a peaceful and timely transfer of power, so he repeatedly attempted to contact the town’s previous mayor, Haywood “Woody” Stokes III, but Stokes would not return his calls.

    Braxton, who is Black, decided to go to the town hall and talk to Stokes, who is white, in person. He told Stokes that he would need a key to the town hall to begin his duties.

    Stokes acquiesced and gave him a key, but when Braxton entered the building, he found that town hall had been stripped of its records, beyond a couple boxes of discarded items that looked like trash.

    He also said he noticed that Stokes had given keys to friends of his, people who were not council members and had no official business with the city, who were walking in and out of the building.

    So Braxton changed the locks. He and his appointed city council held their first town meeting. Shortly thereafter, Stokes changed the locks again, locking the new mayor out of town hall and effectively preventing him and his council from serving their duties.

    The battle of the locks was part of a long power struggle that started earlier that year when Braxton won the first mayoral election in the town in over a century.

    Braxton’s decision to run for mayor upended a decades-long political system of entrenched disenfranchisement and effective mayoral dictatorship. For decades, mayors had been appointed, not elected. Braxton’s campaign triggered the first election in recent history, and made him the first Black mayor since the town was established 169 years ago.

    From the day he was sworn in, until now, nearly three years later, Stokes and his cronies have refused to acknowledge Braxton’s legitimacy as mayor, going so far as to prevent him from accessing city mail and funds.

    Earlier this year, Braxton and his four appointed city council members filed a lawsuit against Stokes and his city council alleging that the former mayor and his allies violated federal civil rights law by preventing Braxton from acting as mayor…….

    The town of Newbern, Alabama, has not had a political election in the last several decades. But that could all change this November if a new motion is successful.

    The Legal Defense Fund (LDF), an organization that focuses on racial and civil rights, along with an Alabama-based private law firm, filed a preliminary injunction to force Newbern, a town of about 133 people, to hold elections and allow its citizens to vote for the first time in years.

    The town, about an hour and a half away from Montgomery, captured national attention last summer, after white officials had refused for three years to allow Patrick Braxton, the first Black mayor in Newbern’s history, to exercise his mayoral duties.

    Newbern is about 80% Black and 20% white, but the town’s leadership, with the exception of Braxton and his town council, has been majority white for years. The defendants in the lawsuit, including the previous mayor and council, have refused to hold elections.

    “[They’re] so stuck in their ways and don’t want nothing else for the town. They just want it to stay the same,” Braxton said last year. “I hope they break and just go ahead and release everything to me. If not, we’ll just go to court.”

    Braxton assumed office by default in 2020 when he filed for office and no one else, including the incumbent, did the same. Previous Newbern mayors had also been appointed or ran unopposed, with several of the officers serving in the position for more than 10 years. Many residents did not know they were allowed to have elections.

    The LDF lawsuit builds on a previous one filed last year, which alleged that white officials had manipulated the political process for years to maintain their power in the majority Black town. The defendants, listed as former mayor Haywood “Woody” Stokes III and his town council, held a secret, special election, preventing Braxton from appointing his town council. During their special election, the previous town council re-elected themselves, and ultimately reappointed the previous town mayor. They were aided, the lawsuit alleges, by the town’s bank and clerk. Newbern has effectively had two mayors since 2020.

    Though the white officials have not recognized his position, Braxton has continued trying to serve as mayor, using his own funds to host events and food distribution drives.……
    knew this was coming

    Silly me: I wanted to believe the overt, in-your-face racism that I saw growing up in segregated South Carolina was ancient history. I was wrong.

    Unapologetic racism is back, thanks to the anything-goes MAGA permission structure and the echo-chamber amplification of social media.

    This fact was brought home on the morning of March 26, shortly after a massive cargo ship struck and collapsed the iconic Francis Scott Key Bridge spanning the entrance to Baltimore harbor.

    Mayor Brandon Scott, who had raced to the scene, went before television cameras to give an update on the “unthinkable tragedy,” as any mayor would have done.

    But Scott is African American — and for MAGA trolls on X, Elon Musk’s social media platform, that means he can’t be seen as just any mayor.
    “This is Baltimore’s DEI mayor commenting on the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge,” one such troll posted, along with a clip of Scott’s remarks, to his more than 275,000 followers. “It’s going to get so, so much worse. Prepare accordingly.”

    “DEI” is shorthand for diversity, equity and inclusion. For decades, since the triumph of the civil rights movement, those concepts have been lauded in our public discourse as virtues.

    For the unhinged far right, however, “DEI” has come to mean “any Black or Brown person who holds a position of authority that we think should have gone to a White man.”……

    I don’t need to defend Scott, because he’s perfectly capable of defending himself. “We’ve been the boogeyman for them since the first day they brought us to this country,” he said of his racist critics in an MSNBC interview.

    “What they mean by DEI, in my opinion, is ‘duly elected incumbent.’ We know what they want to say. But they don’t have the courage to say the N-word.”

    They might not say it out loud, at least not yet. But racists now hurl that word to me, in emails and other private communications, with a gusto I haven’t seen since the days of Bull Connor and Strom Thurmond.

    Maryland Gov. Wes Moore, also a Black Democrat, has also been attacked by the anti-DEI crowd for having had the temerity to appoint the first African American woman to serve on the Maryland Port Commission.
    M “This is what happens when you have Governors who prioritize diversity over the wellbeing and security of citizens,” posted Phil Lyman, an Utah legislator who is running for governor of his state. “DEI did this,” posted Anthony Sabatini, a GOP congressional candidate in Florida’s 11th District, over a video clip of the bridge’s collapse…….
    Posted this in the right wing thread but this section of article better suited here

    …….As I sifted through archives of Black-owned newspapers, journals and other institutions built to amplify and preserve Black perspectives, I encountered a recurring phrase that explains why so many Black stories have been erased.

    “Burned by a white mob.”

    It is a one-sentence obituary that describes the destiny of the 631 Black schools damaged or destroyed between 1864 and 1876. That mob lit the torches that burned Black Wall Street and detonated the bombs that blew 16th Street Baptist church to bits.

    And, because the truth of the Black existence is preserved through our voices and stories, Black media has historically been the most frequent target of the white mob.

    White mobs destroyed dozens of Black-owned newspapers, including the Tulsa Star, one of many Black-owned businesses destroyed by the 1921 Tulsa race massacre.

    The Wilmington race massacre started with a hunt for the owner of the Daily Record, the town’s Black-run newspaper.

    In many cases, the mob’s success at silencing their foes is noted by an addendum: “No surviving copies exist.”

    The attack on Nikole Hannah-Jones was a group project started by a white mob that did not want the 1619 Project, the New York Times’ chronicle of American slavery, to exist.

    When the former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley removed slavery from the story of the civil war, she was echoing the sentiments of the United Daughters of the Confederacy’s “lost cause” movement.

    The UDC was essentially a white mob who did not want textbooks to reflect how the south’s allegiance to race-based human trafficking caused the bloodiest war in American history.

    Moms for Liberty’s anti-woke agenda is just the latest campaign by a mob that does not want our stories to survive or the truth to exist.

    Candace Owens is part of that mob.

    I’ve heard journalists, hosts and personalities I know and respect explain why they invite people like Candace Owens, Nikki Haley (who repeatedly refused to acknowledge systemic racism during her Breakfast Club appearance), Larry Elder (who bolted from Van Lathan and Rachel Lindsay’s popular Higher Learning podcast) and others on to their platforms.

    For many, it is a futile attempt to prove their journalistic integrity by presenting “both sides” of the political spectrum. Some rightly want to expose the white supremacist fallacies at the foundation of these arguments.

    Others simply want to have a compelling conversation and capitalize off the ratings boosts that come with it.

    I know some of these hosts personally and don’t believe there is ill intent. But they are wrong. Most of the time, the conversations are not even interesting.

    They only serve the people who benefit from upholding white supremacy. The people who fund Nikki Haley’s anti-Black agenda undoubtedly saw her Breakfast Club appearance as redemption for her racist historical revisionism.

    These guests have never had a single thought that hasn’t already been uttered by someone with whiter skin and a brighter tiki torch……..


    On April 2, 2024, the claim that "only 1.6% of US citizens owned slaves in 1860" went viral on X (formerly Twitter):

    Though the 3.3 million people who viewed this statement (at the time of this reporting) may not be aware, this claim is part of an long-standing genre of online memes that use a misleading statistic to minimize the importance of slavery to antebellum America.

    The actual percentage reported in these memes varies, Snopes has observed, from 1.3 percent to the present 1.6 percent. As Snopes reported in August 2019, the statistic to which these memes refer is most accurately conveyed as 1.4 percent........

    It is unclear how the number has shifted between 1.3 and 1.6 percent over time, but the actual number doesn't really matter. The point, these memes argue, is that the number is small, and therefore Black people should not hold animus toward White people for the crimes of their ancestors. The message stays the same, even when the numbers do not........

    The number 1.4% is likely derived by taking the number of "slaveholders" (393,975) as a fraction of the "total free population" (27,233,198), which yields 1.4%. For several reasons enumerated below, that number grossly downplays the number of whites who were involved and who benefited directly from slavery.

    (Additionally, the premise behind each of these types of calculations betrays a false assumption that non-slaveholding whites had no role in supporting or benefiting from the institution of slavery in the 1860s.)

    Total Number of Slaveholders Is Not the Proper Metric​

    Adam Rothman, a historian at Georgetown University and an expert in the history of slavery who spoke to us via email, told us that the percentage of slaveholding families is "the better measure of the extent of slaveholding." One reason this is true, according to historian Adam Goodheart in an interview with Politifact in August 2017, is that a person could be (and often was) a "slave master" but not technically a "slave owner":

    "Many non-slaveholding whites in the South rented slaves from wealthier slaveholders ... so it was very common for a white Southerner to be a 'slave master' but not technically a 'slave owner.'"

    Similarly, the head of a household may have been the legal owner of a slave, but that slave would still perform work that would benefit the family, household, or business as a whole. Those non-owners, when using the metric "total number of slaveholders," would not be included as having participated in the institution of slavery. Using census numbers for the percentage of families who held slaves, the nationwide calculation for the percentage of "families owning slaves," is 7.4%, Rothman told us.

    Nevertheless, this result, while still several times greater than the numbers presented in the memes, is still misleading.

    By 1860, 20 out of the United States' 35 states had outlawed slavery. Each of those 20 states recorded 0% of slave-owning families in the 1860 census. Memes such as the one under discussion, which include the states where slavery had already been outlawed, dilute the significance of slavery in those remaining states where individuals were not legally banned from the practice. In those states, the number ranged from 3 percent to just shy of 50%..........

    All but five of those states contained at least 25% of the families as slaveholders — some nearly double that. As pointed out by Jamelle Bouie and Rebecca Onion in a 2015 Slate article, these numbers are "roughly the same percentage of Americans who, today, hold a college degree." This number is far from insignificant, even working from the flawed assumption that only people who directly owned slaves were responsible for the institution's survival into the 1860s...........


    On April 2, 2024, the claim that "only 1.6% of US citizens owned slaves in 1860" went viral on X (formerly Twitter):

    Though the 3.3 million people who viewed this statement (at the time of this reporting) may not be aware, this claim is part of an long-standing genre of online memes that use a misleading statistic to minimize the importance of slavery to antebellum America.

    The actual percentage reported in these memes varies, Snopes has observed, from 1.3 percent to the present 1.6 percent. As Snopes reported in August 2019, the statistic to which these memes refer is most accurately conveyed as 1.4 percent........

    It is unclear how the number has shifted between 1.3 and 1.6 percent over time, but the actual number doesn't really matter. The point, these memes argue, is that the number is small, and therefore Black people should not hold animus toward White people for the crimes of their ancestors. The message stays the same, even when the numbers do not........

    The number 1.4% is likely derived by taking the number of "slaveholders" (393,975) as a fraction of the "total free population" (27,233,198), which yields 1.4%. For several reasons enumerated below, that number grossly downplays the number of whites who were involved and who benefited directly from slavery.

    (Additionally, the premise behind each of these types of calculations betrays a false assumption that non-slaveholding whites had no role in supporting or benefiting from the institution of slavery in the 1860s.)

    Total Number of Slaveholders Is Not the Proper Metric​

    Adam Rothman, a historian at Georgetown University and an expert in the history of slavery who spoke to us via email, told us that the percentage of slaveholding families is "the better measure of the extent of slaveholding." One reason this is true, according to historian Adam Goodheart in an interview with Politifact in August 2017, is that a person could be (and often was) a "slave master" but not technically a "slave owner":

    "Many non-slaveholding whites in the South rented slaves from wealthier slaveholders ... so it was very common for a white Southerner to be a 'slave master' but not technically a 'slave owner.'"

    Similarly, the head of a household may have been the legal owner of a slave, but that slave would still perform work that would benefit the family, household, or business as a whole. Those non-owners, when using the metric "total number of slaveholders," would not be included as having participated in the institution of slavery. Using census numbers for the percentage of families who held slaves, the nationwide calculation for the percentage of "families owning slaves," is 7.4%, Rothman told us.

    Nevertheless, this result, while still several times greater than the numbers presented in the memes, is still misleading.

    By 1860, 20 out of the United States' 35 states had outlawed slavery. Each of those 20 states recorded 0% of slave-owning families in the 1860 census. Memes such as the one under discussion, which include the states where slavery had already been outlawed, dilute the significance of slavery in those remaining states where individuals were not legally banned from the practice. In those states, the number ranged from 3 percent to just shy of 50%..........

    All but five of those states contained at least 25% of the families as slaveholders — some nearly double that. As pointed out by Jamelle Bouie and Rebecca Onion in a 2015 Slate article, these numbers are "roughly the same percentage of Americans who, today, hold a college degree." This number is far from insignificant, even working from the flawed assumption that only people who directly owned slaves were responsible for the institution's survival into the 1860s...........

    shouldn't only citizens in states where slavery was legal be counted towards that mteric? i bet the % is much higher if you only include those states.

    "In the 2022-23 school year, 52% of highly capable students at SPS were White, 16% were Asian, and 3.4% were Black," according to the Seattle Times' analysis of school data.

    There’s two ways to interpret the article

    Way One:

    ……Fox News previously reported that the school district's gifted program was among the least diverse in the country.….

    The new program will better serve students who have been "historically excluded" from school opportunities, SPS argued.

    "The program is not going away, it’s getting better. It will be more inclusive, equitable, and culturally sensitive. In particular, students who have been historically excluded will now have the same opportunities for services as every other student and get the support and enrichment they need to grow," the district announced on its website.…..
    I suspect you are way two

    On April 2, 2024, the claim that "only 1.6% of US citizens owned slaves in 1860" went viral on X (formerly Twitter):

    Though the 3.3 million people who viewed this statement (at the time of this reporting) may not be aware, this claim is part of an long-standing genre of online memes that use a misleading statistic to minimize the importance of slavery to antebellum America.

    The actual percentage reported in these memes varies, Snopes has observed, from 1.3 percent to the present 1.6 percent. As Snopes reported in August 2019, the statistic to which these memes refer is most accurately conveyed as 1.4 percent........

    It is unclear how the number has shifted between 1.3 and 1.6 percent over time, but the actual number doesn't really matter. The point, these memes argue, is that the number is small, and therefore Black people should not hold animus toward White people for the crimes of their ancestors. The message stays the same, even when the numbers do not........

    The number 1.4% is likely derived by taking the number of "slaveholders" (393,975) as a fraction of the "total free population" (27,233,198), which yields 1.4%. For several reasons enumerated below, that number grossly downplays the number of whites who were involved and who benefited directly from slavery.

    (Additionally, the premise behind each of these types of calculations betrays a false assumption that non-slaveholding whites had no role in supporting or benefiting from the institution of slavery in the 1860s.)

    Total Number of Slaveholders Is Not the Proper Metric​

    Adam Rothman, a historian at Georgetown University and an expert in the history of slavery who spoke to us via email, told us that the percentage of slaveholding families is "the better measure of the extent of slaveholding." One reason this is true, according to historian Adam Goodheart in an interview with Politifact in August 2017, is that a person could be (and often was) a "slave master" but not technically a "slave owner":

    "Many non-slaveholding whites in the South rented slaves from wealthier slaveholders ... so it was very common for a white Southerner to be a 'slave master' but not technically a 'slave owner.'"

    Similarly, the head of a household may have been the legal owner of a slave, but that slave would still perform work that would benefit the family, household, or business as a whole. Those non-owners, when using the metric "total number of slaveholders," would not be included as having participated in the institution of slavery. Using census numbers for the percentage of families who held slaves, the nationwide calculation for the percentage of "families owning slaves," is 7.4%, Rothman told us.

    Nevertheless, this result, while still several times greater than the numbers presented in the memes, is still misleading.

    By 1860, 20 out of the United States' 35 states had outlawed slavery. Each of those 20 states recorded 0% of slave-owning families in the 1860 census. Memes such as the one under discussion, which include the states where slavery had already been outlawed, dilute the significance of slavery in those remaining states where individuals were not legally banned from the practice. In those states, the number ranged from 3 percent to just shy of 50%..........

    All but five of those states contained at least 25% of the families as slaveholders — some nearly double that. As pointed out by Jamelle Bouie and Rebecca Onion in a 2015 Slate article, these numbers are "roughly the same percentage of Americans who, today, hold a college degree." This number is far from insignificant, even working from the flawed assumption that only people who directly owned slaves were responsible for the institution's survival into the 1860s...........

    The percentage of slave owners might be relevant in some contexts, it doesn't mean a whole lot when you're talking about a state or region tolerating and accepting the institution of slavery. A lot of people benefitted from slavery and even if not directly involved in slavery, they accepted and even condoned slavery. A whole lot more people felt that abolition was a threat to their livelihoods and fought in the Confederacy because of it.
    The two remaining survivors of the 1921 Tulsa race massacre, thought to be the worst single act of white supremacist violence against African Americans in US history, attended a momentous hearing on Tuesday. The supreme court of Oklahoma considered an appeal in what is almost certainly the women’s final shot at reparative justice.

    Lessie Benningfield Randle, dressed all in black, and Viola Fletcher, huddled under a mauve woollen blanket, listened intently as lawyers engaged in technical legal arguments for almost two hours. It was no small feat, given that both women are 109.

    Mother Randle and Mother Fletcher, as they are known, were just children on 31 May 1921, when over a period of 24 hours, about 300 Black Tulsans were murdered by a rampaging white mob.

    Forty blocks of the Greenwood neighborhood – so thriving at the time that it was dubbed Black Wall Street – were bombed from the air and razed to the ground.

    More than 100 lawsuits have been filed over the years since then, seeking redress for the terrible events, which left 9,000 Black residents homeless and drove an entire community into destitution. But not one survivor has ever had their day in court until now.

    In a joint statement before the proceedings began, Randle and Fletcher said that they were grateful that their “now-weary bodies have held on long enough to witness an America, and an Oklahoma, that provides race massacre survivors with the opportunity to access the legal system”.

    They added: “Many have come before us who have knocked and banged on the courthouse doors, only to be turned around.”…….

    Why do you think there was a dramatic increase in mentions the last few years about racism?

    Do you think instances of racism dramatically increased around the time the media started mentioning it more?

    Do you think there is more racism now than there was from 1970 to around 2012?

    I think both things can be true

    1. I do believe that it is simply being reported more. Newspapers and TV news have admitted that they didn't cover racial issues nearly as much as they should have. People are much more vocal about it than they had been, demanding that it be covered and media was much more open to covering it

    Do you think microaggressions and police brutality are just a made up things and never happened between 1970 and 2012?

    2. But I also think there was a visible uptick in racism due to a few things

    Social Media - When Facebook and Twitter came along many of us were shocked at the racist things people posted, including people we knew. That's the bad side, the good side is there is much more exposure of what is (and always has been) going on. We never hear the names Trayvon Martin or Eric Garner without social media.

    Internet - Closely related but different than social media. Look at the comment section of any video or article about anything racial and you will see a ton of racism on display.

    Decades past if you were a far right nut job you'd have to go to the skeezy far right bookstore in the rundown skeezy strip mall in the run down skeezy part of town. And you'd have a conversation with the 3 other people who happened to be there. Online those people could suddenly and easily find each other (nation or world wide) and congregate, commiserate and coordinate.

    Obama's election - We talked about this a lot on PDB. When Obama was elected enrollment in the KKK, militias and other white supremacy groups skyrocketed. We talked about family members who voted straight Democrat their whole lives but not in 2008.

    People hate opposing party presidents. Always have, always will. It's just part of the job. But the hate and vitriol Obama endured was so far above and beyond 'normal' partisan opposition.

    (I also believe that through all that Obama staying above the fray and maintaining his composure, dignity, decency and refusing to respond in kind, as well as after 8 years of desperately searching for any reputation ruining scandal and not finding anything and all that they really had was a tan suit drove the far right even crazier)

    And for all the hate Biden gets now, let Kamala Harris have to take over and see how much worse it gets

    Trump - Gave people permission to say out loud what they only said in private before. Also talked about this on PDB there was a definite before and after. People we would have sworn on a Bible didn't have a racist bone in their body were all of a sudden saying a bunch of racist shirt

    Charlottesville - You show up somewhere and there are people on 'your side' carrying Confederate flags, Nazi stuff, chanting "Jews will not replace us" and wearing Camp Auschwitz T Shirts you really need to re think your position

    George Floyd - For the first time a lot of white people said to themselves "Maybe black people haven't been lying about racism this whole time" and became a movement. And again, without the video being posted online this is a short news blurb at best. But with any movement in favor of any marginalized group comes an inevitable backlash.
    Last edited:
    Utah women’s basketball coach Lynne Roberts said her team experienced a series of “racial hate crimes” and were forced to change hotels due to safety concerns during the NCAA Tournament.

    Utah played their games in Spokane, but were staying about 30 miles away in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho due to a lack of hotel space in the host city.

    Roberts didn’t go into detail but said there were several incidents that happened last Thursday night after the team arrived in the Coeur d’Alene area for the tournament. However, Utah deputy athletics director Charmelle Green, who is Black, spoke to Utah broadcaster KSL on Tuesday and gave more details.

    Green said the team, cheerleaders and members of the school band were walking to dinner when a truck approached the group, revved its engines before someone in the vehicle shouted the n-word.

    “We all just were in shock, and we looked at each other like, did we just hear that? ... Everybody was in shock – our cheerleaders, our students that were in that area that heard it clearly were just frozen,” Green told “We kept walking, just shaking our heads, like I can’t believe that … I was just numb the entire night.”

    When the group came back from dinner, something similar happened, this time with two trucks revving their engines. The n-word was directed at the group again.

    “I will never forget the sound that I heard, the intimidation of the noise that came from that engine, and the [n-word],” Green said. “I go to bed and I hear it every night since I’ve been here ... I couldn’t imagine us having to stay there and relive those moments.”

    Far-right extremists have made a presence in the region. In 2018, at least nine hate groups operated in the region of Spokane and northern Idaho, including Identity Evropa, Proud Boys, ACT for America and America’s Promise Ministries, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.…..

    for those questioning if this really happened

    COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho (AP) — Police investigating racist incidents directed toward the Utah women's basketball team when they were near their Idaho hotel while in town last month for the NCAA Tournament say they've found an audio recording in which the use of a racial slur was clearly audible.

    The Coeur d’Alene Police Department said in a Wednesday post on Facebook that it is working to determine the “context and conduct" associated with the slur's use to determine if there was a violation of law. Police said they are still reviewing evidence from the March 21 incidents, but it appears that a racial slur was used more than once.

    Police said they've collected about 35 hours of video from businesses in the area, and that video and audio corroborates what members of the basketball program reported. Police said detectives are working to locate any additional evidence and get information on suspects. Detectives also are trying to identify a silver car that was in the area at the time...........


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