All things Racist...USA edition (13 Viewers)

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    Mostly Peaceful Poster
    Oct 1, 2019
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    I was looking for a place to put this so we could discuss but didn't really find a place that worked so I created this thread so we can all place articles, experiences, videos and examples of racism in the USA.

    This is one that happened this week. The lady even called and filed a complaint on the officer. This officer also chose to wear the body cam (apparently, LA doesn't require this yet). This exchange wasn't necessarily racist IMO until she started with the "mexican will never be white, like you want" garbage. That is when it turned racist IMO

    All the murderer and other insults, I think are just a by product of CRT and ACAB rhetoric that is very common on the radical left and sadly is being brought to mainstream in this country.

    Another point that I think is worth mentioning is she is a teacher and the sense of entitlement she feels is mind blowing.
    When two Native American boys from Nebraska died after being taken to a notorious boarding school hundreds of miles away in Pennsylvania, they were buried there without notice. Nearly 130 years later, the tribe wants the boys’remains back home.

    So far, the Army has refused to return to the Winnebago Tribe the remains of Samuel Gilbert and Edward Hensley. A federal lawsuit filed on behalf of the tribe accuses the Army of ignoring a law passed more than three decades ago aimed at expediting the return of the deceased to Native American lands.

    Samuel had been at the Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Pennsylvania for just 47 days when he died in 1895. Edward spent four years at the school before dying in 1899. Both died in their teens, but records do not disclose their exact ages. Tribal leaders weren’t informed when the boys died, and relatives never learned what killed them.

    The tribe made a formal request to the Office of Army Cemeteries for the remains in October but learned in December that the request was denied, according to the lawsuit filed Jan. 17.

    “The Army always sought to maintain a position of control, dominance over native peoples while they were alive — and while they were dead,” said Greg Werkheiser of Cultural Heritage Partners, one of the lawyers for the tribe.

    The bodies remain in a graveyard along with those of about 180 other children not far from where the school once stood in Carlisle, some 1,150 miles (1,850 kilometers) from the tribe’s eastern Nebraska home. The graveyard serves as a “tourist attraction,” the lawsuit states.

    A spokesperson for the Office of Army Cemeteries said she can’t comment on pending litigation. But the spokesperson said in an email that Samuel and Edward, along with other children who died at the boarding school, are buried in individual graves with named headstones.

    “The cemetery is a dignified resting place demonstrating respect and care of all the deceased buried there and is absolutely not treated as a tourist attraction,” the spokesperson said.……

    Racism comes in many forms — and that includes the insidious microaggression.

    Columbia University professor Derald Wing Sue, who studies the psychology of racism and anti-racism, summed up racial microaggressions as the “everyday insults, indignities and demeaning messages sent to people of color” by individuals who are often oblivious to the offensive nature of their words or actions. Microaggressions — a term first coined by Harvard psychiatrist Chester M. Pierce in the 1970s — can be directed at members of any marginalized group, including the LGBTQIA+ community, women and people with disabilities. Here, we’ll focus on those geared toward the Black community.

    Microaggressions are broken down into three categories: microassaults, microinsults and microinvalidations.

    Microassaults are the more obvious and deliberate discriminatory behaviors, such a cashier purposely skipping over a Black customer in line, telling a racist joke or wearing a T-shirt with a Confederate flag on it.

    Microinsults and microinvalidations, on the other hand, tend to be unconscious, unintentional and less obvious. In fact, well-intentioned perpetrators of microinsults often believe they’re being complimentary when they tell a Black colleague that they’re “so articulate.” An example of a microinvalidation is when a white person says they’re “colorblind” to racial differences (thus minimizing the struggles that non-white people have dealt with because of their skin color) or tries to claim that racism doesn’t exist anymore.

    “It’s a monumental task to get white people to realize that they are delivering microaggressions because it’s scary to them,” Sue told the American Psychological Association. “It assails their self-image of being good, moral, decent human beings to realize that maybe at an unconscious level they have biased thoughts, attitudes and feelings that harm people of color.”

    The perpetrator and even the recipient of the microaggression may try to brush off these comments as if they’re no big deal, but the cumulative effect of these interactions can be damaging to Black, Indigenous and people of color’s mental and physical health. The stress of being exposed to these incidents over time is linked to depression, psychological trauma, anxiety and high blood pressure, among other negative health outcomes.

    Below, Black people share the microaggressions they’ve personally had to deal with and why they’re offensive:

    1. When an airport gate agent questions why you’re in line for business class.​

    “I travel a lot as a wedding photographer and because of my airline frequent flyer status, I’m upgraded most of the time and get to fly in business class. Ticketing and gate agents always ask me if I’m in the correct line. They want to make me aware that I’m in a line of privilege. I’m usually singled out and asked if I’m flying business. At first, I used to say yes, but I started noticing that I was the only one asked most times, especially if I was the only Black person in the business line. Now, I audibly question why they single me out.”— Joshua Dwain, wedding photographer

    2. When someone tells you you’re so pretty that they ‘don’t even think of you as Black.’​

    “Although the insult here should be obvious, the several well-intentioned people that paid me this ‘compliment’ seemed to have no idea how insulting and hurtful this is. The idea that one cannot be both Black and pretty runs deep in this country. While growing up, every single example of beauty in the media and in my beloved books were white girls or women. Black people, particularly with hair like mine, were often relegated to the role of the dowdy best friend — if they appeared in the show, film or book at all. Nothing I read or saw growing up told me that Black was pretty.”— Laura Cathcart Robbins, writer and host of “The Only One In The Room” podcast

    3. When people assume you got into a college because of an athletic scholarship.​

    “As an alumni of a private university, when someone asks if I played basketball in college, it implies that I was accepted on a sports-related scholarship instead of an academic basis. This is an assumption that all African Americans are athletic and mainly attend college through sports scholarships. I have never been a part of a sports team and I attended my university on a partial academic scholarship.”― C.D., nurse

    4. When a retail employee follows you around the store because they assume you’re going to shoplift.​

    “When I’m shopping in a store, like at the mall, and the store clerk follows me around the store constantly asking, ‘Do you need help finding anything?’ Asking once is fine, as I understand the need for good customer service. However, being constantly watched with the intent of criminality is another microaggression experienced by Black people. It assumes that we are stealing or don’t have the money to buy the clothes in the store. Anytime I notice this behavior, I decide not to spend my money there. “― Erlanger Turner, psychology professor

    5. Or when a retail worker immediately directs you to the sales rack.​

    “A few years ago, I went to Macy’s on 34th St. I walked into the Louis Vuitton section to find a gift for my mother. As soon as I walked in, the sales associate greeted me and, without any prompt, proceeded to direct me to the sales rack. I was dumbfounded. I didn’t understand, only to realize I was the only Black customer who had walked into the store and the only one who wasn’t dressed in designer brands. I left the store right then and there. I didn’t even want to get a gift for my mother after that. I just looked around window shopping then eventually went home. I spoke to my husband and some friends about it but never truly addressed how it bothered me.”― Jan-Kristòf Louis-Mansano, school counselor.

    6. When people ask to touch your hair — or just do it without your permission.​

    “I was at a party where a white woman, who I had met several times before, asked if she could touch my hair (even though she had never asked before). Then, before I could respond, she had both hands on my Afro.

    It was done to draw attention to me and embarrass me. This woman grew up in the 70s and has probably seen more Afros than me, but she acted like Afros were a brand new concept. Secondly, she violated my personal space and touched me without my permission because she felt she had the right. That entitlement and violation is racism.”― Valencia Morton, blogger at Millionairess Mama

    7. When they make you feel invisible.​

    “White people have the amazing ability to ignore what is different than their norm. My presence has been ignored in plenty of white spaces for no other reason than the color of my skin. In work settings, this is demoralizing and causes racial trauma.”— Renée Cherez, travel writer

    8. When they say you have good hair because it’s ‘not nappy.’​

    “This statement implies that to have good hair is to have hair resembling Eurocentric features. ‘Kinky’ or ‘nappy’ hair isn’t seen as beautiful in the eyes of society and wouldn’t be referred to as ‘good hair.’”— C.D.

    9. Or when they tell you your hair isn’t ‘professional.’​

    “Years ago, when I was working in a very corporate banking environment, I decided to chop off all my hair. I wanted to start over and embrace my natural texture instead of beating it into submission every month with relaxers. I remember when my supervisor caught wind of my plan to chop my hair off that weekend, she made a point to stop by my desk and lean in before saying, ‘I know you want to be an individual and everyone loves your energy. But I don’t think cutting off all your hair is going to fly here. It’s not very professional.’ She was telling me that showing up as my authentic self — and my most healthy self — would not be accepted and possibly not even tolerated. I chopped my hair off that weekend and quit a few months later.”— Ashley Simpo, writer and content strategist

    10. When people marvel at how ‘well-spoken’ you are.​

    “This statement implies that it’s shocking that a person of color is able to not only articulate their thoughts but hold an intellectual conversation. This is an assumption that people of color are less educated than their counterparts.”— C.D.

    11. When a white person tells you they ‘don’t see color.’​

    “If you can look at me and not see color, then you are denying my racial experiences and my existence. As a Black woman, my race and my womanhood are interwoven. I am both at the same time, all the time. To be colorblind is to disregard my or any Black person’s humanity.”— Cherez

    12. When they expect you to be a spokesperson for your entire race.​

    “The Black Lives Matter movement was being discussed in a space of mostly white people and I was the only Black man. I was essentially tokenized by another member of the group, equating all of my personal experiences to those of all Black people. The crazy part is that I didn’t even realize it until two other group members pointed it out post-meeting. This is a problem where we have become used to being ‘the other’ that we don’t realize when we are being targeted anymore.”― Kellan Mansano, social worker

    13. When they address your white partner instead of you.​

    “‘Let me show you around, sir.’ I can’t tell you how many times this statement was directed only to my white boyfriend while the two of us were house hunting a little over three years ago. Never mind that the down payment was coming from me — those realtors never failed to shake his hand first and look to him for answers during the showing. Even when he would say, ‘Actually, you better talk to her about the length of escrow or inspections etc.,’ they would still end up addressing him instead of me.

    Sure, there was definitely some sexism in play, but many of my white, straight couple-friend-homeowners were also shocked to hear how far it went. These realtors were clearly not ready for a Black female decision-maker.” ― Cathcart Robbins.............

    12. When they expect you to be a spokesperson for your entire race.​

    “The Black Lives Matter movement was being discussed in a space of mostly white people and I was the only Black man. I was essentially tokenized by another member of the group, equating all of my personal experiences to those of all Black people. The crazy part is that I didn’t even realize it until two other group members pointed it out post-meeting. This is a problem where we have become used to being ‘the other’ that we don’t realize when we are being targeted anymore.”― Kellan Mansano, social worker
    Its like when a black person says someting positive about Trump or when a black person says something negative about other black people.
    You will see people repost and share the crap out of that, because all of a sudden, they care what a black person
    Its like when a black person says someting positive about Trump or when a black person says something negative about other black people.
    You will see people repost and share the crap out of that, because all of a sudden, they care what a black person

    we've seen that particular phenomenon here
    If that’s real Disney is going to get sued into oblivion because a lot of that is illegal.

    I mean, it’s not real, but if it were…

    It's over three years old (and specifically ABC rather than Disney generally).
    Setting percentages on hiring requirements is setting a quota, which has been illegal since the 70’s. I’m absolutely shocked their lawyers let them do this. They have set themselves up for a major EEOC complaint.
    Setting percentages on hiring requirements is setting a quota, which has been illegal since the 70’s. I’m absolutely shocked their lawyers let them do this. They have set themselves up for a major EEOC complaint.
    There has to be more to the story I would think.

    I wonder how reliable this story is.
    There has to be more to the story I would think.

    I wonder how reliable this story is.
    I'm wondering if there isn't some sort of exemption for "creatives" when it comes to quotas. All of the positions listed are Directors, writers, etc.
    Could be. This seems to hint at it, bolding mine:

    “Amazon Studios’ inclusion policy to cast at least one Black, Latinx, Indigenous, Middle Eastern or Asian character for speaking roles in each project could similarly draw attention. Legal observers note that the use of racial quotas are already prohibited under federal law. “The minimum aspirational goals for casting across speaking roles are 30% white men, 30% white women and non-binary people, 20% men from underrepresented races and ethnicities, 20% women and non-binary people from underrepresented races and ethnicities,” states the policyfrom the company, which didn’t respond to a request for comment.

    Diversity programs requiring applicants to come from certain racial or ethnic groups were on legally tenuous ground even before the Supreme Court’s ruling striking down affirmative action in college admissions, though there’s an exception for temporary efforts that seek to address a “manifest imbalance in a traditionally segregated job category,” according to court precedent.

    I have read that Fox itself has a robust DIE department. I would assume every major corporation does. Isn’t it funny how they bring up the Disney one? They are targeting Disney these days. We don’t even know if what SFL posted is actually from Disney, or if someone just put Disney’s logo on the abc one. I mean it could be they have different policies. 🤷‍♀️
    I have read that Fox itself has a robust DIE department. I would assume every major corporation does. Isn’t it funny how they bring up the Disney one? They are targeting Disney these days. We don’t even know if what SFL posted is actually from Disney, or if someone just put Disney’s logo on the abc one. I mean it could be they have different policies. 🤷‍♀️

    ABC is owned by Disney so them having the same initiatives wouldn't be that surprising though.
    ABC is owned by Disney so them having the same initiatives wouldn't be that surprising though.
    Similar initiatives, sure, but I'd be a little surprised if the entire division adopted the inclusion guidelines from one subdivision wholesale.

    I'd be even more surprised if they distributed them by what appears to be taking the ABC document from 2020 and photoshopping this logo from Wikipedia over the ABC one.
    There is this caveat at the bottom of that page.


    There's also this caveat on the left side of the page under each standard.


    I'm guessing that's more than enough wiggle room to not make it problematic legally. This also seems more aspirational as opposed to some type of mandate. Corporate America sees the value in DEI initiatives for their bottom line and support them heavily. Is the SC really going to tell them they can't do any DEI?
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