The End Of The United States (1 Viewer)

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    Misty Mountains Envoy
    Mar 8, 2023
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    What are our odds of surviving as a democratic republic?

    Sure everything seems normal when you look out your window, but I’ll propose that a shirt storm Tsunsmi is forming in DC and it will sweep across the Nation. Authority in DC is basically up for grabs. We have a Congress who are half in on The Con along with a sizable portion of SCOTUS. Right there, we’re in huge trouble,

    The Authority of the Federal Government is being subverted to the will of a self serving Gangsta in DC. He has learned from last time. People telling him “no” was bad so he is doing all he can to eliminate this obstacle to finish the job he started last time, installing himself as Supreme Leader. Every vital appointed post is being filled with one qualifier, loyalty to The Emperor. Secondly having a lot of wealth that needs protecting is a plus for The Head Conman’s consideration.

    The outcome is that the Federal Govt will no longer be source of truth but one of deceit with the purpose of holding on to power. Lawfulness is a fantasy, instead there is a pretense of lawfulness that acts as a curtain to hide cheating and corruption. When everything starts to fall apart we’re going to get all manner of tall tales from DC.

    Yeah, I know some will say this was already the case. My position is whatever it was before, it will be 100x worse and it will lack the intent of maintaining our Republic. The preferred model seems to be Dictator and Oligarchs, our media is converting to Pravda West.

    Our civil liberties will suffer when it’s deemed those are a source, not so much of discontentment, but a threat to the power structure, especially free speech. It’s hard not to feel, we’re screwed. 😳
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    Today might be a good time to watch Seven Days In May (1964). It’s a different scenario than today, you might even root for the general and wish for a different outcome.

    Yeah, exactly. Back when Seven Days in May was made, the idea of a military coup in the U.S. was shocking and dystopian. Now, it feels like a real possibility—except instead of being universally condemned, a significant portion of the population might actually cheer it on. The shared reality that once held things together is fractured, and grievances—whether real or imagined—seem to justify tearing everything apart.
    Yeah, exactly. Back when Seven Days in May was made, the idea of a military coup in the U.S. was shocking and dystopian. Now, it feels like a real possibility—except instead of being universally condemned, a significant portion of the population might actually cheer it on. The shared reality that once held things together is fractured, and grievances—whether real or imagined—seem to justify tearing everything apart.
    Yes, we have lost our way. A large number of us are unhappy with our situation or at least the perception of our situation, what it is, versus what we think it should be. The Sinisters in charge will point their fingers at foreigners, immigrants, minorities, non-christians, anything that keeps you from questioning the role of capitalism in your situation. I may have posted a mini lecture on the topic, but the highlights are.
    • Capitalism is not suited to manage a society only to make profits for a limited self, pre-determined group.
    • Capitalism in the extreme has/is disenfranchising citizens for profit. Proof? Tens of millions of jobs and manufacturingexported to lower wage markets.
    • Capitalism will reap as much profit from the market as it can before the market collapses.
    • It’s up to the federal government to keep an eye on a stable society and keep capitalism corraled to prevent it from doing harm. When we allow capitalist to run our government we’re hosed and in the exact position we find ourselves today
    Post in thread 'Law be damned, Trump asserts unilateral control over executive branch, federal service'

    The completely unbelievable, almost laughable idea is that average citizens will be better off under an oppressive authoritarian government. It’s really inconceivable that we could’ve got to this point.😳
    Yes, we have lost our way. A large number of us are unhappy with our situation or at least the perception of our situation, what it is, versus what we think it should be. The Sinisters in charge will point their fingers at foreigners, immigrants, minorities, non-christians, anything that keeps you from questioning the role of capitalism in your situation. I may have posted a mini lecture on the topic, but the highlights are.
    • Capitalism is not suited to manage a society only to make profits for a limited self, pre-determined group.
    • Capitalism in the extreme has/is disenfranchising citizens for profit. Proof? Tens of millions of jobs and manufacturingexported to lower wage markets.
    • Capitalism will reap as much profit from the market as it can before the market collapses.
    • It’s up to the federal government to keep an eye on a stable society and keep capitalism corraled to prevent it from doing harm. When we allow capitalist to run our government we’re hosed and in the exact position we find ourselves today
    Post in thread 'Law be damned, Trump asserts unilateral control over executive branch, federal service'

    The completely unbelievable, almost laughable idea is that average citizens will be better off under an oppressive authoritarian government. It’s really inconceivable that we could’ve got to this point.😳

    IMHO, the U.S. was derailed by the McCarthy era. While McCarthy was busy hunting down "communists," the rest of the Western world quietly transitioned into social democracies—systems where capitalism and social responsibility coexist, creating a more balanced and just society. This approach led to a broader distribution of wealth, rather than concentrating it in the hands of the top 1%.

    McCarthy used the Red Scare as a weapon to shut down discussions about economic fairness, branding anyone advocating for a more equal society as a communist and dragging them before his committee. That stigma surrounding social democracy—or a blended capitalist-socialist model—still lingers today, reinforced and aggressively promoted by Trump and his followers.
    The cards are on the table folks.

    An indictment of the human species, votes at the UN, especially by the USA are it, when a world organization representing all nations, can’t resoundingly, universally condemn, blatant, self-serving aggression. Yes, there are many among us who do, most countries by a large margin did condemn Russia, more power to them, but there are enough who don’t, human weakness, selfishness, corruption, enough to spoil it for us. Especially earth shaking when the so-called, self-described “cornerstone of freedom”, breaks bad to support Russian villainy. 😓

    The US because of one villainous person, has turned its back on basically all of Europe, arguably the world. This is who our National leadership stands with, nothing less than despicable. 18 countries, 9% out of 193 countries felt it was n their best interests not to condemn blatant Russian aggression. Note: Israel is in self serving mode, can’t offend Sugar Daddy Deep Pockets. For today, I’ll rest my case as to the hopelessness we are facing in the USA.

    The 16 that voted against Monday’s resolution alongside the U.S. and Russia were Israel, Haiti, Hungary, Palau and the Marshall Islands; the African countries Burkina Faso, Burundi, the Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Niger and Sudan; and Belarus, North Korea, Syria, Eritrea, Mali and Nicaragua, six countries that voted against the 2023 resolution:.
    This is a terrifying scenario, read what Russia did to Ukraine.
    Trump = Traitorous Madness
    “It was an explicit act of war, a punishment a year after voters in that country had expelled a Russian-friendly oligarch, Viktor Yanukovych, and replaced him with a Western-friendly president.
    And by “take down,” I mean it literally. Kim Zetter told the story of a supervisor at one of Ukraine’s main power substations in Wired:”

    “All he could do was stare helplessly at his screen while the ghosts in the machine clicked open one breaker after another, eventually taking about 30 substations offline.
    “The attackers didn’t stop there, however. They also struck two other power distribution centers at the same time, nearly doubling the number of substations taken offline and leaving more than 230,000 residents in the dark.
    “And as if that weren’t enough, they also disabled backup power supplies to two of the three distribution centers, leaving operators themselves stumbling in the dark.”

    Defense Secretary Hegseth ordered our federal operations to detect and stop Vladimir Putin‘s infiltration of American cyber security — from our nuclear facilities and dams to our news and social media spaces — to cease. As Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer noted yesterday afternoon:”

    “Donald Trump is so desperate to earn the affection of a thug like Vladimir Putin he appears to be giving him a free pass as Russia continues to launch cyber operations and ransomware attacks against critical American infrastructure, threatening our economic and national security. It is a critical strategic mistake for Donald Trump to unilaterally disarm against Putin.“

    “While a handful of nations with nuclear weapons have spent much of the past 70 years both preparing for and trying to avoid a nuclear war, cyberwar has emerged as a far more likely way the next major international conflict will go down.

    And Trump just forced America to abandon that battlefield.”

    “Rather than the next war starting with a flash from a nuclear explosion over New York or Moscow or Beijing, it’s more likely that today the first step would be multiple major cities browning out as the electrical grid is fried the way the United States and Israel took out Iran’s centrifuges a decade ago with the Stuxnet worm.

    Electronically force open a few big dams to kill millions with flooding, melt down a dozen nuclear reactors creating mass panic and death, and shut down communications systems for first responders: The country would be thrown into a chaos not unlike the firebombing of Dresden or Tokyo in 1944, but without the expense, hassle, or waste of building, fueling, and flying bombers or missiles.

    With no power, no telecommunications, and no water, American cities would descend into chaos in days and become unlivable hellscapes within a week; drain the big banks and vanish their depositors’ records, and Putin has hit our nation at all levels from the top government/corporate to infrastructure to the individual and personal.”
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