Sarah Huckabee Sanders Running for Governor of Arkansas (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known member
    Mar 14, 2019
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    Gilbert, AZ

    Former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders formally announced on Monday that she will run for governor of Arkansas.

    In a video message posted to her campaign website, Sanders invoked threats made against her life during her time in the Trump administration in an appeal to voters in the deeply red state.

    "To remain free, we must have law and order and resolve our differences peacefully," Sanders said. "The radical left's solution is to impose government control and censorship from the top down."

    Sanders, a Republican whose father was governor of the state, told Arkansans their governor is a "last line of defense" with Democrats taking control of the White House and Senate in recent elections.

    "As governor, I will defend your right to be free of socialism and tyranny, your Second Amendment right, your freedom of speech and religious liberty," she said.

    Free of socialism and tyranny.....
    She does have all that experience leading the mutant rebels on Mars with her brother George.
    She might have a tough road ahead toward winning that office according to this opinion piece.

    She might have a tough road ahead toward winning that office according to this opinion piece.

    Yeah, I don't see her getting very far. She'll do well in certain parts of the state, but those are somewhat few and far between.
    If Trump campaigns for her it will be an early test of his ability to influence political outcomes going forward.
    "but there’s already a Republican candidate there who is better qualified, better funded, smarter, more personable, and more honest."

    So almost literally anyone?

    I think all sides are making a big mistake assuming these are actual selling points for Republicans at this point. I don't think there's going to be any split and even if there is I think the crazies are going to win. The actual moderates already jumped ship.
    I think all sides are making a big mistake assuming these are actual selling points for Republicans at this point. I don't think there's going to be any split and even if there is I think the crazies are going to win. The actual moderates already jumped ship.

    The problem is money. Can the Republican party operate on a national level with a massive funding imbalance? There is a plethora of corporate donors dropping the Republican party. McConnell largely controls the cash, and picks the candidates. He will have to find a largesse from loyal donors that makes up for the shortfall. Republicans are at a fork in the road. It's either lose the money, or get primaried for a lot of these guys. Rob Portman announced today he won't be running for reelection in 2022.
    The problem is money. Can the Republican party operate on a national level with a massive funding imbalance? There is a plethora of corporate donors dropping the Republican party. McConnell largely controls the cash, and picks the candidates. He will have to find a largesse from loyal donors that makes up for the shortfall. Republicans are at a fork in the road. It's either lose the money, or get primaried for a lot of these guys. Rob Portman announced today he won't be running for reelection in 2022.
    .. or just wait it out until the money starts flowing back in soon enough... Which I think is ultimately how it'll probably end up playing out here.
    Last edited:
    I won't pretend to know much about Arkansas voters, but in general there's a much different dynamic for gubernatorial races than national ones.

    Louisiana has a democrat and Massachusetts has a republican for gods sake.

    Having elections without financial or ideological influence from out of state interests allows voters to actually pick candidates they think will do right by them.

    She'll have name recognition, but without the boogeyman of the federal level democrats that she would need to "own" (omg Pelosi AOC omg) she may not be all that appealing of a candidate, no matter how Trumpy Arkansas may be.

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