We Need to Talk About Project 2025 & Their Manifesto "Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise" (1 Viewer)

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    LA - L.A.

    Well-known member
    Sep 28, 2019
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    Studio City, CA
    I think Project 2025 needs it's own thread to make as many people as possible aware of it, how the people behind it are dead serious about making it happen, and how devastating it will be if we allow them to make it happen. These are the various pages on their website which should show they mean business. They're not just wishing or theorizing, they're planning and implementing.

    Their home page (the bolding is there's, not mine):

    "It is not enough for conservatives to win elections. If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on Day One of the next conservative Administration.​
    This is the goal of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project. The project will build on four pillars that will, collectively, pave the way for an effective conservative Administration."​

    Their policy agenda page:

    "This book is an invitation for you the reader—Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith, and Ms. Smith—to come to Washington or support those who can. Our goal is to assemble an army of aligned, vetted, trained, and prepared conservatives to go to work on Day One to deconstruct the Administrative State.​
    The next conservative President will enter office on January 20, 2025, with a simple choice: greatness or failure. It will be a daunting test, but no more so than every other generation of Americans has faced and passed. The Conservative Promise represents the best effort of the conservative movement in 2023—and the next conservative President’s last opportunity to save our republic."​

    Their personnel (recruitment/application) page, bolding is mine:

    "Please fill out the questionnaire below and upload your resume for inclusion in the Presidential Personnel Database if you would like to be considered for positions in a presidential Administration.​
    Project 2025 is the effort of a massive coalition of conservative organizations that have come together to ensure a successful Administration begins in January 2025. With the right conservative policy recommendations and properly vetted and trained personnel to implement them, we will take back our government. Project 2025 is being organized by The Heritage Foundation."​

    Their training page:

    "The Presidential Administration Academy is a one-of-a-kind educational and skill-building program designed to prepare and equip future political appointees now to be ready on Day One of the next conservative Administration. This academy provides aspiring appointees with the insight, background knowledge, and expertise in governance to immediately begin rolling back destructive policy and advancing conservative ideas in the federal government."​

    Their first 180 days playbook page:

    "The time is short, and conservatives need a plan. The project will create a playbook of actions to be taken in the first 180 days of the new Administration to bring quick relief to Americans suffering from the Left’s devastating policies."​

    Their playbook, bolding mine (I've downloaded the pdf of their playbook for when they eventually pull it from their website once the backlash really kicks in):

    "This book is an invitation for you the reader—Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith, and Ms. Smith—to come to Washington or support those who can. Our goal is to assemble an army of aligned, vetted, trained, and prepared conservatives to go to work on Day One to deconstruct the Administrative State.​
    This is an agenda prepared by and for conservatives who will be ready on Day One of the next Administration to save our country. The Heritage Foundation is once again facilitating this work, but as our dozens of partners and hundreds of authors will attest, this book is the work of the entire conservative movement.​
    The next conservative President will enter office on January 20, 2025 ... The Conservative Promise represents the best effort of the conservative movement in 2023—and the next conservative President’s last opportunity to save our republic."​

    The link to the 111 groups they have cobbled together in a coalition to help them achieve their agenda.

    Groups include:​
    • ALEC - the Koch brother's foundation that has written all of the state laws that undermine child labor protection, worker's rights, air and water pollution protections, voter's rights, government assistance programs from those that need the help, and tax codes that made sure the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes.
    • Moms For Liberty - the group leading the charge to ban any book that treats anyone, who is not white, heterosexual, cis and Christian, as being equal and deserving of acceptance, tolerance and respect.
    • National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation - which works for corporations to prevent and bust worker's unions to help corporations pay a non living wage to employees and force them to work under horrible conditions.
    • Tea Party Patriots - the group that is MAGA and has taken control of the Republican party and supports Trump's efforts to stage a coup on Jan 6th so that he could stay in power even though he lost the election.
    • Turning Point USA - run by Charlie Kirk who fully embraces Christian Nationalism and the reducing of women to just being homemakers dedicated only to serving their husbands and their family, in that order

    Here are some articles and videos that give an overview of what Project 2025 plans to do the next time a Republican wins the presidency, including Trump but not limited to Trump:

    If you think this plan is new like it is being falsely presented by the Heritage Foundation, it is not. The Heritage Foundation cooked up this plan during the Reagan administration, but his administration didn't let the Heritage Foundation fully implement it. Trump will, because it plays into the ultimate power and control that Trump wants. See the videos below.

    No matter how annoying, frustrating, distasteful, or unappealing it may be, either Biden or Trump will be the next president. No one else has a chance at winning the election. If Biden wins, we have issues to solve, but we still have our democracy.

    If Trump wins, we lose our democracy and have to fight for our freedom, if we aren't white, Christian, cis, heterosexual men who believe in the divine right of white, Christian, cis, heterosexual men to sit in domination over all others.

    The bottom line is this, vote for Biden if you want to preserve our democracy, or don't vote for Biden if you want to chance Trump winning, which would bring an end to our democracy.

    That's the grounded-in-reality choice folks, like it or not. Please vote for Biden so that we all have the freedom to live our lives how we want, to argue with each other, and to protest without fear of being imprisoned or "falling" out of window to our death.

    This election is not a drill, it's the real deal.
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    Christian Nationalism is the impetus for Project 2025, is it not?

    I know this is true about evangelical churches and Christian Nationalism

    This is the first time I have seen this particular gambit, from a tweet. I copied it because it is too long to show up in the original tweet:

    “Republican James Judge, who is running for Congress in Florida's 15th Congressional district posted this June 15, 2024:
    "When President Trump gets back in office, I will put forth legislation on his first day back in office to suspend the writ of habeas corpus. This will give President Trump the authority to arrest and imprison the treasonous officials and subversives who now occupy positions across our government."


    In the U.S legal system, federal courts use the writ of habeas corpus to determine if a state's detention of a prisoner is valid and legal. As one legal scholar put it: "The suspension of habeas corpus wholly extinguishes the procedural guarantees of the Due Process Clause and authorizes otherwise unlawful detention."

    Now, according to the U.S Constitution, Article I, Section 9, Clause 2:
    The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, UNLESS when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

    The last part of that Amendment is commonly referred to as the Suspension Clause. Basically, the Suspension Clause protects liberty by protecting the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus. It provides that the federal government may NOT suspend this privilege except in extraordinary circumstances: when a rebellion or invasion occurs and the public safety requires it.

    According to the National Constitution Center:
    "When a suspension is in effect, the president, typically acting through subordinates, can imprison people indefinitely without any judicial check."

    "The Clause does not specify which branch of government has the authority to suspend the privilege of the writ, but most agree that only Congress can do it. President Abraham Lincoln provoked controversy by suspending the privilege of his own accord during the Civil War, but Congress largely extinguished challenges to his authority by enacting a statute permitting suspension. On every other occasion, the Executive has proceeded only after first securing congressional authorization."

    The writ of habeas corpus has been suspended four times since the Constitution was ratified:
    1) throughout the entire country during the Civil War
    2) in eleven South Carolina counties overrun by the Ku Klux Klan during Reconstruction
    3) in two provinces of the Philippines during a 1905 insurrection
    4) in Hawaii after the bombing of Pearl Harbor

    But what Republican James Judge is suggestion, is giving Donald Trump - if he's elected - the unilateral power to suspend the writ of habeas corpus WITHOUT congressional approval, WITHOUT the 5th and 14th Amendments due process clauses, WITHOUT judicial involvement, or WITHOUT any legal safeguards to stop him.

    Republican James Judge wants to give Donald Trump this authority NOT bcos of rebellion or invasion - as the Constitution states - but for no other reason than to exact revenge against everyone who opposes him, and everyone who has enforced the rule of law against him.

    I'll say this again....

    Are you paying attention yet!??!”
    Evidently the Biden campaign is working on drawing attention to it.

    I agree with Beau that it was smart to wait until now to start publicly addressing it. There isn't enough time now to normalize it before the election. As Beau points out in his video, the Biden campaign can highlight a new item from it every other day all the way to the election.

    I particularly like the tweet you posted, because it's letting people know about it and it's telling them how to search for how it harms them specifically.
    Hmmm...I wonder what happened some 60+ years ago that made Republicans feel this way. :hmm:
    I don't know what happened. I suppose it could have been they were born 60+ years ago.

    I was born 60+, it didn't affect or effect me the way it has THEM. Maybe it was different for them.
    Christian Nationalism is the impetus for Project 2025, is it not?

    I know this is true about evangelical churches and Christian Nationalism

    This comes from the Heritage Foundation which is driven by Leonard Leo. Leo is a fascist Catholic with ties to the fundamentalist Catholic organization Opus Dei. Opus Dei was founded by people with ties to the fascists dictators in Europe during the early 1900's.

    Leo has been working for decades and has succeeded in stacking the Supreme Court with 5 Catholic and 1 raised Catholic justice who also have ties to the fundamentalist Catholic organization Opus Dei. None of that is a coincidence, it may not be a conspiracy, but it's not a coincidence.

    Leo and the Heritage Foundation believe a woman's place is subservient to men and devoting her time to taking care of her man, breeding, and taking care of her children. Project 2025 would lead to normalizing physical and sexual harassment and abuse of women again.
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    Hmmm...I wonder what happened some 60+ years ago that made Republicans feel this way. :hmm:
    Not to mention 70 years ago (Brown v Bd. of Ed.) and 159 years ago (end of the Civil War and white people owning black people).

    What should scare people even more is there won’t be a strong allied coalition to liberate the U.S. and save the world, if we fall under the rule of fascism.

    People have got to figure out how to compartmentalize their grievances with Biden if they want to protect the future of this country. What the right wing plans to do, will do, is being laid out in the open and it will be the end of progress in our country. Millions of Americans will suffer the consequences.
    What should scare people even more is there won’t be a strong allied coalition to liberate the U.S. and save the world, if we fall under the rule of fascism.

    People have got to figure out how to compartmentalize their grievances with Biden if they want to protect the future of this country. What the right wing plans to do, will do, is being laid out in the open and it will be the end of progress in our country. Millions of Americans will suffer the consequences.

    Very true. Since the MAGA right wing wasn't shut down after the last insurrection and Trump wasn't convicted of impeachment and not allowed to run again by spineless Republican Senators, they have only grown more emboldened and their plans for authoritarian dominance more audacious. As with all things MAGA, they are the slippery slope to destruction of this country they always claimed Democrats were/are.
    This is deadly serious….if Trump wins, democracy as we know it in this country is over….

    The R party has gone full on batshart crazy, while I understand Biden is far from the ideal candidate the stakes are much, much higher than that…..a White Christian nationalist authoritative dictator run nation is the path they are wanting….make no mistake about it…..anyone who is not that will suffer consequences if these evil idiots assume control…..
    This is deadly serious….if Trump wins, democracy as we know it in this country is over….

    The R party has gone full on batshart crazy, while I understand Biden is far from the ideal candidate the stakes are much, much higher than that…..a White Christian nationalist authoritative dictator run nation is the path they are wanting….make no mistake about it…..anyone who is not that will suffer consequences if these evil idiots assume control…..
    For background and context, I'm white, male, heterosexual, cis, and was raised Catholic. I'm railing against the dangers posed by my "own tribe." These guys must be stopped.

    If Trump wins, there will be mass incarceration to provide slave labor and mass murder to eliminate the undesirables who are of no use.

    Here's the worst part, if Trump loses, then the Heritage Foundation will just change the name to Project 2029 and be ready to pounce if a Republican wins in 2029.

    Unless there are drastic changes, any and all Republicans who win the Republican nomination will support this Christo fascist authoritarianism. So unless there are drastic changes throughout the Republican party, the next time a Republican is elected president, our democracy will die and millions will suffer both here and abroad.
    This is deadly serious….if Trump wins, democracy as we know it in this country is over….
    It's important to remember that trump is just a vehicle for those right-wing organizations that are behind this "project". The Republican Party has fully embraced this idea along with unitary executive theory and their goal is to do exactly what they claim Democrats are doing, except in their case, they are working towards a post constitutional US. They see the US Constitution as a road-block and with Project 2025, they aim to tear down those barricades to achieve their objective.

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