Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed (Replaced by Amy Coney Barrett)(Now Abortion Discussion) (1 Viewer)

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    I've watched almost all of it so far. Nothing too surprising. I'll say ACB is really holding her own. She seems far, far more competent than Kavanaugh was in his hearings.

    Much like Kamala Harris she knows she has to be

    If she has any outbursts like Kavanaugh it will be looked at much differently
    Kav had no business being there, but hey that never stopped republicans before. Nobody is saying she isn't smart, but I don't get why you give a pass to her being in essentially a religious cult, thinks women should be subservient to men, and that she is on record saying essentially that women should not have a right to choose what they want with their bodies. I feel like she gets a pass from some just because she is a supposed christian. If you replaced that word with scientology, which is as loony as her religion in my opinion, I am sure people would see the red flags there. Which it shouldn't even have to be that blatant. She is on record of thinking a certain way and has strong opposition, so I don't get how some can be "well we just don't know how she will be until she gets on the bench". Republicans chose her for a reason, there are many other more qualified people they could have chosen. Why do you think they chose HER out of everyone else?

    I get all that. I'm just commenting on how I think she is responding in the hearings, that's all.
    If you replaced that word with scientology,
    Or Islam... or worse yet, the "a" word :hihi:

    She is on record of thinking a certain way and has strong opposition, so I don't get how some can be "well we just don't know how she will be until she gets on the bench".
    Either wishful thinking or silent agreement with putting Bible over Constitution.
    We will have to wait and see how she will be when she is on the bench is crazy to me.

    Its like a Dem saying your have to pass a Bill before you know what’s in it. I can’t imagine the R’s ever allowing that to pass through. They would fight tooth and nail to stop that Bill. It would become some kind of rallying cry for them- even if it was taken out of context.

    Oh wait.
    I've watched almost all of it so far. Nothing too surprising. I'll say ACB is really holding her own. She seems far, far more competent than Kavanaugh was in his hearings.

    It's too bad the politics of all of this is such a mess.

    The questioning hasn't been all that bad on either side. There of course is the obvious petty comments about the other side before the questions, but I generally just ignore that stuff. I'm more interested in what her responses are. She's pretty smart, I'll say that much.

    I doubt many people didn't believe she's really well polished and intelligent. I doubt we'll get any high school rape accusations and the resulting circus. I guess that's why I think the hearings will be worthless. We won't learn anything about her other than that she sounds smart.

    I have no problem with her and her beliefs. I personally have a problem with her judicial philosophy. I feel that our country is regressing both socially and as a democracy because of the prominence of the originailist and textualist judicial philosophy. It's the last thing we need more of on the SC.

    I wish democrats would talk about that a lot more, instead of focusing on issues like abortion, because all of the adverse decisions are coming from that philosophy.
    I haven’t heard it mentioned so i was just wondering


    So, I haven't been keeping close tabs on this, but I know she has defined herself as "an originalist" and I'm curious what a strict originalist makes of Amendments, just generally.
    I have no problem with her and her beliefs.

    I kinda do.

    First, i want to be clear- i dont have a problem with her beliefs ‘in a vacuum’.. Life is hard, and i think if something like religion helps you get through day to day, while doing good works- then it is generally a good thing... But when we are discussing a possible Supreme Court justice, i only have problems with her specific beliefs, becuase i myself attended Catholic schools for most of my childhood.. I was also an alter boy, went to Communion, Confession, the whole nine.. I’ve been to the puppet show, and i have seen the strings... Fortunately i was unscathed, but UNfortunately i did have friends who were diddled (and worse) by a leader in our community ... I say all that, to say this- What *I* was taught in Catholic school is that your #1 obligation, before family, before country , or anything else- is GOD... The laws and doctrine of Catholicism , and serving god, HAVE to be first... So there is no possible way that Barrett could concievably put those beliefs aside to rule by the law, or by the Constutuion, or anything else if there is even the slightest conflict with her faith... To do so, to her, would be sealing her fate, burning in Hell for all eternity... I know this becuase many of the people i love still believe exactly this way.
    I kinda do.

    First, i want to be clear- i dont have a problem with her beliefs ‘in a vacuum’.. Life is hard, and i think if something like religion helps you get through day to day, while doing good works- then it is generally a good thing... But when we are discussing a possible Supreme Court justice, i only have problems with her specific beliefs, becuase i myself attended Catholic schools for most of my childhood.. I was also an alter boy, went to Communion, Confession, the whole nine.. I’ve been to the puppet show, and i have seen the strings... Fortunately i was unscathed, but UNfortunately i did have friends who were diddled (and worse) by a leader in our community ... I say all that, to say this- What *I* was taught in Catholic school is that your #1 obligation, before family, before country , or anything else- is GOD... The laws and doctrine of Catholicism , and serving god, HAVE to be first... So there is no possible way that Barrett could concievably put those beliefs aside to rule by the law, or by the Constutuion, or anything else if there is even the slightest conflict with her faith... To do so, to her, would be sealing her fate, burning in Hell for all eternity... I know this becuase many of the people i love still believe exactly this way.

    Well, you could say the same for Biden, as he's a Catholic as well. :shrug:
    I doubt many people didn't believe she's really well polished and intelligent. I doubt we'll get any high school rape accusations and the resulting circus. I guess that's why I think the hearings will be worthless. We won't learn anything about her other than that she sounds smart.

    I only watched the first two hours this morning but the last thing that came to mind is her being polished and smart. First off, she needs to use some better conditioner for that frizzy arse hair. Looking at her in HD is super annoying because she should be pretty. She was just sitting there literally lying her arse off about her personal views and not answering any questions by explaining how the forking court works. Like nearly everyone on that committee and probably everyone who cares enough to even give the hearing a passing glance doesn't know the process of the court taking a case and how precedent works. I'm pretty sure most of the senators were/are attorneys to begin with.

    And don't get me started on Lindsey Graham using his opening statement as a 30 minute campaign ad.

    She's getting confirmed so I don't really give a shirt. And I'll bet she doesn't start deciding cases based on her personal and religious agenda until she's actually got some time on the bench. She's giving all the proper non-answers to do just that. She's going to be on the bench for the next 40 years for chrissakes.
    I decided to punish myself and watch a little bit.

    While I don't support the nomination for a variety of reasons, I think she is handling herself very well. Most of the questioning has also been very kind and even complimentary. It's not the circus I was expecting, on either side.

    As I said, I have only watched a small bit but I think she is a hard person to attack because she seems like a quality human being and good person that has been thrust into a bad situation.

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