Adolescence (2025 Netflix)- Hard core psychological study set in the UK regarding a murder of a young teen. There’s really zero action, an arrest, investigation, psychological profile, and aftermath, all highly detailed. For example the entire first hour episode is the arrest and the booking. It can feel riveting yet there’s no satisfaction, or resolution. It’s great and horrible simultaneously. It’s about kids today, the power of social media, how it magnifies conflict, how elements have developed as a second language, parents, society, and the system. From it, you might be bored out of your mind, reflect on the state, failures of human society, or glean some insight into the human condition. Excellent, great acting, but I would not want to watch it again.
I can say that actors in the UK are type cast as real people, as in you could swear you’re observing a real family, people and their interactions.
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