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Federal criminal investigation Hunter Biden focuses on his business dealings (Update: DOJ appoints special counsel) (2 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Oct 5, 2019
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    Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the richest woman in Russia and the widow of Yury Luzhkov, the former mayor of Moscow, Senate Republicans revealed in their report on the younger Biden’s work in Ukraine.

    Baturina is referenced in the 87-page report, which was released Wednesday, addressing her payment to Biden’s investment firm in early 2014.

    “Baturina became Russia’s only female billionaire when her plastics company, Inteko, received a series of Moscow municipal contracts while her husband was mayor,” it said in providing background on the businesswoman.

    The report described her involvement with Biden as “a financial relationship,” but declined to delve deeper into why the wire transfer was made.

    The probe also found that Baturina sent 11 wires transfers between May and December 2015 to a bank account belonging to BAK USA, a tech startup that filed for bankruptcy in March 2019.

    Nine of those 11 wire transfers were first sent to Rosemont Seneca Partners, the investment firm founded by Biden and Chris Heinz, stepson of former Secretary of State John Kerry, before being transferred to BAK USA.

    We all know their is massive corruption on both sides of the aisle. Here is an alleged allegation against Hunter Biden who was allegedly enriching himself because his Dad was Vice President.
    The same press that is an arm of the Democratic party? They used to at least act like they were neutral, but we knew they weren't. During the Trump administration they have abandoned any appearance of neutrality and basically wear their Biden t-shirts.
    I'm glad you brought up this point about not taking Trump literally. It's very convenient when your guy says something, that you can say he didn't mean it. You can assign any meaning you feel suits your needs.

    Yet, you don't offer that same level of rhetorical flexibility for anyone on the left? why is that?

    And you know I agree that many in the media tend to hyperventilate, to sell ad space, but... it's not really a sign of being part of any party wing (since they go after the left too). I mean, a lot of these reactions are just what 'reasonable' people would think. Sometimes it's group think, other times, a lot of people just reach the same conclusions independently.
    You know that Trump exaggerates, lies, misrepresents & contradicts things and uses hyperbole just about every time he talks. He's always done that even before he's President. A President shouldn't do that, but that's who Trump is. I think you and the media know that, but still take everything literally because it's easier to act like he's Hitler.

    It's way more than hyperventilating to spell ad space. The national media is very partisan and that's well known to anyone who isn't on the left. Look at how low the citizens confidence is in the media. The last Pew Research poll I saw had the media with a lower approval rating than Congress. I'm sure Trump's fake news shtick has contributed to that, but the media approval rating was low long before Trump.
    I've never said the Russian interference was a hoax and you know that. What I've said about the Mueller investigation was they knew very early that there wasn't collusion, but they strung out the investigation as long as they could for maximum political damage.

    We've been through this a thousand times. There's no point in rehashing all of this and going through it all again. Mueller could not prove collusion and was holding to DOJ policy on not indicting a siting president. That's all we'll likely agree on.

    The Obama administration didn't spy on the Trump campaign? You can't be serious. What about the illegal FISA on Page? I'll repost this from the Durham thread:

    No. No they didn't. Did an FBI lawyer insert a lie into a FISA application, yes. That's all you've got.

    Does that mean the "Obama administration" was spying on the Trump campaign for some perceived political gain. No, no it doesn't. No need to repost anything, it won't make the point you think it will.
    Journalists are acting in the same manner towards the White House they always have.

    It’s just the current occupant is the biggest liar and con man to ever stain the office.

    That and he thinks the military rank and file are suckers and losers.

    Oh and he sells us out to the whoever will stay at his shirtty resorts.

    Oh yeah and pays no taxes

    And has run up the biggest deficit in history

    Oh yeah and has the blood of 220,000 Americans on his hands

    But yeah, it’s the media.

    Do you ever get tired of excusing the inexcusable?

    And finally- when is techno fog going to chime in on Hunter Biden? I get all my information from it.
    The same press that is an arm of the Democratic party? They used to at least act like they were neutral, but we knew they weren't. During the Trump administration they have abandoned any appearance of neutrality and basically wear their Biden t-shirts.
    Arm of Democratic Party? Just because they are critical of Trump, doesn’t mean that they are out to get him for the Democrats. Trump gives a lot that needs to be questioned— asking Russia to hack emails (actually did it in a speech last election), withholding funding from Ukraine until they announced they were investigating Biden (only released funds after his extortion was brought to light), ignoring the pandemic, calling the press criminals, calling for the arrests of political opponents, holding super-spreader events with little/no protection for the attendees, etc. They ask him a lot because he gives them a lot that they have to ask.
    He is like a private in the army lobbing hand-grenades all over the place. When the Drill Sergeant gets on him for his reckless behavior, he complains that none of the other privates are being called out. Yeah, because they aren’t lobbing grenades around the compound.
    Just for the record, 50 former national security officials think this is Russian disinformation.

    When I saw that on Twitter I knew you would be the first person to post that here.

    My favorite part of that article was :

    "While the letter’s signatories presented no new evidence" lol

    Brennan and Clapper both are on that list. We know they are both liars. That article provides no evidence for their theory and ignores that nobody has disputed the authenticity of the emails.

    Former Washington Post reporter:

    It's ironic that you would say that when you fell for the Russia Trump collusion narrative. Do you still believe that happened?

    You don't know what I fell for or didn't because I don't take you seriously enough to engage with you (beyond telling you I don't take you seriously enough to engage with you).
    Arm of Democratic Party? Just because they are critical of Trump, doesn’t mean that they are out to get him for the Democrats. Trump gives a lot that needs to be questioned— asking Russia to hack emails (actually did it in a speech last election), withholding funding from Ukraine until they announced they were investigating Biden (only released funds after his extortion was brought to light), ignoring the pandemic, calling the press criminals, calling for the arrests of political opponents, holding super-spreader events with little/no protection for the attendees, etc. They ask him a lot because he gives them a lot that they have to ask.
    He is like a private in the army lobbing hand-grenades all over the place. When the Drill Sergeant gets on him for his reckless behavior, he complains that none of the other privates are being called out. Yeah, because they aren’t lobbing grenades around the compound.
    The national media has been that way long before Trump. Trump has exacerbated their partisanship, but there are plenty of legitimate things for the press to investigate about Trump. The pee tape ain't one of them.
    You don't know what I fell for or didn't because I don't take you seriously enough to engage with you (beyond telling you I don't take you seriously enough to engage with you).
    Oh I remember quite well from the other website how you were parroting the Russiagate narrative. I could care less if you take me seriously or your air of superiority.
    Last edited:
    Besides the plagiarism?
    Huh? Not sure what you're getting at here.

    You know that Trump exaggerates, lies, misrepresents & contradicts things and uses hyperbole just about every time he talks. He's always done that even before he's President. A President shouldn't do that, but that's who Trump is. I think you and the media know that, but still take everything literally because it's easier to act like he's Hitler.

    It's way more than hyperventilating to spell ad space. The national media is very partisan and that's well known to anyone who isn't on the left. Look at how low the citizens confidence is in the media. The last Pew Research poll I saw had the media with a lower approval rating than Congress. I'm sure Trump's fake news shtick has contributed to that, but the media approval rating was low long before Trump.

    Regarding your first paragraph. I'm glad you acknowledge that pretty much everything he says is essentially word salad devoid of meaning, and should be often ignored. I'm also glad you realize that a president shouldn't do that. That's the problem. What a president says should matter. Political news, is by definition news on what political actions are happening and what politicians are discussion and what it means. i.e. what WILL happen. So, when you take a typical slimy politician speaking out of both sides of their mouth, it doesn't allow the public to know what's what. The media should do two things there.. report what it said, and then try to provide context within the bigger picture. i.e. what does it mean? or why should I care?

    If we just waited until things happened, it would be too late.

    So, knowing that, and believing that, it leads me to having no confusion as to why the Media tries to respect the office of president, but also doesn't like that he just exaggerates, lies, misrepresents, and contradicts his own policy objectives (if he even has objectives). He's so flexible on some things, you don't know what you're getting. So, they call him on that. I have no issues with that. You do have to separate out opinion pieces from the news.

    Now, me personally, I don't think he is Hitler. Pretty sure I've been clear about that. However, I don't just hand wave away everything he's said. Some of it, sure. He's like the drunk guy at the end of the bar. Most of what he says is nonsense and you laugh at it, but sometimes he crosses a line and either gets punched in the face or kicked out. Then you see him again in a day or two.

    However, I do think he has a very distorted view of morality and ethics (if any), he pushes what he can get away with, and he generally doesn't care about other people. At least, not beyond superficial. I have a problem with all of that. Either due to being raised Catholic, or just that I have my view of morality and ethics. That, coupled with his inability to stand for anything, or have any sort of actual details, is frustrating to me.

    And this is another topic, that I've discussed, but I've held for over a decade that the news Media is predominantly sensationalist. 24 hr news is becoming more and more partisan, due to the number of talking heads they bring on the shows. It muddies the waters. However, I would not call any of them party operatives. Maybe editorially biased.

    Now, if you could avoid the pot shots and talk about the issues, I think we have more in common than you like to admit.
    When I saw that on Twitter I knew you would be the first person to post that here.

    My favorite part of that article was :

    "While the letter’s signatories presented no new evidence" lol

    Brennan and Clapper both are on that list. We know they are both liars. That article provides no evidence for their theory and ignores that nobody has disputed the authenticity of the emails.

    Former Washington Post reporter:

    Because while the public opinion matters during a vote, it doesn't matter for investigations, so long as the investigation is done per the law and with professionals who know what they're doing. That doesn't make anything 100% perfect, but I'd trust anyone in the FBI or DOJ (outside of Barr) to get it right more than wrong, than Johnny Q Public.

    If there is something there, then sure, investigate and come to the bottom of it. Just like Ukraine and Trump was very worthy of investigation. Just like Trump's tax issues are worthy of investigation. Just like the self dealing is worthy of investigation. I'd also wonder if his campaign (i.e. Rudy G) is doing anything unbecoming.
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