Federal criminal investigation Hunter Biden focuses on his business dealings (Update: DOJ appoints special counsel) (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known member
    Oct 5, 2019
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    Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the richest woman in Russia and the widow of Yury Luzhkov, the former mayor of Moscow, Senate Republicans revealed in their report on the younger Biden’s work in Ukraine.

    Baturina is referenced in the 87-page report, which was released Wednesday, addressing her payment to Biden’s investment firm in early 2014.

    “Baturina became Russia’s only female billionaire when her plastics company, Inteko, received a series of Moscow municipal contracts while her husband was mayor,” it said in providing background on the businesswoman.

    The report described her involvement with Biden as “a financial relationship,” but declined to delve deeper into why the wire transfer was made.

    The probe also found that Baturina sent 11 wires transfers between May and December 2015 to a bank account belonging to BAK USA, a tech startup that filed for bankruptcy in March 2019.

    Nine of those 11 wire transfers were first sent to Rosemont Seneca Partners, the investment firm founded by Biden and Chris Heinz, stepson of former Secretary of State John Kerry, before being transferred to BAK USA.

    We all know their is massive corruption on both sides of the aisle. Here is an alleged allegation against Hunter Biden who was allegedly enriching himself because his Dad was Vice President.
    Joe needs to be ready for Trump to make some classless gutter comments about Hunter’s drug habit and the child porn, which is taking a life of its own in social media. Trump is a piece of trash, and he’s going to try and get under Biden’s skin with that stuff. Most people aren’t used to dealing with that kind of slime and it is so unexpected it gets to them.
    Joe needs to be ready for Trump to make some classless gutter comments about Hunter’s drug habit and the child porn, which is taking a life of its own in social media. Trump is a piece of trash, and he’s going to try and get under Biden’s skin with that stuff. Most people aren’t used to dealing with that kind of slime and it is so unexpected it gets to them.
    I think that needs to be the primary focus of his debate prep. If he maintains a firm grace without getting all "I've got a chain" then he could come out of the debate in a much stronger position without having to say one word about policy or any other issue.

    I thought Biden handle Trump's attacks on Hunter in the first debate fairly well. Here's hoping he doesn't let Trump get under his skin.

    Now that Trump knows he has personal immunity from defamation of character lawsuits, you know he's going to go hard at Hunter.
    The computer shop owner did state that he couldn't say for sure it was Hunter Biden that dropped off the laptops because of his vision problem.

    So you think the FBI subpoena and other documents are fake? What leads you to believe that is the case or is that just speculation?

    Rudy has been trying to get information from anyone he can including Ukrainians and Russia. Since it appears that the computer shop did have the laptops and we have evidence of the FBI subpoena and other documents it doesn't seem like those people Rudy was trying to get information from are connected.

    The FBI is investigating whether it's Russian disinformation according to.....anonymous sources. That seems like an easy thing for the FBI to confirm publicly without revealing anything about the investigation.

    (CNN)US authorities are investigating whether recently published emails that purport to detail the business dealings of Joe Biden's son in Ukraine and China are connected to an ongoing Russian disinformation effort targeting the former vice president's campaign, a US official and a congressional source briefed on the matter said.

    Greenwald was a respected journalist until he didn't go along with the Russian collusion media narrative. The media blames so many things on Russia its hard to keep up with or take seriously.

    The FBI subpoena doesn’t make it any more credible. That just means that the FBI wanted a clean chain of custody on it.

    I don’t know enough to say it’s fake or planted or whatever but there’s an awful lot that’s highly suspicious about it. That this laptop with a Beau Biden Foundation sticker, shows up in Delaware supposedly dropped off by someone with no description, for an $85 MacBook data recovery job. Except the person, alleged to be Hunter Biden, never came back to get it or returned calls from the shop about it.

    The shop owner, who coincidentally is a “big fan” of Donald Trump and believes the Seth Rich conspiracy story, finally takes a look at it an lo and behold, the 'smoking gun' that verifies the Biden/Burisma/Ukraine story that Rudy Guiliani has been peddling to Trump and America for the better part of two years is on the drive! So shop owner calls the FBI, but also calls Rudy Guiliani (who was called first has been inconsistently reported). But despite finally having supposed evidence that supports his allegations - evidence that Trump got impeached over trying to obtain from Ukraine - Rudy stays quiet about it for 10 months. And the FBI, for its part, hasn't said a word about it either (keeping in mind that this same FBI has been putting out press releases for finding nine ballots in the trash). All of which leads to the NY Post to learn about it from a call from Steve Bannon, three weeks before the election. Again, there isn't enough information out there to be certain one way or the other but you have to admit how extraordinarily suspicious that is.

    I'm also not saying Russia is involved, because I don't know, but you present it as if "Russia!" is just some knee-jerk liberal response pulled out of thin-air. The reality is that this whole matter has multiple axes that include Russia. The story itself originates from Ukraine and in a matter of international concern involving a Ukrainian prosecutor - all in a nation that Russia considers its domain and operates extensively. The same Russia that engaged in activist, subterfuge in attempt to influence the 2016 presidential election and about whom US intelligence has warned for years will and is engaged in similar efforts for 2020. And the American conduit for the whole thing is Rudy Giuliani - a man who has been so outspoken and cavalier about his desire to obtain evidence linking the Bidens to the Burisma investigation that he regularly coordinated with con men now facing federal charges and (allegedly) Russian spies. The same Rudy Giuliani whom US Intelligence warned the White House could be an unwitting tool of Russian activity. Also the same Rudy Giuliani who regularly forgets to end calls with reporters after giving telephone interviews.

    And 50 former intelligence officials have publicly stated that has some elements to it that are consistent with known Russian misinformation activities. I'm not saying you have to acknowledge that Russia is involved - like I said, I really don't know. But labeling the Russian implication as some kind of liberal psychosis with no connection is really utter nonsense.
    Expect the most damaging stuff to come out tomorrow. It will give the media one day to blast the story before the debate. It will prime the audience for the question on Hunter.

    I’m still doubtful on the story but I put nothing past a crackhead. I still think the 3rd debate is going to be a mess.
    Expect the most damaging stuff to come out tomorrow. It will give the media one day to blast the story before the debate. It will prime the audience for the question on Hunter.

    I’m still doubtful on the story but I put nothing past a crackhead. I still think the 3rd debate is going to be a mess.

    It's tough for me to take you or anyone else seriously or with much respect calling a recovering addict a crackhead. As someone who works in healthcare, providing services to those suffering with substance use disorders, it's a damn shame to see people demean someone, be it Hunter Biden or anyone else suffering with a SUD, who has acknowledge their addiction and is working to control that addiction.
    I think the silence from Hunter and the Biden camp says a lot. If this wasn’t his laptop he would have issued a simple statement that he never dropped a laptop off there by now. Some of the content may be forged, but since they aren’t denying it’s his laptop I’ll go ahead and assume it is.
    I think the silence from Hunter and the Biden camp says a lot. If this wasn’t his laptop he would have issued a simple statement that he never dropped a laptop off there by now. Some of the content may be forged, but since they aren’t denying it’s his laptop I’ll go ahead and assume it is.

    Not necessarily. They don't want that "story" to get any legs so they just let the experts who are working the case do their job. Once they issue a statement then it can be twisted to fit whatever fits the Trumpsters. Right now the Trumpsters are shouting into the wind...
    I think the silence from Hunter and the Biden camp says a lot. If this wasn’t his laptop he would have issued a simple statement that he never dropped a laptop off there by now. Some of the content may be forged, but since they aren’t denying it’s his laptop I’ll go ahead and assume it is.

    Well I would be of the camp that this doesn't even rate a response.

    This has so many questions on the actual facts of how it was obtained it is comical.

    Now if said shop had a claim ticket for that item with his signature. Yep you need to bring it up. If said shop had video if him dropping it off yep he needs to talk about it.

    The problems here are they have nothing what so ever that is remotely creditable in how it was obtained except a sticker!
    Well I would be of the camp that this doesn't even rate a response.

    This has so many questions on the actual facts of how it was obtained it is comical.

    Now if said shop had a claim ticket for that item with his signature. Yep you need to bring it up. If said shop had video if him dropping it off yep he needs to talk about it.

    The problems here are they have nothing what so ever that is remotely creditable in how it was obtained except a sticker!

    I thought they had a receipt with his signature for $85, which is an incredibly low price for that service. The signature on it was supposedly his.

    I wouldn't address all the craziness, but I think a simple "I never dropped a laptop off at x shop for repair." One sentence, not anything on the emails or child porn, just a simple statement on if that shop had Hunters laptop or not.

    I get not wanting to engage on this. I think the mistake Hillary made was constantly trying to defend her emails instead of saying "if that's what you want to focus on go ahead, I'm going to focus on the American people". Heck, the only person that handled the email issue well was Bernie Sanders infamous "we're tired of talking about her damn emails". I just think it must be his laptop or he'd have issued a statement that it wasn't.

    I agree with everyone they should ignore the contents and rumors and I suspect the reason they are ignoring the existence of the laptop is that it's his.
    I thought they had a receipt with his signature for $85, which is an incredibly low price for that service. The signature on it was supposedly his.

    I wouldn't address all the craziness, but I think a simple "I never dropped a laptop off at x shop for repair." One sentence, not anything on the emails or child porn, just a simple statement on if that shop had Hunters laptop or not.

    I get not wanting to engage on this. I think the mistake Hillary made was constantly trying to defend her emails instead of saying "if that's what you want to focus on go ahead, I'm going to focus on the American people". Heck, the only person that handled the email issue well was Bernie Sanders infamous "we're tired of talking about her damn emails". I just think it must be his laptop or he'd have issued a statement that it wasn't.

    I agree with everyone they should ignore the contents and rumors and I suspect the reason they are ignoring the existence of the laptop is that it's his.

    Well with the great powers that be they could easily just research the serial number on that piece of equipment and so who purchased it. What company or person actually paid for it then it would be super easy to do that and track it back to him. Agree?

    Now has Rudy and his gaggle of ukrainian henchmen done that one? Nope!

    I guess it must mean it is not his.

    You see that is the same game just played from the other side.
    We don’t have an actual laptop, though, nobody does unless the FBI has it and they’re not saying. Why do we see sometimes that it’s 3 laptops that were dropped off? Yet the supposed subpoena lists one laptop and an external hard drive? We don’t know if any of the documents presented are valid. I‘m going to assume Hunter never dropped off anything to that shop until they can prove it.

    So I’m of the opinion that the less Biden says about this the better. It’s too stupid to comment on.
    Well with the great powers that be they could easily just research the serial number on that piece of equipment and so who purchased it. What company or person actually paid for it then it would be super easy to do that and track it back to him. Agree?

    Now has Rudy and his gaggle of ukrainian henchmen done that one? Nope!

    I guess it must mean it is not his.

    You see that is the same game just played from the other side.

    Except they have presented a receipt with Hunter's signature on it, so they don't need to prove anything else at this point. Maybe that is forged, I wouldn't put anything past Rudy and the Trump sycophants, but they have provided their "proof" that it's Hunter's laptop. Since nobody is denying it is his they can stand on what they have already shown.

    It's all good. I see where y'all are coming from, but if it wasn't my laptop I'd say it, and nothing else.
    Well, it’s possible the serial number is correctly Hunter’s laptop, because if they hacked said laptop they would have the serial number. That doesn’t mean they ever possessed the laptop or that it was ever dropped off at that store. So I don’t know what really happened, but I don’t trust anything Rudy and other henchmen say about the situation.
    Except they have presented a receipt with Hunter's signature on it, so they don't need to prove anything else at this point. Maybe that is forged, I wouldn't put anything past Rudy and the Trump sycophants, but they have provided their "proof" that it's Hunter's laptop. Since nobody is denying it is his they can stand on what they have already shown.

    It's all good. I see where y'all are coming from, but if it wasn't my laptop I'd say it, and nothing else.

    Is that Hunters signature? I mean i havent seen Hunters signature on any other document to compare. Like, wouldnt the NY Post include a shot of something else signed by Hunter Biden to show the similarities ( if any ) to at least provide some clarity?

    I get wanting to vehemently defend a position. But remember, this isnt in a court of law. This is public perception.

    There is so much happening right now, the ONLY side trying to keep it front and center are the accusers. At some point, with no response from the accused, it will die off because something else will take its place. OR the accusers will get so desperate to make this a "thing" they will cross a line that will ultimately reveal that this is all simply made up with no basis in reality. So the accusers will have to decide to stay on track and crank it up, or, simply let it go.

    Thats what the Biden camp is doing. There is absolutely no reason to respond to any of it. Let the accusers try to find a way to hang themselves. They always do.
    Except they have presented a receipt with Hunter's signature on it, so they don't need to prove anything else at this point. Maybe that is forged, I wouldn't put anything past Rudy and the Trump sycophants, but they have provided their "proof" that it's Hunter's laptop. Since nobody is denying it is his they can stand on what they have already shown.

    yeah...but like everything else in this story, the "signature" doesn't hold up. It's not even close to an actual sample of Hunter Biden's signature. I understand that every time someone signs something, there are variations in their signature, but the path your pen takes is the same. For example, when I write an "E" I basically write an "L" and then add two more lines to it. If someone tried to forge something I wrote, and their "E" was written like a backwards "3," that would be pretty clear evidence that I didn't write it.

    In the case of Hunter's "signature" on the invoice, there are major differences in the paths of various letters. For example, at the very end of his actual signature he goes up diagonally to the right, then comes down and makes a curve to the left. It's very angular. In the "signature" on the invoice, he goes up diagonally towards the right, then makes a sweeping loop back to the left, down, then to the right.

    That's just one of the many inconsistencies.

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