Federal criminal investigation Hunter Biden focuses on his business dealings (Update: DOJ appoints special counsel) (5 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Oct 5, 2019
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    Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the richest woman in Russia and the widow of Yury Luzhkov, the former mayor of Moscow, Senate Republicans revealed in their report on the younger Biden’s work in Ukraine.

    Baturina is referenced in the 87-page report, which was released Wednesday, addressing her payment to Biden’s investment firm in early 2014.

    “Baturina became Russia’s only female billionaire when her plastics company, Inteko, received a series of Moscow municipal contracts while her husband was mayor,” it said in providing background on the businesswoman.

    The report described her involvement with Biden as “a financial relationship,” but declined to delve deeper into why the wire transfer was made.

    The probe also found that Baturina sent 11 wires transfers between May and December 2015 to a bank account belonging to BAK USA, a tech startup that filed for bankruptcy in March 2019.

    Nine of those 11 wire transfers were first sent to Rosemont Seneca Partners, the investment firm founded by Biden and Chris Heinz, stepson of former Secretary of State John Kerry, before being transferred to BAK USA.

    We all know their is massive corruption on both sides of the aisle. Here is an alleged allegation against Hunter Biden who was allegedly enriching himself because his Dad was Vice President.
    The national media has been that way long before Trump. Trump has exacerbated their partisanship, but there are plenty of legitimate things for the press to investigate about Trump. The pee tape ain't one of them.
    This is why no one is taking you seriously. At no point did you ever deny that the media was following legitimate stories on Trump. However, you deflect and say the media has been doing it “way before Trump” with nothing to support. In short, you lost on my points that the media is just pointing out Trump’s grenades, so you avoid it and try to divert the conversation to something else.

    You have no desire to actually engage in any dialogue with anyone. You throw out talking points that you get from other website and try to make them stick here when the conversation doesn’t go your way. It is the new Republican/Trump way.

    Trump actually encouraged foreign powers to interfere with our elections for his own political gain. That should be a deal-breaker for any true American. Instead, we get the Trump projection that Hunter Biden “does it too.” Hunter isn’t an office holder. Trump is the President. If you have issues with Hunter, you should have been calling for Trump’s removal from office in January—which you were not.

    You are as inconsistent and all over the place as Trump.
    This is why no one is taking you seriously. At no point did you ever deny that the media was following legitimate stories on Trump. However, you deflect and say the media has been doing it “way before Trump” with nothing to support. In short, you lost on my points that the media is just pointing out Trump’s grenades, so you avoid it and try to divert the conversation to something else.

    You have no desire to actually engage in any dialogue with anyone. You throw out talking points that you get from other website and try to make them stick here when the conversation doesn’t go your way. It is the new Republican/Trump way.

    Trump actually encouraged foreign powers to interfere with our elections for his own political gain. That should be a deal-breaker for any true American. Instead, we get the Trump projection that Hunter Biden “does it too.” Hunter isn’t an office holder. Trump is the President. If you have issues with Hunter, you should have been calling for Trump’s removal from office in January—which you were not.

    You are as inconsistent and all over the place as Trump.
    Do you deny that the national media hasn't been liberally biased for a long time? You want me to provide a list for you? I've done that on plenty of subjects and it gets ignored. I said there are plenty of legitimate stories to cover on Trump, but because I said that the media has been biased long before Trump is a reason not to take me seriously? I've posted tons of examples of their bias on Russiagate during the Trump administration.

    For example, I reposted how the IG report showed that the Obama administration was spying on the Trump campaign and Coldseat told me there's no need to repost it.

    Your reference to Trump asking Russia for Hillary's emails as an example of him encouraging foreign powers to interfere in our election is a Democratic talking point. If Trump was truly colluding with Russia, do you really think he would use a nationally televised press conference to communicate with Russia. Wouldn't he send that message privately? How do you think Russia was going to find the missing Hillary emails that she already had deleted with bleachbit?
    Do you deny that the national media hasn't been liberally biased for a long time? You want me to provide a list for you? I've done that on plenty of subjects and it gets ignored. I said there are plenty of legitimate stories to cover on Trump, but because I said that the media has been biased long before Trump is a reason not to take me seriously? I've posted tons of examples of their bias on Russiagate during the Trump administration.

    For example, I reposted how the IG report showed that the Obama administration was spying on the Trump campaign and Coldseat told me there's no need to repost it.

    Your reference to Trump asking Russia for Hillary's emails as an example of him encouraging foreign powers to interfere in our election is a Democratic talking point. If Trump was truly colluding with Russia, do you really think he would use a nationally televised press conference to communicate with Russia. Wouldn't he send that message privately? How do you think Russia was going to find the missing Hillary emails that she already had deleted with bleachbit?

    what are the legitimate stories about Trump you support?
    I've never said the Russian interference was a hoax and you know that. What I've said about the Mueller investigation was they knew very early that there wasn't collusion, but they strung out the investigation as long as they could for maximum political damage.

    It's ironic that you would say that when you fell for the Russia Trump collusion narrative. Do you still believe that happened?

    I never said it was a hoax

    I just said it was a bullshirt, politically motivated, media driven narrative that only a total moron would fall for.......but I never said the word hoax

    So there
    SFL, I would like for you to show when I have posted tweets from anonymous accounts. I don’t believe that I have. At least not substantially, because I make an effort to not give them any credence. And when I do relay rumors or speculation I am careful to label them as such.

    As for the national security experts, you can dismiss them if you want, but it’s not smart to do so. You do not deny that Russia did intervene on Trump’s behalf in 2016 and you shouldn’t deny that it is happening again, it’s obvious that it is.

    The reason I wanted to see the photo of the supposed subpoena again was because I read that the serial number on the subpoena for the hard drive indicates that it was manufactured after the date it was supposedly dropped off at the repair shop. It’s not worth the time to look at it now, though, because it is obvious that the repair shop is just a bad cover story. I don’t believe anyone has any hardware involved, because I think the material was obtained by hacking. I also believe that Russia did it, Rudy and Trump practically begged them to do it publicly. BTW, you do it publicly because then you have plausible deniability. You can say you were just joking, right? We know now that the Russian hackers started working on Clinton’s emails within 24 hours of Trump asking them to.

    This will all come out, eventually. I tried to warn you about the Durham investigation and the unmasking. There was no spying, Trump did and is now welcoming Russian help for his own political gain. He would take help from any country that offered it, because he doesn’t really care.

    This is a strange hill you choose to die on. 🤷‍♀️
    SFL, I would like for you to show when I have posted tweets from anonymous accounts. I don’t believe that I have. At least not substantially, because I make an effort to not give them any credence. And when I do relay rumors or speculation I am careful to label them as such.

    As for the national security experts, you can dismiss them if you want, but it’s not smart to do so. You do not deny that Russia did intervene on Trump’s behalf in 2016 and you shouldn’t deny that it is happening again, it’s obvious that it is.

    The reason I wanted to see the photo of the supposed subpoena again was because I read that the serial number on the subpoena for the hard drive indicates that it was manufactured after the date it was supposedly dropped off at the repair shop. It’s not worth the time to look at it now, though, because it is obvious that the repair shop is just a bad cover story. I don’t believe anyone has any hardware involved, because I think the material was obtained by hacking. I also believe that Russia did it, Rudy and Trump practically begged them to do it publicly. BTW, you do it publicly because then you have plausible deniability. You can say you were just joking, right? We know now that the Russian hackers started working on Clinton’s emails within 24 hours of Trump asking them to.

    This will all come out, eventually. I tried to warn you about the Durham investigation and the unmasking. There was no spying, Trump did and is now welcoming Russian help for his own political gain. He would take help from any country that offered it, because he doesn’t really care.

    This is a strange hill you choose to die on. 🤷‍♀️

    Here is a link that does a pretty good job of addressing the serial number questions in a fair non-biased way. He shows how the serial number doesn't necessarily rule out the NY Post story and he has the actual serial numbers in the link.

    Can anyone explain how the Biden emails are Russian disinformation? Is there any evidence that shows it's Russian disinformation?

    This article shows the FBI subpoena of the Mac Shop owner and lists the serial numbers for the laptop and hard drive that was obtained by the FBI. There is also a DOJ receipt for the property obtained from the computer shop.

    Did a Russian agent hack Hunter Biden's computer to get the photos of him? Did a Russian agent also drop off a fake computer at the Delaware computer shop as well as forge a FBI subpoena? I honestly don't see how Hunter leaving his laptop at the computer store & then forgetting to pick it up is a sign of a Russian disinformation campaign.

    I don't think the Hunter Biden story is a bombshell or even worth investigating before the election. I do think it's something the public should know about if it's true that Hunter was profiting from his Dad's position as Vice President especially with Joe Biden said he knew nothing about it. I'm sure this kind of corruption is rampant throughout the government and both political parties.

    CNN seemed to be concerned about it when Cohen was pitching access to Trump.

    The big story is the media working together to protect Biden from anything that might hurt his election chances. The media worked together with Facebook and Twitter to censor the story. That same media sure didn't mind running hundreds of stories on the unverified Steele Dossier.

    SFL, I think the reason that people are doubting the story about the repair shop is that the owner is legally blind, cannot identify who dropped off the computers, is a big Trump fan and conspiracy theorist and his story keeps changing. There’s really no proof he ever had any hardware other than some easily faked documentation. I don’t put it past Rudy to have put him up to this story. He acted very sketchy in the one interview I saw, pretty freaked out, actually, and implied he couldn’t say more because he didn’t want to be killed. 🤦‍♀️

    The reason everyone thinks it‘s Russian, is that Rudy has been gallivanting around with people connected to Russian intelligence for over a year. Maybe closer to two years. He was asking for exactly this, and he got it. The FBI is investigating whether the material has come from Russian hackers now, from what I have read, though. And there was some talk about the one email being presented in a different format from all the others. So I assume at some point we will find out what the FBI discovers. Rudy may have some problems about it, we will see.

    As for the FBI subpoena, if Hunter supposedly dropped off three laptops, why is the subpoena only for one of them and an external hard drive? I’m just skeptical that the FBI has had this info for over a year, I’m very skeptical of that supposed subpoena. That’s all.

    I agree with you that this isn’t a big deal, though. It’s pretty rich to see Greenwald say there must be some limit to your willingness to go to bat for someone though. That gave me a chuckle. He is one of the least self-aware people on Twitter, has to be.
    Do you deny that the national media hasn't been liberally biased for a long time? You want me to provide a list for you? I've done that on plenty of subjects and it gets ignored. I said there are plenty of legitimate stories to cover on Trump, but because I said that the media has been biased long before Trump is a reason not to take me seriously? I've posted tons of examples of their bias on Russiagate during the Trump administration.

    For example, I reposted how the IG report showed that the Obama administration was spying on the Trump campaign and Coldseat told me there's no need to repost it.

    Your reference to Trump asking Russia for Hillary's emails as an example of him encouraging foreign powers to interfere in our election is a Democratic talking point. If Trump was truly colluding with Russia, do you really think he would use a nationally televised press conference to communicate with Russia. Wouldn't he send that message privately? How do you think Russia was going to find the missing Hillary emails that she already had deleted with bleachbit?
    You still don’t deny that the press is following up on legitimate stories on Trump—because you know they are legit. The questioning isn’t bias if the stories are legit.

    In short what you are saying is that “sure the questioning of Trump is legit in these stories, but I say media is biased, so I get to ignore the legitimate issues that they raise.” You are just burying your head in the sand so that you don’t have to deal with the real issues with Trump.
    Can anyone explain how the Biden emails are Russian disinformation? Is there any evidence that shows it's Russian disinformation?

    This article shows the FBI subpoena of the Mac Shop owner and lists the serial numbers for the laptop and hard drive that was obtained by the FBI. There is also a DOJ receipt for the property obtained from the computer shop.

    Did a Russian agent hack Hunter Biden's computer to get the photos of him? Did a Russian agent also drop off a fake computer at the Delaware computer shop as well as forge a FBI subpoena? I honestly don't see how Hunter leaving his laptop at the computer store & then forgetting to pick it up is a sign of a Russian disinformation campaign.

    I don't think the Hunter Biden story is a bombshell or even worth investigating before the election. I do think it's something the public should know about if it's true that Hunter was profiting from his Dad's position as Vice President especially with Joe Biden said he knew nothing about it. I'm sure this kind of corruption is rampant throughout the government and both political parties.

    CNN seemed to be concerned about it when Cohen was pitching access to Trump.

    The big story is the media working together to protect Biden from anything that might hurt his election chances. The media worked together with Facebook and Twitter to censor the story. That same media sure didn't mind running hundreds of stories on the unverified Steele Dossier.

    Peddling access is wrong. However, in the above case, Cohen worked for Trump. We just don't know if he was doing it with Trumps knowledge. Likely not though.
    SFL, I would like for you to show when I have posted tweets from anonymous accounts. I don’t believe that I have. At least not substantially, because I make an effort to not give them any credence. And when I do relay rumors or speculation I am careful to label them as such.

    As for the national security experts, you can dismiss them if you want, but it’s not smart to do so. You do not deny that Russia did intervene on Trump’s behalf in 2016 and you shouldn’t deny that it is happening again, it’s obvious that it is.

    The reason I wanted to see the photo of the supposed subpoena again was because I read that the serial number on the subpoena for the hard drive indicates that it was manufactured after the date it was supposedly dropped off at the repair shop. It’s not worth the time to look at it now, though, because it is obvious that the repair shop is just a bad cover story. I don’t believe anyone has any hardware involved, because I think the material was obtained by hacking. I also believe that Russia did it, Rudy and Trump practically begged them to do it publicly. BTW, you do it publicly because then you have plausible deniability. You can say you were just joking, right? We know now that the Russian hackers started working on Clinton’s emails within 24 hours of Trump asking them to.

    This will all come out, eventually. I tried to warn you about the Durham investigation and the unmasking. There was no spying, Trump did and is now welcoming Russian help for his own political gain. He would take help from any country that offered it, because he doesn’t really care.

    This is a strange hill you choose to die on. 🤷‍♀️
    I didn't say you posted tweets from anonymous accounts. I said you post articles that rely on anonymous sources that don't provide evidence for their claims. Those same anonymous sources have a horrible record during Russiagate.

    What are you basing your opinion on that the Biden emails were hacked and there isn't any hardware because Russia did it? Did you see the FBI subpoena with the computer shop owners name on it and the DOJ receipt of the property obtained from the computer shop? How do you explain that?

    Where did you see that Durham is finished? The only thing I've seen are speculative article saying Durham must be done because we haven't seen anymore indictments. Did you see the article about the Durham grand jury and Alfa Bank?

    There was no spying on the Trump campaign? 🙄 The IG report disagrees with you and I recently reposted the many instances where it showed that the Trump campaign was spied on. I won't post it again because it's just been ignored.
    You still don’t deny that the press is following up on legitimate stories on Trump—because you know they are legit. The questioning isn’t bias if the stories are legit.

    In short what you are saying is that “sure the questioning of Trump is legit in these stories, but I say media is biased, so I get to ignore the legitimate issues that they raise.” You are just burying your head in the sand so that you don’t have to deal with the real issues with Trump.

    selective reading.

    its like when i tell my daughter " clean your room" and 15 min later i walk in and its not clean. " Oh i didnt hear you"

    then i say " i have $100 for you" and BAM...she front and center. Heard me that time though.

    Ive asked him twice to simply post these legitimate stories he supports. Nothing.

    He runs to a website, gathers the info, returns to place here - he just thinks its all on the up and up because someone presents it nice and neat for him to just copy and paste all over here, TD poli board and his FB.

    This is Leslie Stahl on an off-camera statement by Trump back in 2016. S4L he is making a fool out of you, and you are letting him do it:

    Stahl previously said that during an off-camera conversation with Trump in 2016, when he was running for President, he admitted his attacks on the press were meant to discredit negative stories that emerged about him.

    "He said, 'You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so when you write negative stories about me, no one will believe you.' He said that," Stahl said.[\quote]
    SFL, I think the reason that people are doubting the story about the repair shop is that the owner is legally blind, cannot identify who dropped off the computers, is a big Trump fan and conspiracy theorist and his story keeps changing. There’s really no proof he ever had any hardware other than some easily faked documentation. I don’t put it past Rudy to have put him up to this story. He acted very sketchy in the one interview I saw, pretty freaked out, actually, and implied he couldn’t say more because he didn’t want to be killed. 🤦‍♀️

    The reason everyone thinks it‘s Russian, is that Rudy has been gallivanting around with people connected to Russian intelligence for over a year. Maybe closer to two years. He was asking for exactly this, and he got it. The FBI is investigating whether the material has come from Russian hackers now, from what I have read, though. And there was some talk about the one email being presented in a different format from all the others. So I assume at some point we will find out what the FBI discovers. Rudy may have some problems about it, we will see.

    As for the FBI subpoena, if Hunter supposedly dropped off three laptops, why is the subpoena only for one of them and an external hard drive? I’m just skeptical that the FBI has had this info for over a year, I’m very skeptical of that supposed subpoena. That’s all.

    I agree with you that this isn’t a big deal, though. It’s pretty rich to see Greenwald say there must be some limit to your willingness to go to bat for someone though. That gave me a chuckle. He is one of the least self-aware people on Twitter, has to be.
    The computer shop owner did state that he couldn't say for sure it was Hunter Biden that dropped off the laptops because of his vision problem.

    So you think the FBI subpoena and other documents are fake? What leads you to believe that is the case or is that just speculation?

    Rudy has been trying to get information from anyone he can including Ukrainians and Russia. Since it appears that the computer shop did have the laptops and we have evidence of the FBI subpoena and other documents it doesn't seem like those people Rudy was trying to get information from are connected.

    The FBI is investigating whether it's Russian disinformation according to.....anonymous sources. That seems like an easy thing for the FBI to confirm publicly without revealing anything about the investigation.

    (CNN)US authorities are investigating whether recently published emails that purport to detail the business dealings of Joe Biden's son in Ukraine and China are connected to an ongoing Russian disinformation effort targeting the former vice president's campaign, a US official and a congressional source briefed on the matter said.

    Greenwald was a respected journalist until he didn't go along with the Russian collusion media narrative. The media blames so many things on Russia its hard to keep up with or take seriously.
    SFL, I told you in my post why I doubt the repair shop story. The document shown is an easy fake, why do you assume it’s real, coming from the NY Post, and Rudy Giuliani? Can’t get much less credible than that.

    You can choose to ignore more than 50 former national security officials who say it looks and seems like Russian disinformation, you can choose to believe the somewhat shaky sources. You just don’t get to act like it’s self-evident that you are correct.
    You still don’t deny that the press is following up on legitimate stories on Trump—because you know they are legit. The questioning isn’t bias if the stories are legit.

    In short what you are saying is that “sure the questioning of Trump is legit in these stories, but I say media is biased, so I get to ignore the legitimate issues that they raise.” You are just burying your head in the sand so that you don’t have to deal with the real issues with Trump.
    Nope that's not what I was saying. The media has gotten so many supposed bombshells wrong during Russiagate and they all used anonymous sources. You would think after they got burned a few times they would tighten up their verification process, but they still run story after story of a supposed bombshells based on anonymous sources that fizzles out after closer examination.
    Peddling access is wrong. However, in the above case, Cohen worked for Trump. We just don't know if he was doing it with Trumps knowledge. Likely not though.
    How is the supposed peddling of access that different if someone works for them or if they are family?
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