New topic to take our minds off the presidential transition... (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known member
    Nov 20, 2019
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    Center of the Universe
    The future leadership of the House Democrats. Today, Pelosi pretty much confirmed that this is likely her last time leading the caucus. So, who replaces her? Frankly, I'm not sure I'm crazy about any of the names mentioned in the link because they all seem to be Pelosi-lite.

    Whay does the future hold for House Dems?

    I'd be against any of the extreme progressives. I'd like to see somebody like Schiff or Jeffries. Maybe Tim Ryan. Radicals from either side are best left in the house chamber and not in party leadership.
    I'd be against any of the extreme progressives. I'd like to see somebody like Schiff or Jeffries. Maybe Tim Ryan. Radicals from either side are best left in the house chamber and not in party leadership.

    Why do you think so? I'm curious. If we need radical change, why not put a "radical" in charge? Who would you consider radical?
    I'd be against any of the extreme progressives. I'd like to see somebody like Schiff or Jeffries. Maybe Tim Ryan. Radicals from either side are best left in the house chamber and not in party leadership.

    Why? If the Democratic party is supposed to be this circus tent of different people, why shouldn't they be in leadership? I'm not just talking progressives either.
    off the transition? have you been to the SSF THIS MORNING? I came here to escape that insufferable place.


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