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Moral Conflict!
The Problem with the fall of Adam-man and men who follow
Genesis 3:15 (Aramaic) Satan I will put enmity between yourself, you are cursed beyond all that I have created, you will have conflict within yourself and the woman, and between your generation and her generation; My Son shall bruise your head, and take away all that I have given you, for what you have done in My Kingdom, and on earth for Sorrow has filled heaven, as it was realized that Adam-man and the gentile humanity now is lost, and the world that I God created is to be filled mortal conflict, sufferance, misery, sickness even on to death. Humanity will also have conflict within
Morality will govern human decisions, moral conflict all the days of her life they are no way of her escape of her offend and Satan shall bring sufferance
Many generations shall pass, but My Son shall many conflicts with man, My Son will and shall prevail, for I am with Him, and my children’s through Him shall be saved forevermore, and humanity through the Holy Spirit shall prevail, for the spirit of man cannot endure all things, for he is created in my image, but because humans are moral, they shall have a conflict with my spirit, humans will not always strive with me forever
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