MUD PIT Rules/Guidelines


NOTICE:  This forum contains some adult content, not suitable for viewing by users under the age of 18.  The Mud Pit is only available to users who are at least 18 years old. If you are younger than this, please back out of this forum.  By visiting this forum you represent that you are 18 years of age or older.
All content you submit, upload, or otherwise make available to the Service ("Content") may be reviewed by staff members. All Content you submit or upload may be sent to third-party verification services (including, but not limited to, spam prevention services). Do not submit any Content that you consider to be private or confidential
-NO PORNOGRAPHY OR LINKS TO HARDCORE PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIAL. If the site that you are linking to contains nudity (Softcore), Then NSFW (Not safe for work) the link.

Where the posting of photos containing nudity is concerned, the private parts must be covered. That includes nipples, vaginas, penises and anuses. See through garments (where you can clearly see the private parts) is not considered acceptable coverage.

*NO PHYSICAL THREATS OR STALKING. (Including invading another persons privacy)



*IF IT IS ILLEGAL OTHERWISE, IT ISN'T ALLOWED. This includes the posting of personal information about, or photos of another member without their permission.

*Anyone found to be trying to push threads off of the public boards to get them moved to the Mud Pit in order to attack someone (or any other reason for that matter) will lose their access to Mud Pit. If you feel like there is something that you just have to say to someone send them a PM/Invite instead.

*Anyone that is found to be intentionally posting garbage threads on the other boards in order to land them in the Mud Pit will also lose their access to the Mud Pit. Wearing the fact that your posts land here in the Mud Pit like it is a badge of honor may get you banned completely.

*NSFW any links to sites containing obscenities.

*No calling out of members not participating in the Mud Pit. Address posters and posts in the context of threads the mods drop in here. If you have a beef with another member that isn't participating in the Mud Pit, then we ask you to hash it out via DM's rather than inviting the person to, or calling the person out on this board.

*We do not want the Mods working overtime due to the Mud Pit. Please do not waste the staffs time reporting posts concerning personal insults, being ganged up upon, or anything petty. If you don't have a thick enough skin to handle such, then do not participate on this board.

*No threats of bodily harm, or other malicious threats.

*No calling out the Mods (site wide rule). If a mod is participating in a smack, only then is that specific mod fair game for smack talk.

*No smack aimed at non-participating members. Keep the smack aimed at one another (those participating on the Mud Pit Board).

*No posting of personal information of other members that are not specifically approved for your use by that member.

*When you exit the Mud Pit and visit other public MAP community boards, leave your Mud Pit personas at the door. Spillover from this board will not be tolerated.

 Alerts to any additions or changes to the rules here with be noted in the title.

Check this post for updates regularly. No telling what I may have forgotten to include here.

Have fun! But use a little common sense and maybe this place will stick around. It does serve a purpose.

Andrus Whitewing
Owner and Webmaster -      
© Mad About Politics, LLC - 2019